Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 2016

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AUTHOR Dr Sally Stephens Director of Science

Mrs Alison Wind (BEnvSc, MEnvSc) and, while Alison is on leave, on the expertise of Ms Aisling Kelly (BSc, BEd). Alison’s strength lies in her attention to detail especially where safety is concerned while Aisling’s teaching experience is of immense value in the classroom. With these two on the case, gone are the days of students moaning about their experiments never working. ‘ The future of Australian Science rests largely with the success of strategies that inspire girls and young women to develop a life-long fascination …’ Mr Anthony Lumsden (BSc (Hons)) enjoys working with Physics students on their Extended Experimental Investigations (EEIs). As they progress, both theoretically and experimentally, through their investigation, students ask Anthony lots of questions, but he rarely gives straightforward answers. Instead, he adopts an inquiry approach, helping students work through the problem- solving process, helping them define the problem and generate solutions. Girls Grammar Science has 76 classes with 1,626 students, 11 laboratories, 21 teachers, and one of our most successful strategies has been to augment the teaching team with highly qualified and skilled Laboratory Technicians. The future of Australian Science rests largely with the success of strategies that inspire girls and young women to develop a life-long fascination with the subject. We want it to be the profession for some but the lifestyle for all, curious about the world around them.

DURING THIS YEAR’S OPEN DAY, I WAS DRAWN TO ONE OF THE SCIENCE LABORATORIES BY THE SOUND OF DELIGHTED LAUGHTER OF CHILDREN. THEY WERE ENTHRALLED AS OUR THREE LABORATORY TECHNICIANS DEMONSTRATED THE FRIVOLITIES OF DRY ICE BUBBLES AND COIN HOCKEY. THE SCIENCE FACULTY IS VERY LUCKY TO HAVE AS PART OF OUR TEAM DR CARLA ATKINSON, MR ANTHONY LUMSDEN, AND MS AISLING KELLY (CURRENTLY REPLACING MRS ALISON WIND WHO IS ON PARENTAL LEAVE). Science classrooms at Girls Grammar are dynamic environments that keep our Laboratory Technicians on their toes. They are seen as the expert, the researcher, the colleague, the mentor, the teacher, and sometimes simultaneously all of the above. Carla, Alison, Aisling and Anthony have an excellent knowledge of science in general, and each has his or her own specialty discipline. They work as a team with efficiency, professionalism, and great resourcefulness but I would like to honour them as individuals. Dr Carla Atkinson (BSc (Joint Honours), MSc, PhD) is a multi-skilled and highly qualified member of the senior Biology and Science 21 teams. The successful implementation of our complex Year 12 biotechnology investigations is due to Carla’s preliminary research, her careful preparation of essential resources and her methodical photography of experimental results. The safe and efficient delivery of the practical programme in the Chemistry Department relies on the skills of


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