Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 2005


enrichment experiencesfo studentsofen, lish

A large group of ear 11 and Year 12 students also participated in a s lies of very successfu creati e writing classes conducted by Kim ilkins our 200 Dolls To risend ara er emorial liter in Residence. The orkshops were held over three days at the School and enabled students to work for extended periods with Kim, who is the author of eleven very successful novels and a Lecturer in Creative riting at the Univ 15ity of Queensland. Through these enrichment programmes, our students benefit from interaction , ith a range of gifted writers who contribute in dynamic and direct ways to student learning experiences through the diversity and ealth of their literary and personal experience.

The Faculty of English in its pursuit of best practice draws upon the expertise of a range of successful and highly regarded authors and academics to enhance student learning, both in the fields of creative riting and in the analysis of orks of fiction being studied by students, in August a series of popular and uccessful enrich ent sessions were conducted b visiting riters. Ra da Abdel. Fatlah, ho is a Ia er and author of young adult fiction c ptivated her audience of Year 8 and Year 9 students with her into 119ent and spirited account of her o n life exp liences us Iim Australian in growing up as a elbourne where she tiended a Catholic primary school and an Islamic secondary college. Through her witty, insightful and very popular recent novel Does fry Heod took Big in This? Randa hopes to bring about a better understanding of her culture and in so doing, dispose of some of the stereotypical myths and misconceptions about Australian usIim women. The students related POSiti ely to Randa's ar , musing and vibrant account of her teenage years, which in many respeds parallels some of their own

experiences as adolescents, The barrage of questions to which Randa responded at the end of her talk indicated the high level of interest of her fascinated listeners. A1 Year I I students benefited from sessions on writing short fiction conducted by Dr Venero Armanno, author of many a ard- inning adult novels and short stories, and enjor Lecturer in Creative liting at the Uni ersity of Queensland. Dr Almanno's lively and informative presentations provided students ith a wealth of practical dvice de ign d both to stimulate and to assist the in their own literary endeavours, rid specifically in the creation of realistic chara er representations in the writing of their own short stories with an Australian context and setting.



in vingoperaI

and pride in their children. The students tapped into their own inherent abilities, as well as developing and building on skills learned in School Drama and Music studies. This significant arts experience enabled the students to be both creators and performers, develop their appreciation and understanding of these art forms and investigate training and career pathways

in May of this year a group of thirty Music and Drama students in Years 9 to 12 from both Brisbane Girls Grammar School and Brisbane Grammar School had the opportunity o be involved in a week of workshop activities with Moving Opera! Moving Opera! is part of Opera Queensland's education programme The students participated in activities designed to explore music theatre, opera repertoire and techniques, vocal and choral echniques and performance skills.

Dire. to I jutia De Plater, and three young artists from Opera Queensland, Matt Lower, Annie Hoepper and Sian lakes. The students participated in 21 hours of intense but very exciting activities over and above the demands of their normal academic week. Both Drama and Music students were at times taken well out of their comfort zones. The Moving Opera! team were inspiration al in their ability to coach the students in performance skills integrating both music and drama Parents who attended the showcase performance were universal in their praise for the programme and admiration

The Moving Opera! team consisted of Director Christ ine Douglas, Musical

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