Grammar Gazette-Issue 2, 2020

For this poem, Eve Zelich (11L) was awarded first prize in the 2020 Australian Mensa Poetry Competition.


20 Years in 2020 The BGGS Class of 2000

2 blessed 2 be depressed Eve Zelich (11L)

With the motto ‘Dream it, Dare it, Do it’ fresh in their minds, the Brisbane Girls Grammar School Class of 2000 left the School with the promise of a new century before them. Two graduates, Belinda Nevell and Katie Cameron, took vastly different paths after graduating from Girls Grammar in 2000—Belinda moved from a successful swimming career into a role working as Queensland Police Negotiator, while Katie left a university career to become a farmer. In 2020, after two decades in the world beyond the picket fence, Belinda and Katie discuss how it felt to be a graduate in the new millennium, where life has taken them, and how they feel about the future.

the world sings to me now. i’ve never actually heard it before. the music sheet of my life was a mess of meaningless symbols, lifeless characters, incapable of producing beautiful sound.

now, as i sit in front of my piano, i feel like i could be reckless like i could break things, change things…even make things i could plunge my hand into glittering cosmos and rearrange the stars to form my name.

but, music, oh music ! i want to do that first.

i close my eyes and remember the fireplace in my house and how close to it i used to sit. i remember understanding how easily it could burn me, destroy me into nothing, just dust to be swept into a bucket. but this thought no longer frightens me, as my soul has thawed it now feels warm, because of the pictures i paint with my fingers when hitting the black and white keys in a treble some chess match do you hear that beautiful sound?

Senior year —

athlete, and they created an environment that was conducive for students of all capabilities and interests to flourish.’ Katie’s favourite memories of her final year atBGGS areof the Instrumental Music program and Outdoor Education. ‘One of my standout memories from school was choir. That warm feeling you get when you are singing with other people is really special. ‘I used to find any excuse I could to go on camp—I really enjoyed the outdoor education experience so it was wonderful that the School provided these learning opportunities. As I look back now, I obviously had that interest and love for being outdoors, even at that young age ’ ▶

For Belinda, the path ahead after school seemed clear—having competed at an elite level during her senior year, Belinda was excited to launch into a swimming career. ‘2000 was a huge year personally for me. I travelled to Europe to compete at the World Cup swimming series with the Australian Swim Team, competed at several domestic open level competitions, captained the BGGS Swim Team and held a leadership position within Lilley House,’ Belinda said ‘I found the teaching staff and Principal, Mrs Judith Hancock, to be incredibly supportive of me being an elite

i open my eyes before i flip my music sheet to the first page, and i watch the quavers rise to their toes, ready to perform their melody. when i waved my depression goodbye, it almost felt like parting with a friend. but when i part with my friends, i usually don’t feel so much joy.

above Katie on her family’s farm left Belinda in training, 2008

above Eve Zelich (11L)



Brisbane Girls Grammar School

Brisbane Girls Grammar School


Issue 2, 2020


Issue 2, 2020

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