December 1927 School Magazine

Brisbane Girls' School l\Ia.gazine.

B·risbane Girls' Granrmar School :'llagazine.

. Hebden, and although they too were beaten, it was not by ;;o many .Points as was 'A' team. Crittci!sm of TeJmis Te,am. J\feg FOI·stCI' (Captain) has a strong forehand drive but on the ; backhand is weak in grip and footwork. She can do useful worl' . at the net but is too reluctant in attempting it. · Doris Finter in a needed attempt to improve her style: seems . have lost some of her useful steadiness. Jfer foo.twork is carele:;s . and she lacks winning strokes. Florrie ::u.cDom~Ld has some steadiness, but i::; ex<:eedingly . slow, he1' footwork is poor and she has no idea of position . Unfort- unately she has shown little improvement. Bessie PaJ.•lceJ.• is inexperienced in match play and should use . head more with regard to placing. She has steadiness but her foot- . work i·s fat1lty . Her work at the net is poor owing to lack of :initiative. D.H.I.


TENNIS NOTES. Unfortunately the team was not successful this year in win- ning the pennant. which again goes to St. Hilda's School, and we · offer thi s team our heartiest congratulations on its success. \Ve were able to win six of tl~e ten matches played. In the· · first half we won four OLlt of five matches, losing one· to Southport. a nd winning the one against St. Ma.rgaret's by one point only. In the second round we were not so successful, winning only t wo matches, and lo&ing one to Southport, one to St. Margaret's,. and ano t her to the Brisbane Girls' H1gh by one point. \Ve were very fortunate in being able to play the match against the Old Girls before our fixtures began. This 'A' team consisted of Mrs . Roe, Miss Haymen, Miss Hein, and Miss Doak, and as two . cif these a:re interstate players we felt it a great h·onour to play again s t them, and, although it meant certain defeat, it gave us excellent practice . Just before the Midwinter Holidays, the 'A' team was challeng- · eel by a t eam consisting of Members of the School Staff. The match was pTayed after school on second and fourth courts , and after excit- ing games the 'A' team was finally victorfous. Another match played em·lier in the year was against ·a visit- · ing team from Armiclale Gi'rls'. School. The visitors showed gre-at agilit y and skill which could have been obtained only by long and const ant practice. i



Down in the valley, 'neath· moss covered ledge e. A brook trickling by ever gurgled with glee. At the thought of the day, when by closely cut hedges , 'Twould pass on its hurrying way to the sea. The many strange tales: that were whispered a hove it, All told of the l~lue sea that sparkled and danc!'-ci. And the small mountain stream, hurried onward to m·eet it, To· play with t.he waves on which, white sailed i)Oats danced. Each day came and went with its morning and evening, And still through the greenwood the brook made its way 'The time seemed so long and the way so unendin ~ But the· brook ever sang its low eager lay. "" At sunrise one morning the sea warmly welcomed, ·The small mountain stream to its boundless blue: breast, And the stream, looking back, saw the path it had wended, And it passed out to sea, 'mid the blue waYe~.-foal.ii crest. H.E., III. 3 .


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