Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 2007


Aere Perennius

I have created a monument more lasting than bronze: Horace

Brisbane Girls Grammar School is pleased to invite alumni to participate in Aere Perennius, a new philanthropic programme established to celebrate the vital connection between Girls Grammar’s accomplished past and its exciting future.

We hope that many members of the Girls Grammar community will take this opportunity to leave a legacy for their families, positively influence the lives of current and future students, and help the School continue the implementation of one of the most significant building plans in its long history. For more information about Aere Perennius please contact the Philanthropic Programmes Manager on 07 3332 1437 or email

Through Aere Perennius, the School will recognise the contribution made by alumni to its building Masterplan with the creation of individual bronze plaques, to be displayed on campus. Each plaque will contain an inspirational text selected by the donor, together with the names of the past student who attended Brisbane Girls Grammar School. The plaques will become an enduring record of the long history and lasting bonds for alumni and their families with the School, as well as an inspirational domain for current and future girls for generations to come.

National Music Award

Our Principal, Ms Amanda Bell, has received a national School Leader Award in recognition of her commitment to school music education at Brisbane Girls Grammar School.

Grammar School. “The building represents an exciting new phase in music learning and Ms Bell’s futures orientation enables staff to develop high quality programmes that utilise their new space in innovative ways.” Mr Andrew Pennay, Head of Classroom Music, notes that under Ms Bell’s leadership, “rigour is valued in the academic study of music and the development of musicianship skills as well as in performance practice.” The School congratulates Ms Bell on this fine achievement.

many benefits and that a love of music should be cultivated in students. Ms Bell has made an exceptional contribution to the musical life of the School through ensuring that all students are provided with equitable access to a curricular and co-curricular music programme, and that staffing, timetabling and resources are in place to support the programme. “The School’s new Creative Learning Centre is one tangible example of Ms Bell’s commitment to arts education,” says Mr Mark Sullivan, Director of Instrumental Music at Brisbane Girls

The award was announced by the Minister for Education, Science and Training, the Hon Julie Bishop MP as part of the Australian Society for Music Education (ASME) National Conference in Perth in July. These National Awards for Excellence in School Music Education recognise outstanding school leaders who have made a positive difference to the lives of students and school communities through their devotion to quality music education. An initiative of the Australian Government, the awards are designed to congratulate leaders such as Ms Bell who recognise that Music programmes in schools bring

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