Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 2005









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This is not an ambitious

statement for a School such as

ours, firmly set in a global context

where distance and time barriers

have been negated by new and

easily accessible technologies.

Opportunities are created constantly for our students and teachers to engage in exciting programmes overseas ranging from individual and team competitions to conferences and exchanges Linked to this international focus is our willingness to experience other places and learn about their cultures. Values education is a core component of the federal government's reforms for schooling and also underpins the academic, pastoral and co- curricular programmes at Girls Grammar. Some of the key values identified in a 2003 federal study include: care and compassion; freedom; honesty and trustworthiness; integrity; respect; responsibility; tolerance and inclusion While a school must work in partnership with the home to ensure a common approach is taken to these values, when raising and educating young people, a school can go a long way in consolidating these values through its curriculum and co- curriculum. History and English traditionally explore issues of conflict, race, resolution and human adversity through different viewpoints, debate and research. it is imperative that schools maintain their ability to engage students in dialogue about contemporary world matters to broaden their understanding of cultures and promote respect for difference. In the past twelve months, students from Girls Grammar have travelled to peru to undertake service activities,

Ms Bell with (L) Mi HITayarna, Principal, and (R) Mr HITayama, Chairman from Seijinkan High School, Hiiayamn Educational Foundation

economic planning. The cynical view according to Dr Spring is one where education becomes a global competition with universities mobilising brain power and students becoming a resource to complement a political vision. if a government can control what is taught and how teachers deliver content, it can then control future labour markets. Applying a business model to education and benchmarking teaching may only prove to stifle creativity and innovation. Creating a truly global workforce will only help to destabilise families further and apply more pressure on schools to provide a stable and dependable environment for our young people. While a focus on international tolerance, culture and context will enrich the learning experience for our young women, adherence to a global knowledge-based economy may in fact act against the richness of diversity and experience. This School will always endeavour to remain true to our core intent, regardless of external trends, and provide the best educational platform possible for our students to contribute confidently to their world with wisdom, imagination and integrity. Ms Arianda Bell I Resdesigning Pedagogy: research, policy, practice; Singapore 30 May - I Iune, 2005

competed in competitions in Switzerland and the United States and welcomed students from our Affiliate schools in Germany, France, lapan and China. in addition teachers have travelled to the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Singapore to attend international conferences on current research in education. The richness and diversity of these types of programmes ensure that as a School we remain cognisant of new theories, different cultures, attitudes, developments and opportunities, thereby ensuring our exposure to other opinions and remaining current with new ideas. Dr joel Spring spoke at a recent conference' about global educational policy and how it is being influenced unduly by the pursuit of knowledge based economies. While traditional knowledge is seen as important to preserve and document, knowledge development based in new technologies is in danger of producing stratified societies. Youth culture is organising itself around brand names and developing a constant dissatisfaction with high tech consumer products - always seeking the latest model and the newest features. Education and teaching institutions are being caughtup in the hype and becoming an integral part of government

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