December 1927 School Magazine
Brisbane Gil'ls' Grmmn.1w School l\
l<'or:m Cavtains.
The secretary will be pleased to put any Old Girls iil touch. with each other, so far as possible, and will alsu be glad to receive · at any time any personal notes for printing in the magazine.
VL--i\laull Gu!J:JJ'. V.--i~jay li'erricks . IV. A.--Nancy '!enniu:,; s IV. D. - Olive Henley. IV. C.-Ivy Glassov. IV. D.--Ruth Munro. III. A.-Nancy Ferrier. III. B.-Elsie Harwood.
HI. c ~ Lesley Pllii11ps . III. D.--Edith Wagner. Com.--Gladys Dopson. L . III. A.--May Butt. L . III. B.--Myra Grant. L. Ill. C.--Bery.l Herbert. L. III. D.--Hazel Muirhead. L. III. E .--Joan Hardr.
Hon . Sec.
Athletics . Se uior lklay Team.
There is a spot I know full well, And often seek seclusion there; 'Tis sweeter far than wooded fell-- A sanctuary of brushwood bare .
Ivy GhtssOll (Captain l
E sme Franei::; . Sophie Orzewsl{y. "V"Hve ::itrll;Kmuu .
. J\1o1J y Groome 2\ltunie BentJey.
Au clrey Partridge.
It is my bower , Wh"lre I lie, And weave the dreams to childhood dear;
Meg. Forster (sec . ) Daphne Francis (sec . ). Peggy Jones.
l\IIa ry Ferrkks. Helen Hardy. JV[argaret Gipps. Ruth Munro.
·whilst as the fleeting h·ours go by :.VIy Fairy Prince is standing near.
Heather Symes. Doreen Saunders.
I walk through stately towers of gold, And pageants rare and splendid see; The knights attired like those of old, vVho all before me bend the knee. And maidens fair who scatter flowers Upon the pathway I must tread. Through gardens gay, and lovely bowers, By my Prince '-'"'" ww~;;· 1 am led. But oh! how fast the hom1s fly, :\1y thoughts must come to earth once more. Loved knights , fair damsels, all pass by, And leave me lonelier than before.
~'ewtis ~'eam.
Meg. Forster (captain)
Florrie MacDonald.
Doris Finter.
Bessie Parker.
Net Ball ~'eallJi.
Thyra Nimmo (Capt.) .
Gladys French. BatlJara Giles . Esme Francis.
Barbara Shields. Helen 'Nilson, Lorna Plaisted.
Swimming ~',emu.
Edna Cary. F. Hauck.
Rose Coom l.l e. Jean Beusted.
Life-Sa.\' ing Team.
.l!l. Cary. A. Carmody.
Jean Bensted. R. Coombe.
School Prefects. Nancy Irving-, BeLh Shaw, (Edna I-I'ill.
Maud Gubby (capt. ),
Doreen Saunders. (Mary Por!'e1-j.
'l'llyra Nimmo. Effie Smith. Peggy Jones.
(Edna Hill.)
Seuior lloanlcr.s. Nancy Irving, Beth Sh-aw, (Eduu Hill) . Blues;
'J.'c·nni;;.--Meg Forster.
Xe.t Ball. --T. Nimi11n , B . filtie lrl .
Athletics.--!. Glassop. )\'ight M'cmo•·i aJ. ;;\llcdJL-1.--Gwen Thompson . Gl'icc .i\lusi c P :rize.--1\'Iarian Bennet.t.
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