December 1943 School Magazine

December, 1943

December, 1943

Brisbane Girls' ·Grammar School Magazine

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine


We were given the rather doubtful privilege of occupying one of the oldest classrooms in the school, where, alas, we were more often heard than seen. Although we practised hard and often our team~ did ~ot shine in the Inter-form athletics, but we hope combmed w1th V.B. next year to keep up the standard of Sixth in splendid victory.. After a most exciting game we were narrowly defeated by V.B. in net-ball. Our tennis team met a similar fate. But there is at least one bright ray of sunshine in this athletic gloom for to Betty Bolger, one of our representatives in the Inter-~chool Athletics we can offer congratulations on her success m the Senior goaling. Not even the dismal weather on that eventful day could dampen the spirits and enthusiasm of either com- petitors or barrackers. Our activities in club work have been varied and as a sm~ll form we are particularly proud of the spectacular rug we kmt- ted earlier in the year-design and colour scheme by M1ss Cotttew. h' h We thank Sixth Form for the invitation to their dance w 1c provided both an enjoyable evening and much joyous antici- pation for at least a month beforehand. Congratulations Sixth! We hope to be as successful next year. In the midst of our happy school life we are not unmind- ful of the more serious events of the year. From the school grounds the passing troop-trains, the laden trucks and the rows of military huts serve to remind us of the debt we owe the men of our own and allied countries. To them fo r having made our homes and lives more secure we tender our heartfelt gratitude. To Miss Lilley and the Staff for having made the past year such a pleasant one, we say "thank you" and wish one and all a Happy Christmas. V.B. As a record number returned to school to study for the Senior, we "Fifths" were divided into two forms. Although work- ing together in some subjects, both forms have welcomed and enjoyed a friendly rivalry, especially in the sphere of sport. Although individuals excel in sport, as a form we have not met with any spectacular success. Much hard practice and June's brilliant running gained us fifth place i~ the Int~r-for~ Athletics. Congratulations to Sixth Form on thmr splend1d wm on that day. !7

For the last time in our school lives it is our privilege to record here our doings of this year. It has been a happy year for all of us and we will be able to look back on it with pleasure in the future. We have shown our prowess in the field of sport this year by winning Miss Mollison's cup for athletics. After a hard match against IV.C. we were defeated in Net-ball, and we again met IV.C. in the Tennis, only to meet a like fate. Con- gratulations to them on their double win. Many of our mem- bers are in Net-ball and Athletics teams, and we have enjoyed very much helping Mrs. O'Dwyer in games periods, and Miss Elliott on Friday afternoons. There was also a keen interest evinced in the various clubs, particularly First Aid, and as the day of the exam. drew near, the room frequently resembled a casualty clearing station, and unsuspecting non-First Aiders who entered were immed- iately seized upon as likely patients. The fruit of all this prac- tice was seen in the results they obtained. The Sixth Form took part in the various school activities that occurred this year. They were in evidence at the Garden Party-in fact Sixth-formers with a cash b ox were usually the first sight that met the visitors eyes . Later, on the lawn, we were again seen, when we defeated combined V. and com- bined IV. form teams in the Ba ll Games Display. We confess, hoever, that our success was not due to long practice. On Friday, 8th October, we held our Dance and our invita- tion to V. Form met with great response. If the expressions of regret when it was over were an indication of individual feeling, it must be agreed that it was a most enjoyable affair. As we write, the Senior is looming up before us, and the time is near when we will no longer be Grammar School Girls except in spirit. We wish the rest of the school the best of luck in the forth-coming examinations, and hope that, although this is our last year as part of the School, we shall be asso- ciated with it for many years to come. V.A. The large number of girls returning to school after the Junior this year necessitated the division of Fifth into two forms, and Miss Cottew's appointment as V.A.'s form mistress has meant a very happy year for us. '16

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