Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 2007

Act Locally

“It has allowed me to understand just how many things I take for granted and how

lucky I really am.” Sarah Waller (11L)

Global Distribution of Wealth: Living it up on US$10 a day (Source: showing the spatial distribution of people living on up to US$10 a day which depicted Africa as being disproportionately larger than the scaling on a traditional map. These types of activities contribute towards the development of critical thinking skills.

their own maps of Africa that showed the distribution of various development indicators by accessing and manipulate data collated from such sources as the World Bank and the World Health Organisation. Another startling visual representation that attracted the girls’ attention was a world map from

Role-play simulations are also a key feature of our geography classrooms allowing students to gain a broader understanding of the global community. Towards the end of Term III, having studied the causes of food shortages and the impacts that food availability has on different parts of the world, students

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