December 1927 School Magazine

Brisbane Girls'

Grli.Iruu>~w School ::n.a.gazi.ue.

Brisbane Girls' Grmum

A FORu'\I l\IEDLEY. The Lord High CHANCELLOR was one day going for his : early morning walk in DERBYSHIRE, when he saw the BRO'WN pony, which belonged to farmer GILES, being led away by a man , . who often broke the LAWS-ON stealing. This kind-hearted Chaucellot: th-ought he would, without doing · any HARM-SENd somebody to call the farmer . Seeing little ELLEN,. one of the neighbour's children, he sent her on the errand. Look- ing after the pony he saw that. it h-ad fallen over a piece of WOOD, . and as a result , both the man and the pony fell into a pond which was near. I'Vhen they were dragged out they were ALL-SOPping.. Explanations followed this accident, and things were set 'WRIGHT . The farmer' s car equipped with DUNLOP t.yres W'l&· then brought along and they all got on; with HARRIS-ON · the side ..


YI. . \\Te of the VL are like all other human beings in that we are ·never t'atisfied with th-ings as they are. Altho.ugh, by the change in tlie publishing of the magazine, we were relieved of the necessitY of writing form notes for the midwinter issue, and, consequently, -our notes should be doubly interesting, the task does not seem the :more congeniaL As is usu-al , we have deferred the a t tempt until the proximity of the Senior has caused us to be devoid of all ideas; -even our clock, "Ophelia," to show her sympathy with the pre- ·va.iling feeling of weariness, stopped at 2.3 0 a.m. some weeks ago. Sports have occupied quite a large amount of our time during ·the year. In the Inter-Form Sports, we were more successful ·.than we hoped to be , as we gained-tie with Vth form-some ten poin t s . After an exceedingly hard match we were forced to yield ·the net-ball shield to III A, although we were able to defeat Vth .form in the· semi-finaL I'Ve are proud of the fact that the winners ,of the Blues for net~ball are both members of VIth form. It is yet too early in the term for us to be able to tell of tennis achievements. Vlth form team has won its way into the semi- finals of the inter-form matches, and we hope to retain the cup. Two oof our number a,re also in the finals of the senior doub les .championship tourn·ament . During the Michaelmas holidays , some of the form went , with Miss Irving , on a Biology excursion to Caloundra . They passed a pleasant and instructive week-end there , collecting some specimensi we understand, and indulging in harmless amusements . .such as .and pillow-fights with their neighbours from the B .G.H.S. .and St. Margaret's. They wish to thank Miss Irving for her kind- ·ness in accompanying them. On the 14th October, we held, in conjunction with Vth form, .Pur annual dance , VO:.hich was a complete success. Our thanks are .clue to all those wh-o helped us. by their generosity in all ways, to :make it so . These have been the pleasant events of the year, but it is -closing with a note of -sadness because of the loss we , in common ·with the remainder of the school , shall experience in the going of Miss Lyons. She has been to •us, as to all preceding Vrth forms, ·a sympathetic helper, with a store of good advice always available ·for t.hose who .sought her aid . She will carry wi t h her our best ·wishes for a.ll good fortune in her new sphere. We hope the Juniors will meet with examination papers which are to their liking, and tll·at they and t he rest of the school will ::h ave most happy holidays.

E.W., III. E .


·wattles golden, gaily waving,

\Yaving in the gentle breeze, Gr owing in a glade all golden , Shaded by the tall, tall trees- Busy bees who gather honey From the golden nectaries. Glorious sunshine , shining , sparkling, Glittering on the silvery stream, Spray that sprinlded grass about it , l\'lal;:ing just another gleam-- Spiders spinning cobwebs speed ' ly. Speed 'ly spinning did they seem. Dreaming. dreaming in the sunshine, In the cosiest little nook, \Vatching beetles skimming swiftly.

Swiftly skimming 'cross the brook ,

}_n Australian (!hild sat dreaming,

On her lap , untouched , a book.

She _could see her fairies playing,

Flying through the wattle trees,

Laugh-ing. playing, flying gaily,

And their music was the breeze. Thei r r obes were golden like the wattle, T heir little pages were the bees.

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