December 1950 School Magazine
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December, 1950
Brisbane Girls' Grarnmqr School Maga~ine
CZ1e v'Vl~_,~Zi"le '-"f cr;e g,,.,sb~,.,e G"·'s' G,-~Y¥\Y¥\~r r-6'7'""'""'
WE have heard and read much about the develop- ment of education over the last fifty years; but how many of us have paused to consider its full significance? Some, taking a more restricted view of education, believe that it continues only until that day when, for the last time, they turn their backs upon the classroom. In their own estimation, they are finished products, and are thus oblivious of the fundamental reasonings and causes which affect the continual changes in the present day world. The result alone concerns them. On the other hand, there are those who, regard- ing it in its broadest application, realise that educa- tion is lifelong, and that the education they received at school is but a doorway supported by the pillars of experience, which leads to the vast and ever- growing wealth of knowledge. ' 'All experience is an arch where thro' Gleams that untravelled world, whose margin fades Forever ar1d forever when I move." Those who remain outside these bounds become self-centred and dissatisfied; whereas those who enter are seeking the end of education, which is wisdom, and a re blessE·d with tolerance and under- standing on their way.
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Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
December, 1950
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
December, 1950
CURRENT EVENTS This half year has seen much activity on the sports field, some important social events, and a change in the Staff. The. first event of importance was the Inter-Form Athletics ' Day wh1ch · was he ld on the Boys' Grammar School oval on Exhibition Friday. It was a worrderful day, the honours going to IV D. The highlight of third term was the Inter-School Athletics' Carnival, in which our teams p layed confidently and skilfully and. succeeded in winning the three trophies- the Junior and Semor Cups an~ the Stephens' Cup for the highest aggregate. After the A~hl~hcs, the team, Sixth Form and the Boa rders entertame d at a High Tea by the Old Girls' Association. Th1s was much apprecmted and formed a hapoy conclusion to a great day. - . Parents' Day in third term was at the same time a most fnendly gathering of parents and girls, and a great financial success. We .all shared Mi~s Lilley's pride and happiness when she receiVed the School s grateful presentation in honour of her twenty-fifth year as Head-mistress.
: - ·The ·clubs were continued every second Friday until the end of last term, and on the alternate Friday afterno~ns we enjoyed talks by visiting speakers on topics of general interest. Miss Piddington spoke on University · life, Miss Stephen$ on her experiences as a teacher in India and New Guinea, Mr. Campbell spoke on Australian Art, and Mr. Mack enlightened us considerably with regard to the work of the Queensland Museum. .. The ·School Basketball and Tennis :teams have played well this season. The A and B Basketball teams won the Premiership against St. Hilda's and. State Commercial High School respectively, and the B Tennis team won against Com- mercial. The Inter-Form Basketball and Tennis matches have been enthusiastically played and closely followed. The Basketball was won by Form III B, and the Tennis by Firth Form. The Singles and Doubles Tennis Cha!Ilpionships are now being played. At Michaelmas we were very sorry to say goodbye to Miss Benney, after her long association with the School, and we express once more our best wishes for her happiness . We take this opportunity of welcoming Mr. Finch to the School. Once again school and public examinations are practically upon us, and rising around us like clouds of dust from the tap Netball court is the well-known atmosphere of study and rmticipation. VI 1950 came and we were Sixth Formers. We had waited long for that honoured position, for the garden preps., for the pleasant responsibilities v:;hich help to keep school life running smoothly; but now, as we count the days to the Senior, we ask, where are those many weeks which make the year? Have we passed through them completing our duties, or did they slip from careless hands and sink into the mass of un- expressed thanks, forgotten kindnesses and neglected studies? Each day can be accounted for whether it embraced some memorable occasion such as Parents' Day, the enjoyable Sixth Form Dance or Inter-Form sports days when we bowed before the prowess of IV D, ·v and III B in Athletics, Tennis and 15 FORM NOTES
. PREFECTS, 1950 K. Qu•;;· ~· MacLean, L. Edmiston, M. Roberts, B. Payne · ochran, E. Marks (Head Girl), C. Savage 14
December, . -l.9S.O,
BriSbane Girls' · Grammar School Magazine
December, 1950
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
IVA 'This year's IV A began it~ d Fo&th Fdr~'~ ' 1i{~()With' 1 iH~. privilege of having the cla~sro;m · l!_r:)~tairs. The,' 'fd:ct ',?fJ1fs' isolation from the rest of the school-rooms and the sti::rlf"toom, is greatly appreciated by the members of the Form\ )'duid' ·lifs elevated position commands an inspiring view of the life of the Terrace. .We trained hard for the Il).t~r-Fq~m Athletics, 9Ild th:cpugh we ' did not, gain a high place', we improved upo:p ' our !lq~,t year's score. Our congratulations t9 ,; IV D , who won: . J3efl:\, ; Noela, Everil and HeathE?r represented us in *~: ~cJ;lqol.,I}.N;Y.E?tiqy team, while Denise played in thE? B Tennis _t,E?am. : Als;o,earli§f in the year, Diana and Heather wE?re in the Swimming team. Congratulations to Ill B upon their winning ,, the ' Inter-Fo:rm Bask~tball, and tc:i V for their tE?nnis win. 1 '- '· ]· . ·! · , :; i ThE? Junior and Senior are now drawing very close, and we are studying hard. We extend our best wishes to all thos9_ sitting for the exams. '' ' · . ~ ; l -i ) / ' We would like to thank Madame, our Form Mistress, who has been so helpful during the year, and the other members: of the Staff who have been with us this year. ! , . A Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to Miss Lilley and all the Staff. IVB Although for some of us it is our last year at schooL :J...e will never forget our Grammar School days. We wish to thank Miss Crooks for patient help and advice to us throughout the year, and all the Staff very much for their excell-ent tuition in preparation for the forthcoming examination. We were well represented in the School ' teams. Our three swimmers gained pockets and our seven Athletics members were also very successful. Among our ranks we were hon- oured to have the Junior Athletics Captain and the Life-saving1 Captain. Two of our members were in the Basketball teams' which we congratulate heartily on their success. Our con- gratulations are also extended to the B Tennis team (of which Jennifer was the reserve) for their premiership win. ",\ Our congratulations are E?xtended to IV .P for their brilliant effort in the Inter-Form Athletics, Jll B for theidBasketball· wihl arid Fifth for the Tennis. Basketball respectively; or whether it was an ordinary school day. Truly Sixth Form school days are full and full days are happy ones. This is fitting as they are a last refuge before entering a new life of bustling exploration and discovery in which we move to the beginning of a new phase, learning to adapt ourselves and in that way- contribute to its progress. For their guidance and assistance in preparing us, not only for our final year but throughout our school life, we wish to thank Miss Lilley, Miss Macmillan and the Staff. For to persevere in the ideals nurtured at the Brisbane Girls' Grammar School is the nearest way to success and happiness. v As the days of 1950 are running out quite fast, We take time off from studies to glance back on our past:- This year as "Fifth" we've done our best in everything at School, In work and on the sports field, we've kept the "Golden Rule' ' , And next year when we're Sixth Form, we'll strive that we might be A creditable Senior Form for all the School to see! On Inter-Form Athletics Day, we filled place number four, Congrats. to winners Form IV D (with 34 your score). For Inter-School Athletics teams, six members supplied we- Jan, Cecily, Leone, Carmel, Ruth, and runner Joanie B. Then nimble fingers knitted a gay rug, soft and warm For some dear old English lady, with best wishes from Fifth Form. We learnt the hidden meaning in Algebra and Trig, And made .chrome alum crystals- but they just would not grow big. Our tennis team, Leone and Bet., Cecily and Roslyn too Played Form IV D - a thrilling match - and they pulled V Form through. In the finals, they met the Seniors, but our team had practised up- And we were well rewarded, for they won the silver cup. In netball III B played our Form, and these sub-juniors won- Thank you for the splendid game, we did enjoy the fun. -And now, to one and all we say, as the end of term draws near, A very merry Christmas, and a happy bright new year. 16 Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magcnine , December, 1950 December• .. tssa Brisbane · Girls' Grammar School Magazine We wish fellow Junior and Senior candidates the best of luck in their examinations, and .we also hope that the 3rds .and Sths are successful in their yec:irly exams. ' We wish Miss Lilley and her Staff a Merry Christmas and a .,Pro;:;perous New Y ecv. . .- IVC It was with much regret that we farewelled, in September, our Form Mistress, Miss Benney, who had piloted not only us; but so many IV C's before us, through the Junior year. We all thank her for her sincere guidance, and wish her every happiness in her new life~ .We welcome as .our new. Form Mistress, Mrs. Logan, whom we also wish to thank for all the help she has given us during the past few weeks. . Our sporting prowess was somewhat dimmed at the Inter- Form Athletics where we strove, but unfortunately, did not excel; our congratulations go to IV D. This failure we partly atoned for by defeating the' Dth~r three Fourth Forms in the Inter-Form Basketball ·matches. . We ·were in turn defeated by III B, whose tearri. .We w!sh : to . congTatulate' on their victory in th~ ; final match 9.9~~t .VI. JorJ11. . We also extend our con- gratulations to V Form on winning IntE!rcForm ,Tennis. We are very proud of our representatives in the School, Tennis and Athletics teams fo'r the part they played in Inter- School sports. : .. . I f · .! · B$sides ·, 'attencliiri.g! :to ;·-·Ou.r · ~tudi~s. we have beeri ·kept busy this year with ·dm lrucycktiittin:g, dn:d we . dre proud of the result of our effort) which is' itiow:'on ifs .Way to some needy person in England:. We ;also 1 il:t!rd qtlite a hectic tifrie prepctiin , . . . IVD · Our second year .a't the School has passed far t,oo qhick~y for us all. Throughout the · yec:ir vie have beep , u11der th~ careful guidance of Mrs. Jackson. We thank her for. ~er understanding, and her patience with •our attempts at ~mtt~ng a rug which has at last been, s~nt, ,bright colours and 1ts one- end-wider-than-the-other, to bring warmth (and am';lsemer::t) ,tg someone in England. Our needle~work Par~nt,s Day, enjoyed by all, were fortunately .better. , . . . : . , , IV D's scholastic record was not outstanclmg, but we f~~l that we have made up for this lack of distinction :in schopl work by our efforts in sport. · With the help ~f Sammy, o~ mascot, we triumphed in the Inter-School Athlehcs. In Tenm,s, we reached the semi-finals, but here we were. .Qeaten by V~ congratulations on your win in the fina~s, V. ·WB had 1o submit to IV C in Basketball - congratulatwns, III B, . on yol1r excellent play in this field of sport. Our pro~pect~ for the Swimming are not too bright so all we can do 1s tram- ~:md hope! We were well represented in. Inter-School. e':'ent~-' Basketball, Tennis and Athletics where hll and Ann dlshngmsh- ed themselves in running events. We wish all girls the best of luck in their exams and wish Miss Lilley, the Staff and girls a happy holiday and a merry Christmas! rnA Hereby we do apologise To all those friends whose loving eyes These our doings will peruse, And hope our faults they will excuse. , Having thus unburdened our minds by this confessioil and apolcgy, we proceed with clear consciences to relate The 1950 History of III A ··' · . .. ,, 1. The Inter-Form War (31st Jan.-?) . . Important advances were made in Basketball this year. Three of our team members have attained School-team status. Captain Ellen Westaway is expected to win important tennis victories, and our navy, H.M.A.S. Jill and H.M.A.S. Colle,,en participated in the Inter"Schol Battle Ost April). In Athlell?s, Lola Benvenuti, Colleen Gleeson, Margaret Roberts, Ellen Westaway, and last but certainly not least, Jill Malouf. have crowned "III A" with laurel wreaths. · 00 points in Inte~-Fo~m. Sports). · ' · · · Results : (a) Fine spirit of ·competition. . (b) Determination to do evem better in future!' ' · ·19 · ., December, 1950 Brisbane Girls'·~ Grammar School Magazine BHsbaiie ~'Girls' ' Grmnmar School Magazine'' December. · 1950 ' We are nOt very talented in Tennis, being defeated by III F in the second Third Form heat, but our ·,Basketball compen" sates fcir that . Our four School team · representatives .(two in the B and two in the C teams) were in our Form team and we thank VI Form for the difficult and exciting game we played in the finals. Everyone did her share towards knitting a rug, which was sent to England, after being displayed with the rugs knitted by other Forms, on Parents' Day. To make that day successful; : we helped provide produce and handiwork for the stalls, ·and musical entertainment and drinks for the visitors. To all Junior and Senior candidates who are now feeling the strain of study, we wish every success in the forthcoming examinations . Our thanks to all our Mistresses and especially . to our Form Mistresses, Miss Weaver and Mrs. Toppe~, who have helped to make our first year a successful and happy one. We send our best wishes to all for a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. me Our Form, III C, comprising twenty-eight girls, is taking a Commercial course. This year we have had the use of four different rooms for our classes. We were fortunate in occupying the VIth form r.oom for the first term. We found it a pleasant room with its French- lights opening on to the front verandah with its many beautiful pot-plants. Now, after a term in the Library, we are settled in the cottage with Form III E, and share with them the dis- tractions of the Terrace. As for Inter-Form Athletics, all we can say is that we hope to do better next year. This year we have certainly not distinguished ourselves in sport Our Inter-Form Basketball · match proved a great victory for the opposing Form, III D, but we improved our play in the Tennis matches, as we managed to reach the finals of the Third Form matches, where, unfortu- nately, we were outplayed by Form III F. In the Inter-School Athletics on September 2nd, two of our girls, Elwynne Meyer and Judy Eyles, were chosen for ball-teams. Many of the girls in our Form worked hard for the Athletics, but were not fortunate enough to be placed in 2. Education rr .,.·~· ·r!>h klflv1ng toppeci ~ J¥e~ 1 Fst ir'}J· the . half-yearly exam.ina~ions , ')¥,~ CITEt , cj.etermined, to l.![etgin ow;;,eup for the highest Third Fo~m A,y:ergg,e p~ · th~ nYJep:r,: , .· .: ~~ ; , 3; ;; G~h~ral Evert~ Qll.d qe~erO:l Tone of Society , 1 ; 1 ' ;/ ,'f~e ,Form ~?7 . ' siiyrra:l 1 , Hmes been e~acuc;rted fro~ . one room tQ another . At ._present ·we are settled m the Library Rbo~ (opE:m to (;:11 \r~~itor's : aU )P.e time; eviciently under- ~to9d, put we lif-e to ~e ., ~o~pitableJ General society is a patchwork of niil'd' , vice cfud shining virtue (?). We would 1i:ke ~t thi,s jun'df[~~~' oft~~ · ;;i;nshing Miss Lilley and the Staff ~., i~rfi ·. h~ppy ~~as .· va~b.tion, ' to express our sincere gratih.).de to :Miss Brophy for .gmding as through many troubles and enduring us ford 'year. Th~s acknowledgement is nqt affected o* , pretenhpus, though it moy look like overstatement. Three cheers . for Miss Brophy! ·'' } { ; ) '! ; : : 1 ' : : :!) ' .,, 1,WhatE;Jve:r. we :;;ay, however, we are proud of our Form and; )ts o:chie;vemer;tts, and to end ·"' ,,I "·: ''' :i Though .red >is' r ich and b lue is b right, Though orange warm a ttrads . the sight , None can our affections "sever ' '";' . ,. , , ,Frorri the · ; ,G~eeil" and 'Black Forever" ! ·: • ~ •: : r ) ... ~ . : :· "' : ; .. . IIIB Our first year at the School is coming to a close and we shall be very sad to leave our present home -the detention room- to embark upon the Junior year. But we do not think the members of the Stcuf wil1 mourn our absence ! Our apologies for any discpmfort we have caused them during th:1;L past ,year. ;m· ~v· (oi;.! ·Miss Weaver, who 1put us · :at our ease when i, we· firs t came, bewildered and l:nexperieni:::ed, is now touring Great Britain and the Continent. · Her .m Gmy letters sent-h ome have l:J~~.n verry in.t13resting and ex~itin~;. so we shaH~cP,lil _ looking forw9rd. ,tP lecture.s ab,out her trcrvels on he r reb,mjt;;.ea rly next ¥:~· · : llt, :·· ···)qx.. ·, ·.. ~· :rc :21 Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine · December; · 1950 December; 1950 Brisbane Girls'· Grammar School Magazine . We were sorry to lose our Geography Mistress, Miss Benney, to whom we said goodbye at Michaelmas . In :her place we now have Mr. Finch to whom all the· girls have taken a great liking, and it is quite a change to find ourselves saying "Yes, Sir" instead of the usual "Yes, Miss So and So." This year our Form designed' a pattern for a ~Gg to send home to England. Each girl helped in making . it, and Joy Johnston volunteered to crochet round the edge. It was sent to "The Over-Sixty Club" in Cambridge, and our rug was the first from the School to be received. We received a very nice letter and also a postcard thanking us for it. On Parents' Day, our Form contributed a number of beauitful things to be sold on the Third Form stall. We would like to thank our Form Mistress, Miss Elliott, whose kindness and patience has meant a lot to us all. Her untiring enthusiasm has been a great inspiration to the girls in our Form. . . . ' Our thanks are also due to · Miss Lilley : and the · rest of the Staff, who have helped to make our ' first ·'year here a: very happy one. We wish them all a happy Christmas and pleasant holidays. ·· .. ··· mn · '·'l· '· For most of us this was th~ first yea r of GU!T secondary: school life pnd Y{f:J encmmterf:)d ma_nx ,• tJ.iffic;u~tie.s, ,,but \;With thehelpful guigance of ourForm Mistress, Miss Epf;! lcmd, thE)y: were ,easily oven:::OmE). . Jli ' '•di •.;. .>:1!: Our room is next to the Art Studio; and we hope tha:t :Mt sJ Logan will accept our humblest apologies for any >disturbcrnt es ' we have caused her. ,,, ..,...,·.. "· 1· ' • On Inter-Form sports day, We ·'dchieved seo<'Jnd place in the Third Forms, gainiqg .sixteen points. We :hG:dl. ' dn '.·enjoy-' able day. Our Tennis team;. V alerie · Jltaams,• Parn :.r.'Cooke ' .1'.1·'• . , Helene King and Lyn Flower, did very well in the Inter-Form Tennis, but did not achieve a win. The Basketball team was successful in defeating III G, but after a stren~ous battle with III B; we lost. We had several girls in the Inter-School sports teams, namely, Basketball, Swimming and Athletics. During the year we made an attractive . ruc:r ,to be sent overseas. This was on display on Parents' Day. .On this day many articles made by the Form were sblp .on the Third Forrn stall. The Form wishes Miss Lilley and members of the Staff a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. mE During the past year, III E have worked and played in our far cottage with Miss Matthews. We knitted a rug to send overseas, and although it took us six months to do, we are quite proud of the finished product. At the Inter-Form Athletics our team came fifth . This was the highest place gained by a Third Form, and we had the junior champion, Jean Stewart. Our congratulations go to the winners, IV D. In the Inter-Form Basketball and Tennis, we ' were not at all successful, but we give heartiest congratu- lations to III B, the winners of the Basketball, and to V, the winners of Tennis. Joy Ward won points for the School in the Inter-School Swimming and we had several representatives from our Form in the Inter-School Athletics. Joy Ward, Helen Raine, Jean Stewart helped win points for the School while Jill Daniels was reserve. At the end of last term the School held a Parents' Day. There was a cooking competition and some girls of our Form received prizes, which shows that the girls can cook if they can't do anything else! The mid-winter examinations came and went. We fared fairly well, but now the Sub-Junior looms close, as well as the Senior and Junior, and we wish the girls sitting for these all important exams., every success. Finally, we extend our heartiest appreciation to Miss Lilley and the Staff for everything they have done for us, and we wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. .: 23 -MARIE . CUNNINGHAM. IILE C22 December, 1950 Brisbane Girls' Grammar School .Magazine Brisbane Girls'. Gramm . December, , 1950 rnr .. .. The flr;s(day ,y{as filled with expectatron: and ~xtit~m~rit ~k we lfegan . qur sec'onqtrry school life an~~ .routine. w~ . event; ually settled down under the helpful , guida~ce of Miss Kennedy. \ . - i . . - ' ·. • , :1 , . Although. we have a comparatively small Form, we were fortunate enough to have two rep_re~entatives in . tne : School $'Yf~mm1ng team, PEiJgy Dunn and. Judith Jame~ · m(}esi:irve. We also had three in the School Afnlehcs, John'ette ' Zillman, Jocelyn Mciver and June Whitaker. . · ' · · .I • ' Lola Beattie, 01lf outstanding termi~ - plqyer, was ~hosen for the School A Tennis team. In the Inter~Form Tennis we succeeded in winning the III Form Tennis finals, but were finally defeated and would like to offer our congratulations to IV D who won after a hard game. In the Basketball we lost to III A. and in the Inter-Form Athletics, we came well down on the score board: However, the Swimming is . still to come. During the year III F knitted a brigh~ly, coloured ~uc} which will be sent to England. We were very sorr:y · to lose Miss Benney, welcoming in her place, Mr. Finch. ·.·· - · ' •· We' would like =· to wish the Junior and SE!'nior candidates the 'best ofluck, arid Miss Lilley and the Stoff, a Merry Chrfst- mas ·ond a Happy New Year. · · •: · ·• · ii · . ··:1 . BOARDERS' NOTES Did you see that 1-o-n-g croc. leaving the Exhibition Grounds on Sports Day? Did you wcnder who those people were in front? Have you ever wondered what they do in ti:J.eir spare time? Here is enlightenment for YOU ! Many interesting and enjoyable outings have been ar- ranged for us during the year. Our most well-remembered were t.1.e Gilbert and Sullivan opera, "The Yeomen of the Guard", the production of "Macbeth" by Twelfth Night Theatre, and the film, "Red Shoes". As well as these, there have been four other picture parties, trc:m rides and hikes. On Empire Youth Sunday, we watched the procession of young people through the city. Although we followed to St. John's Cathedral, we were unable to attend the service there, as there was such a crowd. Boarders' teams have practised well this year and our efforts have not been entirely unrewarded . In our challenge to the Inter-Form winners in Athletics, we were successful in Tunnel-ball, and quite close to the winning team in the others. Our Tennis and Basketball teams have yet to play against the successful Forms, V and III B. Among our achievements for the year, are our efforts for Parents' Day. Our stall was a great success, and our raffles deserve special mention - the dressed doll, and the "lqying' ' duck. The Boarders' Party '.vas held early this year, and we enjoyed entertaining our day-girl friends very much. At the beginning of second term, Miss Weaver left us for her overseas trip, and Mrs. Rorke joined the resident Staff in her stead. Y.le all welcomed her and hope she has a pleasant stqy in the boarding-house. We should like to thank Miss Lilley and the resident staff for their help and guidance throughout the . year. . To the teaching staff and one and all, we wish a very happy Christ- mas and a bright and prosperous New Year. -A.M.B. 25 · · BASKETBALL, : 1 gsa' 24 Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine December, 1950 Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine December, 1950 Sports Notes TENNIS This year finds our "B" team in a very exalted mood after their win of the "B" pennant- congratulations, you well de- served it. The "A" team was less successful in its matches, but the tennis was of a high standard and enjoyed by everyone. Five teams participated in the match against the Old Girls this year and four of these teams proved successful. The play was very keen and the experience gained helped us consider- ably during the year. Great interest was shown throughout the School in the various matches conducted during the Inter-Form tournament. Fifth was successful against Sixth in the finals after a very exciting tussle. The School Championships, still in progress, have been enthusiastically patronised and the finals are rapidly ap- proaching. In closing we wish to thank Mr. Moon for his helpful advice, our very efHcient scorers and afternoon tea girls and .all who helped to make the tennis season as successful as it was. -L.P. Cliticism of the Team ROSEMARY MACLEAN- Rosemary has proved a very strong member of the team. Her forehand drive and back- hand are consistent but her service should be more reliable . She shows good judgment in the placing of balls. LOLA BEATTIE -Lola has been an energetic member of the team and has played with excellent spirit. Her forehand drive and net strokes have greatly improved and her backhand is extremely good. ELLEN WESTAWAY -Ellen has played with a rea l "fight- ing" spirit and deterr:1ination throughout the season and has proved a willing team member. Her volley needs to be im- proved, as does her service, but her forehand and placement are good. -L.P. LEONE PLEDGER -Leone has played very steadily throughout the season. Her backhand and volley have im- proved considerably and she has been a good captain. -- R.M. 27 26 Brisbane Girls ' Grammar School Maqazine December, 1950 December, 1950 Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Maqazine Inter"School Tennis A Team St. Margaret's v. B.G.G.S. -won by B.G.G.S. by 16 games. I.G.G.S. v. B.G.G.S. - won by B.G.G.S. by 23 games . . St. Hilda's v. B.G.G.S.- won by St. Hilda's by l game. Somerville House v. B.G.G.S.- won by Somerville House by 14 games. B.S.H.S. v. B.G.G.S.- v.ron by B.S.H.S. by 20 games. B Team St. Margaret's v. B.G.G.S. - won by B.G.G.S. by l game. I.G.G.S. v . B.G.G.S.- won by B.G.G.S. by 19 games . St. Hilda' s v. B.G.G.S. - won by St. Hilda's by 5 games. Somerville House v . B.G.G.S. --won by B.G.G.S. by 26 games. B.S.H.S. v. B.G.G.S. - won by B.G.G.S. by 19 games. Finals: S.C.H.S. v. B.G.G.S. - won by B.G.G.S. by 6 games. SWIMMING After morning and afternoon serious swimming practices under the critical and encouraging eyes of Mrs Rorke, our team won a gratifying fourth place to Somerville House, Clay- field College and St. Margaret's in the Inter-School Swimming Carnival held in the first term of this year at the Booroodabin Baths. A Blue was awarded to Peggy Dunn and pockets to Sybil Reid, Kathryn Quin, Diana Boulton, Mary Morris, Lesley Ander- son, Elizabeth Cummings, Eve Ha ll, Jill Malouf, Colleen Gleeson, Lesley Forman and Joy Ward for successes in their events. No doubt the extra swimming which the girls did in class periods which were arranged during first term helped to bring about this success. In the Life-saving we were placed fourth out of five teams · entered, but with continued training we hope that next year this position may be improved. The Inter-Form Swimming to be contested during the last r week of term should prove very exciting as members of the School team are evenly distributed throughout the Forms. In conclusion, we should like to thank Mrs. Rorke for all the work she has done for the team. 29 A TENNIS TEAM, 1950 L. Beattie, R. MacLean, E. Westaway, L. Pledqer (Capt.) B TENNIS TEAM, 1950 D. Palmer , E. Ross , R. Kemp, F . Baker 28 December, 1950 Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine Brisbane Girls ' Grammar School Magazine December, 195(} ATHLETICS As first term drew to a close thoughts turned to that "out of bounds region, the track", where so many new girls had not dared to trespass; and which, after the Easter holidays became as well known as the classroom. \'\Then the rain dampened our spirits they were revived in the restricted quarters of the gymnasium which still retains its roof and four walls despite the shouts and stamps of enthusiasm that threatened its destruction. As usua l, the Inter-Form Sports were held on Exhibition Friday and we thank Mr. Piggott for a llowing us to use t.~e B.G.S. Oval for our Carnival. Before the running of the last event excitement was at a high p itch for IV D and VI each had thirty-three points, but IV D gained the ultimate victory to win Miss Mollison's Cup. It was on Oval No. 2 at the Exhibition Grounds that the Inter-School Athletics were held this year and, although they were less impressive for the specta tors, there was no lack of excitement for we won the Stephens, Senior and Junior Cups by a happy margin. Our sincerest thanks go to Mrs. Rorke for coaching us to victory for the sixth year in succession. -E.O.M. A BASKETBALL TEAM, 1950 ·1. Bartlett , E. Marks (Capt.) , V. White, C. Beak, S. 'Reid, K. Quin, A. Greenhalgh, ]. Collard B BASKETBALL TEAM, 1950 M. Allen, G. Pask (Capt.) , P. Napier, ). Ward, ]. Iliff, L. Anderson, Y. Dalzell SWIMMING TEAM, 1350 M. .. Morris, ]. Straus s, M. Dunn, S. Reid, L. Anderson , E. Hall , K. Quin, :0:.., ]. Ward, D. Boulton, E. Marks. "(Capt.), ). Malouf, P . Hoffman C. Gleescn, E. Cummings .30 31 December. 19.50 ! .Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine . Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine December• . 1950 B.G.G.S. v. Somerville House ----- BASKET-BALL Basketball this season commenced with our annual match against the Old Girls at which we were - the hostesses. This game always proves invaluable as it prepares the new teams for Inter-School competition. This year the teams were composed main- ly of Sixth and Third Formers which pro- vided a combination of long experience and E. c., rv B. new vigour. The "new vigour" soon became ' familiar with the cries of "curve your fingers", "back on your ·heels" and "close to her" and as a result of Mrs. Rorke's un- tiring coaching, both A and B teams won their premiership. The final matches, held on our lower court, were played against St. Peter's in the A and State Commercial High School in the B, and we were very pleased to see the School taking such an interest .in the game. For the first time in the record of Inter-Form Basketball, III B went from success to success and, scattering the seasoned Sixths in all directions, won the shield with flying colours. A Team B.G.G.S. v. St. Margaret's- won by B.G.G.S. B.G.G.S. v. Ipswich Grammar School - won by B.G.G.S. B.G.G.S. v. St. Hilda's- won by B.G.G.S. B.G.G.S. v . Somerville House - won by B.G.G.S. B.G.G.S. v. Brisbane State High School- won by B.G.G.S. Final Match :- B.G.G.S. v. St. Peter's- won by B.G.G.S. B Team B.G.G.S. v. St. Margaret's- won by B.G.G.S. B.G.G.S. v. Ipswich Gh:unrhbr School - won by B.G.G.S. B.G.G.S. v. St. Hilda's - won by B.G.G.S. The results of Inter-School matches are as follows : 32 December, 1950 . Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine December, 1950 Club Notes pen" and that. "the age of chivalry is not dead". Popular music won its battle against classical to the jubilation of the jive addicts. At the last meeting impromptu speeches were held and this proved the most successful day of all, mainly due to the enthusiasm with which the Third Formers joined in the dis- cussions. The talent of some of them is a good sign for future clubs. Finally, the Debating Club would like to extend their thanks to Miss Crooks for the patience with which she listened to our efforts and for helpful criticism. DRAMATIC CLUB Under the direction of Miss England, the hard work of the Dramatic Club brought results in the pecuniary success of the Model Theatre on Parents' Day. Not all who wished to join could do so, but the privileged members enjoyed them- selves immensely. For several weeks, all were busy cutting out. and pasting the Model Theatre. Prior to this, we amused one another with comic and pathetic mimes, and extracts from ' 'A Christmas Carol". All members wish to thank Miss England and those who helped to make our club so enjoyable. ~ MUSIC CLUB Under the guidance and direction of Miss Frederick, the Music Club spent several very interesting afternoons. When we first met, we were given a talk in which Miss Frederick traced the development of the art of playing bells, and our interest was quickened by pictures and recordings of the world's great bells. However, the main subject under rliscussion was the Symphony Orchestra. Miss Frederick's series of talks on the various players and their instruments was supplemented by many recordings of the instruments played separately and together. · At the final meeting, several of the Club's 'young hopefuls' gave creditable performances, and the entertainment culminated in the playing of a record, just to show us how it should be done ! Our warmest :hanks are due to Miss Frederick for so increasing our appreciation and understanding of Orchestral music. We regret, that owing to unforseen mishaps, the num- ber oJ Il1eetings was so few, >but here's hoping that next year's club may have better luck ! 35 ~ CAMERA CLUB One of the largest and most popular clubs which met on alternate Friday afternoons during the two winter terms , was the Camera Club. Presided over by Miss Matthews and Miss Brophy, some fifty girls gained valuable information con- cerning the parts of the carr.era, developing and printing of films and trick photography. Although in actual practice, some of our attempts to photograph twins from one girL ghosts opening doors, etc ., were unsuccessfuL we at least learned the principle. Miss Matthews also told the girls what provdes the best subject-matter for snap-shots and how to produce silhouettes and well-balanced photographs, as well as how to use light and shade to advantage. We would like to thank Mrs. Tully for the interesting and instructive talk she gave us one afternoon, concerning press photography. Her information here was gathered from actual experience. On one occasion, the boarders "blacked out" the typing :room and each girl printed a negative which she herself pro- vided. Miss Matthews furnished us with lamps and frames, thus making this experiment possible, and under her watchful eye this, at least, proved successful. In conclusion, we wish to thank Miss Matthews and Miss Brophy for the interest they showed in our club and the help- ful advice they offered at each meeting. DEBATING NOTES For the two middle terms after an honest week's work, a small but select Debating Club met in the laboratory. For days before each meeting, debaters could be seen canvassing for pobts, and talking together in hushed tones and with looks profound. After the three o'clock bell had tolled its dismal warning, the debaters gathered for the fray and with determined looks stated their case before a critical audience of Third Formers, then waited nervously fm Miss Crooks to pronounce sentence. A great variety of subjects was discussed and it was decided that "it is permissable to spank a child if one has a definite end in v iew", that ··the sword is mightier than the 34 Brisbane Girls ' Grammar School Magazine December, 1950 December, 1950 Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine · LmRARY NOTES The present committee of the Beanland Memorial Library has guided its activities through another yecrr although some- what hampered by lack of space. Three new magazines were added to the list of periodicals to which we subscribe - "Magaine Parade", a quarterly publication, "Dancing Tirries" , and the "National Geographic", which was renewed after its lapse during the war. In ex- change for our own Maga:z,ine, we have received copies of publications from other secondary schools in Queensland, in other perris of Australia, in England and even one in South Africa. From the Library Suggestion Books placed in the Form rooms, novels have been chosen. We have tried to make an even choice in the selection of the books. Unfortunately, some of the books suggested are out of print, however, we shall watch ccrrefully for their reappearance. It is your Librcrry and we always welcome suggestions for its improvement. SCIENCE NOTES During the year the budding scientists of B.G.G.S. have worked, and chattered, in the laboratory. They might have sung, as did the witches of Macbeth did - But, typically, they shrugged their shoulders at the amaz- ing results of their experiments and forgot about it. As always, the ecrrs of passers-by have been assailed by strange noises, and their noses offended by stranger smells which have drifted from the spacious laboratory windows. The students of the various branches of science have oc- cupied themselves in many interesting experiments. The physiology classes have peered through microscopes, sketched, dissected innocent guinea pigs and lecrrnt the intricacies of the human body. The chemistry classes have carried out all the usual experiments with gusto. The Fifth, as their predecessors have done, have endeavoured to grow bigger and better crystals of chrome alum, with some measure of success. One promising crystal has been obtained, and there is hope that several others will develop. In all, the Science students have had a very interesting and instructive year. -G.W. & M.Mci. 37 ''Double, double, toil and trouble Fire burn and cauldron bubble!" WANDERERS' CLUB This year many girls were turned away from the "Wander- ers' Club", as so many wished to join. Unfortunate ly, one · Mistress could not manage such a large crowd. A1most every alternate Friday afternoon a crowd of Gram- mar School Girls swarmed into a City Council bus- much to the distress of the driver. On these excursions, we visited the new University of which every Queenslander should be prbud: · The visit to Newslead House and meeting the southern tourists there caused great excitement. We had a very interesting films' afternoon presented by .tl;l.\3 _-.Shell Oil Company. We hope the Photography Club emjoyed it. We were very interested in the Museum and in the two branches of the G.P.O. which we visited. We would like to thank Miss Benney for her wonderful planning and leadership of our Club. In our wanderings, we did not forget Miss Weaver and hope her wanderings are as enjoyable as ours were. -A.L. CRUSADER NOTES As we enter upon the concluding meetings of the yecrr, we wish to express our appreciation for permission given us to hold our meetings again in the V Form classroom at l p.m. on Wednesdays. Our meetings have been begun by choruses led by the speaker, followed by prayer and Bible-study. Whilst Miss Dart left us with thoughts from the New Testament, Mrs. Bergen has taken us back to :study the character of Daniel. Each meeting- closed by a short prayer and the benediction. We were sorry to lose Miss Dart who helped us for the first two terms; but we welcome Mrs. Bergen to her voluntary task. Throughout the year we have been helped by addresses from many visiting speakers. Mrs. Dart gave us a talk on ''The Cross"; Miss Turner told us of her work in Syria, and very uplifting talks were given us by Miss Pigram and Mrs. Millikin. During the time when we were without a speaker, we studied under the pleasant and practical guidance of Miss Jarratt, tq whom we tender our appreciation and thanks . The School has been represented at suburban drawing room meetings, and was yery well represented at the mid-winter camp. 36
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