December 1940 School Magazine
Decl'mber, 1940
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
;Brisbane Girls' Grammru· School Magazine
December, 1940
VI. We are the Grammars' students, We are the Sixth Form grave; We face a fearsome Senior, With smiles, and hearts so brave! Although we lost the Net-ball, Athletics showed our might; The tennis match is lost and won, The swimming still in sight. Our clubs have been quite jolly, We wander, sketch, and cook, And some of us you'll notice Armed with a First Aid Book. Our Dance was on the 30th, It was a gay affair; Our frocks were bright and pretty, We danced without a care. We have the Net-ball captain, We have three of the team; And one a record-breaker- A runner it would seem! But we are growing older, Our schooldays nearly o'er; Next year we will not wear It- The tie we've worn for four. But we will not forget Her, Or all the things she's taught; The wisdom, truth and courage, The clean and noble thought. Forever we will love Her, Our hearts are ever true; We always will revere Her, The Grammar! and our Blue! v.
In this last half-year our energies have not been directed solely towards schoolwork, and a great deal of time has been spent on war work. The School has sent to the Co~forts' Fund 79 pairs of socks, 35 pairs of mittens, 4 pairs of gloves, 24 scarves, 14 waistcoat mufflers, 14 balaclavas, l pair of wristlets, l polo collar and 8 cardigans. Also 15 wool rugs were knitted by various Forms and sent to the Bush Nursing Association. In the last week of the second term a very enjoyable after- noon was spent by all present when a Garden Party was held in the School grounds in aid of the Red Cross and the School Prize Fund. Pupils, parents and friends were entertained on the lawn with a drill display by Sixth Form, folk-dancing, music ·by the Orchestra and . Form singing. Decorated Sweets, '~_Mystery" and Flower Stalls brightened the grounds and an interesting novelty was to have one's silhouette drawn by Miss Cottew, assisted by three members of the Sixth. Over £50 was raised .as a result of this very successful afternoon of which £25 was sent to the Red Cross Appeal. In August Mr. Whelan visited the School and gave a very interesting talk on his walking tour through various continents. He delighted us with his experiences in France, Germany, Switzerland, Greece, Egypt, India, the East Indies and Australia. The tuckshops conducted by the Army Medical Corps Com- forts Fund Committee every month, have continued to be well supported and enjoyed by the School. On September 7th the Inter-school Athletics Carnival was held at the: Exhibition Grounds; our teams finished in the third :place. Much of our energy during 3rd term was thus devoted games while various Clubs continued to meet on Friday after- noons. Details of these activities will be found later in this issue. In letters from Miss Wilkinson from London, dated August 8th, she said that heavier air-raids were daily expected. She herself was well and doing her best to grow vegetables in her -±iny garden. · She has sent papers eyery week to give news o( later even-ts ·in England. - ·- By means of the paragraph we send her our greetings and good w ishes. B.L., '!I.
1940 has been a very happy year for Fifth Form. Perhaps ·we have not worked as diligently as we did in our Junior Year, but we have cemented many friendships begun in the lower School. We have done our best to pass on to the incoming Fifth the Athletic honours left in our keeping by Fifth of 1939 although we have failed to hand them over intact! They w ill at least see 11
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