December 1943 School Magazine

Brisbcirie Girls' ·Grammar School Magazine

"Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1943

December, 1943

we would like to thank our groundsmen for doing them so regularly for us. It helps to make the game more enjoyable~ Miss Lilley has taken a very keen interest in our progress. and tennis in general, and we are very grateful to her. We are also indebted to Miss Kennedy fo r her untiring efforts towards our success, and take this opportunity of thank her. We also wish to thank the girls who so willing helped with the after" noon teas and scored for our matches. V.H.~V. CRlTIClSM OF THE TEAM. June Robertson has p roved a very s trong member of the team. Her fore- hand drive a nd backhand a re very sound, but her service should be more· forceful. She shows good judgment in the. placing of balls. Nola Eichorn has improved her game this year, but should concentrate on her service. Her volleying and forehand drive are well controlled, but her· backhand needs practice. Brett has improved this season but her foot-work spoils an otherwise· good game. Her volleying and service a re sound, but she could move· more quickly on the cour t. - V.H. Valda Hendren has been a most reliable and helpful Captain and a consistently good player. Her forehand and backhand drives are strong and her service has improved since last year. -D.V.K. SWIMMING. Because of war restrictions it was impossible to hold the· Inter-school Swimming Carnival a t the Booroodabin baths. Except for the lack of vocal support, it was satisfactorily h~ld at the Clayfield College pool.

The swimming was of a higher standard this year, and al- though we d id not meet with success, the team trained and co-operated excellently under the energetic supervision of Mrs. O'Dwyer, to whom we offer our thanks . Special mention should be given to Val. Sneyd for her bril- liant diving, by which she gained first place in the Senior d iving event. · Somerville House gained first place, with Clayfield College arid St. Margaret's in the second and third p laces, while we attained fourth p lace. - We hope that next year the war r2strictions will ·be lifted, and we will revert to the usual custom of holding the Carnival at the Boorocidabin baths. J.M.G-VL


A. NET-BALL TEAM, 1943. V. Sneyd, P. Pledger, V. Knudsen, L. Dunbar, V. Pask, G . Webster, M. Hynd (Capt.)

NET-BALL. This season has been a very enjoyable one for all net- bailers and the competition both in Inter-school and form matches was keen and good. As usual, our first Net-ball match was against the Old Girls . It resulted in a victory for each of three teams the Present Girls fielded. 29

SWIMMING TEAM, 1943. ). Shanahan, V. Sneyd, L. White, ). Collin, A. Lambert, V. Knudsen, M. Speed, L. Freeman, M. McWilliam, ). Caswell (Capt.) 28

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