December 1943 School Magazine
December, 1943
:Brisbane Girls' Grammar School- Magazine
December, 1943
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
A WORD FROM THE PRESIDENT. As we are nearing the end of the year I wish to thank Miss Lilley and all the members of the Committees for their help. This year has been a hard one, but w ith our dances at the O'Connor Boat House and the sweet stalls at the school our Prisoner of War Fund has done well. Before concluding I would like to make a request , Many girls join our ranks the fi rst year after leaving school and then forget about the Association. I would like to see more take a qreater interest and keep in the activities of our Association. In conclusion I ~ish everyone a Happy Xmas and may we .all see the end of the war before another year passes. HELEN M. CAMPBELL, President. SENIOR GROUP NOTES. On the 24th of March the Senior Membe rs' Group held its Annual General Meeting and decided to continue as a Group .and to hold our meetings this year at the school. We decided that we should form a Discussion Circle, our subject being "Post-War Reconstruction" with Mrs. Thatcher as leader. Though attendances have been somewhat small we have all enjoyed our talks on such subjects as "The Political set-up of the New World Order", "Immediate Post-War Pro- blems", "Rehabilitation of the Forces" , "Political Problems with- in Australia-what form of Government is best suited for Aus- tralia', "World Economic Order". Our usual Social Service work has been kept up. A beau- tiful collection of childrens' clothes was sent to "Silky Oaks" ·Childrens' Home, a donation of £1/12/- was sent to the City Mission, a box of groceries was sent to the Aged Christian Women's Home, and a donation of £2/-/- sent to the Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission. We have also contributed towards ·the Tuck Shop and at our last meeting, we decid ed to make a donation of £2/2/- to the Red Cross for their Xmas Toys Appeal. At our last meeting held on 18th October we were glad to have with us a number of the War Work Group who entered jnto our discussion. AGNES N. ROBINSON, Hon . Secretary, Senior Group. 45
Old Girls' Association Notes The Annual General Meeting held in the School Hall last February opened the 1943 year for our Association. As usual this meeting was well attended and many new members joined our ranks. A new Committee wa s appointed with popular Miss Nell Campbell re-elected as President. The previous year it had been decided that the Old Girls' Committee and War Work Group Committee should work in unison with one another and the combined activities of these Groups this year have been towards maintaining the support of our Prisoner of War. Donations to other worthy causes were a lso made. Early in the year when the Third Liberty Loan appeal was launched our Association purchased a £200 Commonwealth Government Bond from the funds of the Library Furnishing Fund. · Old Girls' Day was the main feature for our members this year. We were fortunate to have a fine sunny afternoon and the matches between the Old and Present Girls' teams were quite keen and resulted in a win for the Present Girls' at' Ne t- ball whilst we won the tennis matches. The attendance was good and everyone spent a p leasant afternoon. Owing to the prevailing war conditions the usual High Tea evening enterta inment were abandoned but we hope in the near futre we shall once again have these happy times in an untroubled world. The members of the combined Committees have worked hard for the P.O.W. Fund which has benefited considerably from our dances and the Sweet Stall held at School at various periods, so much so, that we are quite confident we shall be able to "adopt" another Prisoner in the New Year. The final gathering of our Association's 1943 year will be the President's "At Home", held in November. We hope this will be a success as it was last year. In conclusion may I extend the Committees' sincere thanks to a ll our helpers this year, many of whom are Senior Group members and who are such splendid workers on Sweet Staff days . Also we w ish to thank Evelyn McKellar for her sport- ingness in taking over Mrs. Cunnington's position as Treas- urer of the War Group during the latter's visit South. For my part I would like to thank everyone, particularly Mrs. Pete rs who has helped me on many occasions. The Committee sends Christmas Greetings to a ll and hopes that the year to come may bring peace and security to us alL EUNICE D. BEAVIS, Hon. Secretary-Treasurer.. 44
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