Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2014
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shared journey of two sisters through Girls Grammar and beyond, demonstrating the differences in their approaches and perspectives and the excellence of Grammar Girls. The AGM was highly successful and we are delighted to announce the members of the 2014 Management Committee. President Janine Schmidt (Hogg 1964) Vice-President Jenny Gray (Vallis 1969) Secretary Dorothy Bourguignon (Scotney 1956) Treasurer Sue Meeking (O’Brien 1965) Assistant Treasurer Sue Jordan (Squire 1967) Member Ann Caston (Pressland 1958) Member Ros Cheales (Miller 1972) Member Leigh Fielding (Gow 1984) Member and School Representative Pauline Harvey-Short (Harvey 1971) Member Carly Lambert (2011) Member Sylvia Pegg (Galton 1965) Member Sophie Phillips (2011)
AUTHOR Mrs Janine Schmidt am
TWO NEW POSITIONS WERE CREATED IN 2013 to strengthen relationships with old girls and alumni — the Director of Development and Alumni, Ms Lea Walker and the Old Girls/Alumni Officer, Mrs Claire Tynan (Corones 2002). Alumni literally means the nurtured although it now usually refers to the graduates of an educational institution. Brisbane Girls Grammar School is using the term in the broadest sense, encompassing both genders and referring to everybody who chooses to stay connected to our school. The Old Girls Association (OGA), established in 1899 and the third oldest association of its kind in Australia, is working closely with the newly created Department of Development and Alumni and applauds the School on the initiatives which are strengthening relationships with old girls and alumni. It was a great pleasure for the OGA Management Committee to attend the special assembly for the 139th birthday of the School on 12 March and the special morning tea, which followed the official proceedings, with Principal Ms Jacinda Euler, and other staff. Everyone looks forward to the celebration of the School’s 140th birthday in 2015. For the second time, Everything Old is New Again was held in March. The function provided an excellent opportunity for current mothers at the School who are also old girls to reconnect, reminisce and meet other old girls with common interests. The fashion parade of formal dresses from over the years, modelled by current students, and ably compered by Associate Dean, Mrs Pauline Harvey-Short was a highlight. Special thanks go to Salliann Powell (Johnson 1986) and Grainia Schmelzer (King 1981) for their leadership of the event, and to the mothers who shared their treasured formal gowns. On Saturday 29 March, the OGA’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held at the School. The meeting commenced with the Q &A style Sister Act, an interview with Dr Holly Rowell (Smith 1999), a medical practitioner, and water polo Olympian Sophie Smith (2003). Sister Act has become a tradition at the AGM and provided entertainment and enlightenment on the
Member Salliann Powell (Johnson 1986) Member Grainia Schmelzer (King 1981) Member Jean Vallis (Genn 1942) Member Diana Wood (Thacker 1975)
Current students model formal fashions from years past at the OGA Everything Old is New Again event.
On the 2014 Reunion Weekend (13 – 15 June) we will welcome the return of the classes of 2004 (10 Year), 1994 (20 Year), 1984 (30 Year), 1974 (40 Year), 1964 (50 Year), 1954 (60 Year) and 1944 plus (70 Year plus and OGA Recollections). To ensure you are receiving all the latest alumni news, please update your details by contacting us on or +61 7 3332 1437.
The Old Girls Association (OGA)... is working closely with the newly created Department of Development and Alumni and applauds the School on the initiatives which are strengthening relationships with old girls and alumni.
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