December 1942 School Magazine

llrisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1942

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1942

ATHLETICS. For some time a t the beginn ing of the year, it seemed that ·owing to unsettled conditions , we would not be able to hold any Athle tics meeting. However, early in Th ird Te rm it was -decided to hold the Inter-school Athle tics, but because of the sh ort time for training, hurdling wa s deleted from the pro- gramme a nd the d istances were a ltered in the fl a t races . Two ·new games, Bean Bag Relay a nd Tunnel and Zig Zag were ·a lso introduced, which proved very popular. On August 14th, the Inter-form Sports were he ld on the Boys' Lower Oval, for the use of which we would like to thank Mr. Carson-Cooling. The competition was keen and after very exciting rivalry, Sixth won Miss Mollison's Cup, with Fifth only a few poin ts behind . It was a most en joyable day a nd we ·would ta ke this opportunity of thanking a ll who he lped to ~make it so. On Saturday, September 7th, the Inte r-sch ool Sports were beld, but th is year as the Exhibition Grounds were not avail- able they took place on the Boys' Uppe r Oval, and only com- petitors were permitted to attend. Seven schools en tered and it was a much more informal meeting tha n usual and there was no cup competition. Perhaps owing to enthusiastic sup- porters from our b rother-school, we reta ined the premiership w ith the h ighest aggregate, winning a lso the Senior competi- tion while State Commercial High School won the Junior. The competition was good and our g irls displayed excellent spirit. Blues were won by Margaret Brown , Vilma Pask, Hila ry Hodgson for the ir respective wins in the 60 yards, 16 years; the ·60 yards, 15 years; and the 75 yards, 15 years. Margaret Bynd qualified again for hers . A. Team Pockets were won by E. Richardson, J. Lupton, J. Beech, M. Chalk and J. Duffy. P. Pledger, B. Elliott, V. Hendren, P . Be rtie, N. Coulter , V. Ridge, J. Wardle a nd P . Hunter won B. pockets. We would like to thank Miss Tomlinson and Miss Elliott for their assistance and advice and we are grateful to Miss Lilley for her unfa iling interest in our p ractices.

ibis opportunity of tha nking her for her un tiring e fforts, to which :much of our success was due . We would a lso like to tha nk the VI. and V. Form g irls who so will ingly and ably a ssisted w ith a ft ernoon tea when we p layed matches a t School. -M.H., VI.

BLUES: Margaret Hynd, Joyce Hack , Vilma Pask.

CRITICISM OF THE TEAM. Margaret Hynd (defence) has made a good Captain, played an excellent ·game, and fully deserves the Blue she has won. Joyce Hack (assistant defence) has been a most reliable member of her ·team, and has won her Blue for he r consis·iently good p lay. Gloria Simpson (defence wing) was a great asset to the team. She show- ·ed exce.Jlent spirit in every match and p layed a very sound game. Her ability ·to jump was most noticeable. Valerie Sneyd (centre) made a late entry into the team, but maintained ·a good standard of play and should prove a good team member next year. Vi.lma Pask (attack wing) has played the mo sty spectacular game in the ·team; her play has been outstanding a.nd her blue well dsserved . Jess Duffy (as sistant goaler) goaled most reliably, but her attack game was ·not good. Her jumping and dodging could be gee-ally improved. Gabrielle Webster (gooier) goaled well, but did not back it up with her :play. At the close of the· season her game was of a much higher standard.

B. NET-BALL TEAM, 1942. D. Dunstan (Capt. ), V. Knudsen, E. Roden, L. Dunbar, D. Cuskelly, A . Claridge, A. Hoskins, B. Ryan. 28

C . ). GREGG, IV. A .


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