December 1942 School Magazine
"Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
December, 1942
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
December, 1942
<:Jnd the blue of the sea in the- background- it's like a lovely picture of some ·old medieaval town. Our sole companions seem to be the Free French or Cingalese·, and while being picturesque and interesting, present a rather poor substitute for our former comrades. We are still enjoying the novelty of hearing these new 1anguages and making the most of any spare time. In this d istrict, we must <:Jll be in long-sleeved uniforms by 6.30 p.m., and our mosquito nets have to be drawn and securely tucked in before evening mess, which is at 6,30 p.m. This is a malaria district and the rules are very strict.
ior six months. Nancy also found time to work for her Church and the Boy Scout Movement. Her many good works will be sadly missed I am sure. Nancy was in her twenty-e ighth year. Word has been received that Miss K. I. Pate, Matron during Miss Mackay's ~ime, passed away in the South on September llth. Miss Pate retired with Miss Mackay and went with her to live in Tambourine, where she remained until Miss Mackay's death. Miss Pate spe-nt the last five years of her life with her sister, Miss E. A. Pate in Melbourne. Many Old Girls will hear with regret of her death. The following Old Girls are continuing their studies at the University this year: ·
ENGAGEMENTS. Dorothy Donaldson to Mr. Alan Anderson Betty Fraser to Dr. J. Isles Joan Pollock to Dr. J. Trotter Valerie Young to Mr. F. Kerr Audrey Webb to Pilot Officer K. Dawson
Mavis Hinckley
Joyce Jackson Audrey Brotherton Olive Milne Valerie Phillips Margaret Blanshard
Dap hne Rees to Lieut. K. Davis Sylvie Acton to Sgt. N. Bonnett Jess Crowther to Mr. E. Keehan
Ann Grant Marjorie Greig Clare Stopford Betty Young
MARRIAGES. Jocelyn Groves (W'ar Group Treas.) to Sgt. H. Cunnington
Olive Plaisted Barbara Given
Paula Groves to Mr. J_ McCarthy Patricia Prior to Maj or R. Mooney Daphne Fielding to Sgt. D. Brown Pat Steedman to Mr. W. Bailey Joa~ Harrison to Mr. R. B. Dodsworth Shirley Anlezark to Mr. L. G. Newton Marjory Clark to Mr. R. C. Chapman Jeannette Thompson to Capt. H. Fox Kathleen Callaghan to Mr. J. Bacon
H e len Trudgian Joan Payne Hope Thatcher
Betty Baker Esme Ande rson Hilda Troedson Nancy Shannon Noela Moorehouse
Margare t Clutterbuck M. O'Rourke-Brophy Betty Baldwin Margaret Morris }une Crystal MEDICINE. Hilda Hamilton
Dor0thy Ar thur Margaret Ballantyne
·Flora Lethbridge Lilian Gohstand
June Ashton Glynis Law
Congratulations to--
Mrs. E. Wethere.Jl (Ruth Fielding) Mrs . D. Steindl (Anna Stanley)
Mrs. Bouva ird (Patricia Foote) Mrs. Palethorpe (Noe-la Hardy) Mrs. R. Salter (Helen Batchen) Mrs. W. Blunck (nee Salisbury) Mrs. Wm. Salter (Biily De rbyshire) Mrs. K. Henzel! (Joan Hardy) to whom babies have been born during the year.
IN MEMORIAM. The Association sends its sympathy to Mrs . A. McSloy, of Hawthorne·, whose -daughter Nancy passed away on April 29th of this year. Nancy was a very keen War Worker, having been a worke·r for the Red Cross Link and Leader .of Junior Red Cross, and se rved as a full-time V.A.D. in the Enoggera Hospital 44
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