December 1942 School Magazine

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School - Magazine

December. 1942

December, 1942'

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

The Music Club invited us to a talk and recital by the V\f ood-wind section of the Brisbane Orchestra and we wish to thank it for its invitation. On another afternoon Mrs . Vance Palmer gave us a very valuable talk on Australian literature. We would like to thank all those who gave up valuable tlme to make our Club so enjoyable, and also Miss Lilley for making it possible to hold these meetings. We are also grate- ful to Miss Benney who arranged these interesting lectures. for our benefit. S.W., V. After Midwinter, a Music Club was formed under the- leadership of Miss Baker. At the first few meetings we be- came familiar with the instruments of the orchestra, and in this, the playing of various recordings helped us greatly. Some time was also spent in the singing of Elizabethan songs,. which all of us enjoyed for their harmony and simplicity. Later in the term Miss Chamberlain, and Messrs. Rees. Morgan, Waldron, and Minten, members of the Brisbane Sym- phony Orchestra, gave us a delightful recital and a short lecture- concerning woodwind instruments, in the School Hall. On this occasion the members of the Wanderers' Club were our guests. On the following Friday afternoon, at the invitation of the "Wanderers", we attended an interesting lecture concerning Pre-war Russia and Germany, given by Mr. Deeney. The- interest of this was increased by photographs brought back by the lecturer from his journeys abroad. During October, we were once more the guests of the "Wanderers" at a talk by· Mrs . Nettie Palmer about Australian poetry, particularly that of Furnley Maurice. We would like to take this opportunity of thanking all those who have helped us as a Club ,especially Miss Baker, Miss Benney and all those who have entertained us, for the time - and thought which they have spent in providing for us so mcmy enjoyable afternoons . Our thanks are due also to the boarders: who frequently helped us clear the hall after our meeti;:gs. -R.D. 32 MUSIC CLUB.

HANDICRAFTS NOTES. The Handicrafts Club was very popular this year as sixty girls including four Sixth form girls were members. The Sixth form girls acted as helpers to our Instructresses. We wish to· thank Miss Lilley for kindly making such enjoyable Friday afternoon Club hours possible for us. Our first venture was bead making - we used pieces of coloured paper for this and gay necklaces, novel belts, and bright fobs were the result. Next we painted small pin trays with simple designs in oil-paint. Two afternoons were necessary for learning our macrame knotting and then we were able to try out our knowledge on larger pieces of work, belts, string bags and purses. Suede is almost impossible to purchase now but we man- aged to buy a skin and each one made a book mark with de- coration and fringe. A few girls owned leather work tools and they made purses. Another venture was carving pieces of soft wood into sets of buttons, buckles and other forms . The Sixth form girls tried making gloves-Miss Cottew help- ed them with the patterns and in buying suitable skins; the


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