Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 2008




Australian Government National Awards for Quality Schooling AUSTRALIA’S TOP TEACHERS

Our teachers are constantly seeking ways to enhance the quality of student learning in their classes, and are keen to engage in professional development opportunities to extend their personal understandings whenever possible.

Ms Amanda Bell received one of seven Highly Commended National Achievement awards for Excellence by a Principal. The award recognises outstanding school leadership by principals who make a difference to young people, their opportunities in life and their achievements. Under her guidance the School has developed innovative science and creative arts programmes, new information technology subjects, overseas activities for students and staff and considerable professional development and leadership opportunities.These have had a significant impact on students’ social and academic achievements. Ms Bell’s influential leadership has helped broaden the opportunities available to students at Girls Grammar and brought international recognition to the School.

The Provocations series of presentations stimulate new ways of thinking about a raft of educational issues and are offered once a term after school. Already they have helped enrich cross–faculty collegiality within the School and our relationships with our partner tertiary institutions. Last year’s Provocations talks were tailored by our Griffith University partners in response to staff requests for the latest information about innovations in new technologies and their perceived impact on education. After these excellent presentations, staff were primed for further personal investigations and experimentation. This year, our Provocations talks have drawn on wider community contacts and institutions. Dr Jane Keogh and Dr Shelley Dole from the University of Queensland focused on practicum Current research shows the in-school, or practicum, experience to be of critical importance in the induction of young teachers to the profession. The Centre for Professional Practice promotes mentoring as a valued professional activity for School staff with the ultimate goal of supporting the growth of future teachers. The sharing of professional stories is an important part of professional growth and is one aspect that has been incorporated into the practicum experience via weekly support seminars by Grammar staff. Recently, as part of the regular Pathways series of professional discussions, four pre-service teachers shared their stories with School staff in a presentation on their reflections and thoughts on their practicum experience. The presentation was a means of showing their

discussions between tutor and pre-service teachers as a process for negotiating more productive mentoring relationships. Interested staff were invited to participate in a pilot research project to extend these ideas further, and a key outcome of this Provocation was the formation of a Mentoring Special Interest Group. Last term’s Provocation, Values Education, drew a large audience. Dr Bill Sultmann, Director of Catholic Education (Cairns) and the 2006 Visiting Scholar for the Australian College of Educators, spoke of the need for ‘depthing awareness’, or the heightening of one’s ability to look within, rather than merely looking ahead or at others, hence avoiding self-reflection. In this way, he argued, greater consciousness of one’s decisions, motivations and actions would be possible, as would greater opportunity for valuable learning from self-critique of life’s experiences. appreciation to staff for the unparalleled support they had received during their time at the School. Ms Shonel Messer felt she had been very fortunate to have had the opportunity to complete her practicum at Girls Grammar under the guidance of two excellent and experienced teachers, Mrs Woodford and Mrs Byrne. Ms Leila Herne remarked that the Centre for Professional Practice fosters an environment of support, professional development, challenge and teamwork. The student-teachers were encouraged to involve themselves in all aspects of school life, and to experience not just the classroom but co-curricular activities, such as visits to Marrapatta. Mr David Crewe was most impressed by the opportunity the School provided to go

Dr Kimber (second left) with pre-service teachers Ms L Herne, Ms N Littler, Mr D Crewe and Ms S Messer

With such an array of stimulating ideas, our guest experts have provided staff with opportunities and challenges on both professional and personal levels. They have added a richness to our professional learning community and their visits are widely anticipated. To see these cross-faculty collegial discussions in progress is to appreciate the vitality and commitment of our learning community at Brisbane Girls Grammar School. DR KAY KIMBER Director, Centre for Professional Practice beyond the rhetoric of university lectures and actually use technologies only spoken about in their tertiary studies. His experiences at Girls Grammar helped shaped his thoughts on teaching, encouraging him to strive to meet the professionalism and ability of the teachers working here. Ms Natasha Littler reflected that her time and experiences as a pre-service teacher at the School confirmed her love of teaching. She commented that the opportunities, resources and programmes offered to pre-service teachers here exceeded all expectations. She expressed her thanks to the Centre for Professional Practice and the whole Grammar community for such an inspiring and worthwhile practicum experience.

Minister for Education, the Hon Julia Gillard MP presented Ms Bell with her award

Officially Opened by Queensland Chief Scientist Professor Peter Andrews, AO CENTRE FOR SCIENCE RESEARCH

our future, as well as the importance of collaborative scientific research globally. Professor Andrews went on to announce an exciting collaboration between Brisbane Girls Grammar School and the Seattle Biomedical Research Institute (SBRI), with a School trip planned to visit the SBRI for April 2009. The trip is a joint initiative with Brisbane Grammar School.

Girls Grammar has a long and proven history of enthusing girls about science, with over 87 per cent of senior students studying a science subject. With the opening of the CSR the School is taking a significant step towards reversing the negative national trend in student uptake of science subjects at high school. At the opening Professor Andrews spoke about the importance of science in terms of engaging our students for the sake of

Through the Centre for Science Research (CSR), the School seeks to bring together Australia’s best science students, educators and professionals to provide opportunities to nurture and excite young scientists, and motivate high-quality scientific research to advance the future of science education.



Mr Alan Allinson, Head of Physics, and Year 12 student Kathryn Zealand were among twenty-five outstanding and innovative award winners during National Science Week (16 – 24 August 2008).The prestigious Peter Doherty Awards for Excellence in Science and Science Education are awarded to encourage more young Queenslanders to pursue careers in science as well as improve the quality of science education in the state. Mr Allinson received one of ten $5000 prizes, while Kathryn received one of ten $2000 awards.

work with colleagues in schools Australia-wide, and for providing his students with opportunities to engage in authentic scientific research.Through his involvement with the International Young Physicists Tournament he has raised the esteem in which physics education in Australia is held by educators and academics from the rest of the world. Mr Allinson and Kathryn will be presented with their awards at a special ceremony on 21 October.

While announcing the award winners Member for Brisbane Central, Grace Grace commented that this year’s nominations were of a very high standard and all winners should be justifiably proud of their efforts. Kathryn demonstrated an interest in science studies outside her normal school curriculum requirements and outstanding levels of achievement in at least two senior science subjects. Mr Allison, a passionate and dedicated physics educator, was recognised for this

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