Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2017

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2017 OLD GIRLS ASSOCIATION MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Mrs Julie Caton (Cleghorn, 1981) was elected President of the Brisbane Girls Grammar School Old Girls Association (OGA) at the recent Annual General Meeting.

Janine’s connection with the School started in 1961 when she was a student until her final year in 1964. Her daughters Bronwen (1996) and Madeline (1999) were students during the nineties and Janine was on the School’s Board of Trustees from 2002-2004. Janine is a world-renowned librarian by profession and has lived and worked in special libraries, state libraries and university libraries throughout the world. Janine continues to be an active and vibrant contributing member of the community and is involved in numerous professional associations. Janine was made a Fellow of the Australian Library and Information Association in 2004; and in 2013, she was awarded Membership of the Order of Australia (AM) in the General Division ‘for significant service to the promotion of library services, particularly through the development of electronic access initiatives’. In a professional association article Janine penned in 2016, she stated: ‘Creative, fearless, imaginative, passionate, visionary and reflective leaders are required to deliver the future destiny of libraries’ … characteristics Janine has brought (and continues to bring) to her extensive portfolio of roles throughout her life, including that of the President of the Brisbane Girls Grammar School OGA 2012-2017. OGA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Key outcomes of the 117th Annual General Meeting of the Brisbane Girls Grammar School OGA held 19 March 2017 included reinforcement of the Association’s role and purpose; review of the past year’s activities; and election of the 2017 Management Committee (pictured below).

As we welcome Julie, she said that when her daughter commenced at the School in 2012, she realised that her feelings of connectedness to Girls Grammar were still very strong. Although physical aspects of the School had changed since graduation in 1981, Julie saw that the values and essence of it remained intact. ‘The Brisbane Girls Grammar School OGA is an important working group within the School community and I look forward to leading it as we continue to foster links between the School and Grammar Women as well as current students and their families,’ Julie said. As it always has been, the current OGA Committee is made up of a group of very special ladies. With three other 1981 graduates also joining the committee this year, I feel like I am back at the School in more ways than one. The OGA is committed to maintaining a valuable presence in the School community, particularly with Year 12 students who will, we hope, maintain and strengthen their connections to Girls Grammar following their graduation.’ As we mark the departure of Mrs Janine Schmidt AM (Hogg, 1964) from the role of President of the OGA, we thank her for her outstanding contributions to the School community and acknowledge work in shaping the OGA; most notably through her finalisation of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the School and the OGA (outlined on the following page).

OGA 2017 Management Committee (left to right): Secretary, Dr Sue Wilson (1981); Mrs Sylvia Pegg (Gaulton, 1965); President, Mrs Julie Caton (Cleghorn, 1981); Mrs Sue Jordan (Squire, 1967); Dr Kim Morgan-Short (Skuce, 1981); Treasurer, Mrs Leigh Fielding (Gow, 1984); Vice President, Mrs Grainia Schmelzer (King, 1981); Mrs Ann Caston (Pressland, 1958); Mrs Janine Schmidt AM (Hogg, 1964); Mrs Dorothy Bourguignon (Scotney, 1958) Not in photo: Committee members Mrs Kirsten Whip (Macallister, 1981), Mrs Jenny Gray (Vallis, 1969), Mrs Michelle Tully (Oswin, 1981) and School Representative, Mrs Pauline Harvey-Short (Harvey, 1971)


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