December 1943 School Magazine
December, 1943:
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
December, 1943
DEBATING CLUB. We are sure that all members of the Debating Club look back with nothing but pleasure on our short meetings on Friday afternoons. We have gained much valuable knowledge and what we ha,;e learned has given birth to ' the desire to learn more and put our knowledge to practical use. We wish to offer our sincere thanks to. Miss Crooks without whose able assistance and kindly interest the club would not have attained the success it did. Our thanks also go to Mrs. Gleghorn and Miss Weaver who were kind enough to adjudi- cate at some of the debates. We hope that the Wanderers Group enjoyed the meetings they attended and thank them for their interest. Their presence, although adding to the nervous strain of the speakers, gave the experience which we all need- ed of speaking before an audience. We, who are leaving, extend our best wishes for success to next year's Club. Lois Purvis, Alice Amos, VI. THE DRAMATIC CLUB. During the third term of this year a Dramatic Club was established for those pupils of Forms III.A. and III.B. who did not train for athletics on Friday afternoons . Under Miss Weaver's kind guidance the Club held eight meetings. At the first meeting the girls elected T. Glesinger as chair- man, H. Broadbent as secretary and E. Andrews, J. Herbe rt, J. Sherrin and H. Welch as their committee. Thus the girls them- selves were the executives of the club-the chairman called on the speakers, the secretary wrote the minutes, the committee .gave advice when needed and suggested in what order mem- bers were to be called. For the rest of the meeting Miss Weaver read "The Mer- chant of Venice" from "Lamb's Tales" . Roles were then allot- ted · to different members, and the next two meetings were spent in reading portions of the play. Short talks on various subjects were delivered by the mem- bers at the next three meetings. Miss Weaver, in commenting on the talks, gave much helpful advice. 38
At the last meeting stories were told. It was very notice- able that the speakers were more confident, and their speeches b(3tter and longer at the later meetings. I am sure we all thank Miss Weaver heartily for the in- terest sne has shown in the Club, and for the willingness with which she helpeid whenever there was need for a guiding hand. T. Glesinger, III.B. LIBRARY NOTES. This year there has been great difficulty in securing books for the Library, since many comparatively recent books we :find to be already out of print. As this difficulty will certainly become greater we have bought a fair number of books this year, spending about £25 on fiction. In addition a few books have been added to the Beanland and Reference sections of ihe Library. We are grateful to Mr. Broadbent, to Ailsa Robertson, Mar- jorie Grainer, .. Dorothea Sk~lton, Phyllis Heath, Keren Rees, June Rickleman and other Old Girls who have so generously ·contributed boks to the School this year. All periodicals have been continued and are appreciated. We have continued to exchange magazines with a number of schools althc;mgh these are fewer as some schools have ceased to publish for the duration of the war. We look forward to further exchanges with these schools when publication is re- newed.
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