December 1927 School Magazine
~he :llayazinr nf the ilrishane Qiirls' Qirammar Srhnol. --o-- Editorial. O N·CE again our sclwol year isl drawing lo a close, and for some of us it means saying good-bye to our school or pupil3. We are now on th·e threshold of .life, we are about to enter upon uew interests and enterprises, and we shall have to face new responsi- hilities . As we gaze clown the vista of the future, and see glorious visions of the careers which our ambitious desire for us , we are also a ·Jittle saclclenecl by the thought t.hat we are pa;ssing out of the school for ever, that we shall soon cease to be an integral parl of it. But we feel that wh-ile passing l,brough lhe scllool we have gained something which will remain with us always; 1·hat the spi:·il; of the School, that immortal spirit which has maintained its glor- ious traditions through generations , has entered into our very being , and will continue to be a powerful influence in our lives in the future . And while han.cling on the torch to those who come behind, we feel a certain joy t.hat we have been privileged to carry it, to work out a charHer in the history of our school. "To set the cause above renowu, To love the ?'arne beyond the prize." Thi s and many othe1· lessons has our school taught us. and tho:;e who Lu1ve learnt· failh(LIIIY will eni·er upon life [orl'ilied witlt strong bulwarks . Those of us who entered the school at Midwiuter llave just be- sun lhe race, and they must realise that. , "The School and you are one, And what you are , the race shall be." fo1· upon them will devolve the task of ·upholding our School's honoured name. During last term Miss Dann busch eutert.ained us with a. lecture uu Music , illustrated by phonograph records. Those o[ us whose ta,stes are musically., inclined, enjoyed the favourite compositions or the great masters , p1a:ved by the world's best artist!:'. Yet :t must
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