Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 2008
Senior Drama Production The Crucible
Arthur Miller’s
tale of truth and trial
The 2008 Senior Production of Arthur Miller’s The Crucible began with auditions in April where a number of nervous looking boys met a number of equally nervous looking girls.
Gradually, nerves subsided as rehearsals got into full swing. Read throughs graduated to blocking runs and eventually the cast managed to let go of their scripts. Scenes were chopped and changed, studied and strengthened until finally the play came together as a full production.This was not achieved without long, intense rehearsal sessions yet somehow it never seemed to stop being fun! By August the cast was ready and a preview performance was held for senior students from both Brisbane Girls Grammar School and Brisbane Grammar School, many of whom study The Crucible in English. It was a perfect way to launch the production— the actors realised how much support they had from their peers, which helped ease first night nerves considerably.The show went off without a hitch and everyone was relieved to see all their hard work come to fruition. The Creative Learning Centre provided a fantastic stage for this particular production, and its sheer size and structure helped set the foreboding, cold mood of the Puritan town of Salem. Special thanks must go to all the actors and technicians who took part in the production and the cast and crew would like to express their gratitude to the play’s director Mrs Riveros. Her vision for this production made it an amazing learning experience for everyone involved. Grace Cowderoy Drama Captain
Students compose works for leading Australian music ensemble
international composers, including those from Canada (Tim Brady), and the UK (Andrew Poppy, Michael Nyman, and Jeremy Peyton Jones). A member of Topology worked with students on a weekly basis to develop and support their skills in composing original music pieces. The students used Year 12 artwork as stimulus for their compositions and these images were projected as Topology performed the girls’ work in a special performance concert, Visions of Self.
Throughout Term III Year 12 music students had a unique opportunity to participate in a composition workshop with Topology, one of Australia’s leading new instrumental ensembles. Topology is recognised for its energetic, full-bodied sound and has built a solid audience base since it formed more than ten years ago. The group regularly performs to sold-out houses around Australia and its concerts are broadcast nationally by the ABC. They continually work and consult with numerous
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