December 1943 School Magazine

December. 1943

llrisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 194~

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

We all found the talk given by Mrs. Pueregger extremely entertaining as she told us of her life in Vienna before the war. On another occasion Mrs. Boulton took us to Palestine in imagination with the help of photographs and some native costumes, while Mr. White, also with the a id of pictures, gave us a very delightful talk on Kew Gardens. We should like to take this opportunity of thanking all those who gave up the ir valuable time to make our club so enjoyable. We are also very grateful to Miss Lilley who made it possible for us to hold these meetings, and to Miss Benney for arrang- ing the lectures and our two afternoons out wandering. Pame la Craddock, V.A. MUSIC. Once again this year the music club met on Friday after- noons during the second and third terms. Under the able leadership of Miss Baker we enjoyed singing several songs, some written by Schubert, some by Grieg, and others written i o show b ina ry and ternary forms in music . A feature of our meetings was a n idea introduced this year.

On three occasions girls volunteered to provide a musical hour for us by p laying some of the works of Chopin and Schubert. Miss Ba ker brought her v iola one day and played it for us. We enjoyed this very much. W e briefly stud ied the various instruments of the orchestra and learned to recognize some of the w ind instruments from records. A great deal of amusement was caused by Miss Baker's oboe which several g irls attempted to play, unsuccess- fully as regards good music. During our meetings we were fortunate enough to hear many lovely recordings of the music of Delius, Mozart, Chopin and Debussey, and thanks to the kindness of one of our mem· bers we heard a considerable part of Gilbert and Sullivan's opera, "The Mikado". In conclusion the members of the Club .;_,.ish to thank Miss Lilley for arranging the Club hour and Miss Ba ker for making the meetings such a success. They also w ish to extend sin- cere w ishes for Christmas a nd New Year to the members of the Staff and the School. . V.R. & J.I.-VI. WAR WORK NOTES. This year in spite of the d ifficulties we at first encountered in obtaining the materials necessary to keep us busy, we have been far from idle, and have sent quite a number of parcels of varied contents to the Comforts Fund. The Comforts Fund supplied us with materials and made it possible for us to pur- chase sock wool, and we have returned to them 40 pairs of socks, 2 pairs of mittens, 75 mess bags, 53 jug covers, 303 hand- kerchiefs and 51 washers. 5 rugs and 2 sleeveless pullovers were sent to the Bush Nursing, and there are several more rugs still being fini shed. Our Friday afternoon work was made much more interest- ing by the attempt to make swabs . A few of us tried this in- tricate task and though we were all rather clumsy bs beginners we finally produced one or two experts. From our Wool Fund, donations have been made to the Red Cross and the Comforts Fund. In conclus ion we wish to tha nk Mis. Jackson ·,and Miss Kennedy who helped us greatly in our work. -S.S. & M.H. 35



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