December 1927 School Magazine
Bl'il'ibane Girls' Gramnuw School ).[.agnzine.
Bl'isbane Gi.l'ls' School 1\I Engagements. Miss Beryl Andrewart.ha to Mr . C. Roemermann. Miss Gwen Summerson to Mr . K. 0 . Logan. Den.ths. Sept. 6, Miss Eva ·Archibald. Mrs . F. Ewing (nee D. Synan). Miss M . Alder to Mr . G. Seaman. l\liss E. Engel to Mr. R . Riddell. l\fiss !VI. Haymen to Lieut. Clarlr. 1\liss :.\L Fielding to Mr. v. Greenhalgh. 1\Ii ss G. Hancock to Mr. G. McCutcheon. 1\liss J . H"urwood to Mr . G. Eccles. l\liss F . Wall.:er to Mr. A. R. Bennett. 1\liss V. Colledge to Mr. lVI. Coole l\Jim i\fiss :.\L Ena Musgrave t.o Mr. R. A. Perrett. 1\1iss Lorna J. Burge to Mr. L . A. Jacobs . Miss H. Hebden to Mr . Harold Pope. l\Iiss P . Lowther to Rev. E . P . Aderman. Miss G. Gibson to Mr. Cameron. Miss F . Oxnam to Mr. E . B. Freeman. Miss A. Burre1l to Mr. D. Hender-son. !\!iss T . Caswell to Mr. G. Crouch. Miss E. A. Hurc;l to ·Mr. A. D. Cameron. Miss K. Verdon to Mr. \V. J. Eacott. Mi~s D. Tealby to Mr . F . Williamson. Mis$ I. Podmore to Mr. Holt. Miss Z. Hebden to Mr . G. Baughty Arnold. The Old Girls' Association is the poorer by the loss of Dorothy Ewing (nee Synan), who died on 11th Ji.1ly. She rendered devoted service as a member of the Com- mittee of the Association for many years, and was also i t() Pr-esident.; and many old girls will remember with plea s- ure the annual river outings on the Lucinda, whose use she was instrumental in securing for the Association. She passed the Senior and Public Service Exams., and entered the Ptablic Service in 1903. In those days , girls were only on their trial as civil servants. and Dorothy was one who helped to prove that they could make good . In 19H, she entered the Chief Secr~ta.ry's office, and held the position of Record Clerk th•ere for a number of years, leaving to be mar.ried in 1923. Her bright and cheery dis- position and keen sense of humour won: .her many friends . . A .M. Births. 1921)- To :i\fr. and Mrs. Cornwall (nee lVI . Terry)-a son. 1!127- To. :.\lr. and Mrs. R. B. Lyons (nee E. Crick)-a son . To :.\Ir. and Mrs. F . Ewing (nee D. son. To ?l!r. and Mrs . E . Thelander(nee T . Drake)-a daughter. To Mr. and Mrs. F. Mackenzie (nee V. Wippell)-a daughter- To :.\Ir. .and Mrs. Obrien (nee S. Jones)-a son.
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