Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 2004

Staff Profiles

Mr Richard Laur, BAIHons) BEd MEd Many people are amazed to hear that Australia is the fifth country in which Mr Richard Laur has lived He left his hometown, Ottawa, Canada in 1994 to take up a position teaching English and History in Kuala Lumpur. Since then he has taught English, History and Drama in international Schools in HO Chi Minh City and Zug, Switzerland. Two years ago he settled in Brisbane. his wife's hometown Mr tour enjoys Brisbane and finds his work at Brisbane Girls Grammar School very rewarding. He says it is a pleasure to teach such well-disciplined and motivated students and is pleased to be part of the School's long tradition of academic excellence While overseas, Mr Laur worked with the International Baccalaureate Organisation 11BOj preparing schools for accreditation in the Diploma Programme and the Middle Years Programme IMYPjand had an article on assessment in MYP Drama published in 18 WorldMogozine Mr Laur also helped in preparing a school for accreditation with the European Community o International Schools IECISj

Mr Peter Creese, BA, BEd

Mr Peter Creese was appointed inaugural Language Tutor in Latin at Brisbane Girls Grammar School at the beginning of 2004. A5 a graduate of Brisbane Grammar School and the University of aueensland with a major in Latin, Mr Creese comes to the School with a clear sense of its aims and a genuine depth of knowledge in his discipline. He has recently graduated as a teacher and his Education studies have advanced his experience in applying learning strategies

Mr Creese works with all Year levels, taking small groups for focus tasks, and in particular contributes to the combined Years 11 and 12 Latin class

For Mr Peter Creese, working with Latin students is a labour of love, made more enjoyable by a positive environment and the enthusiasm of students who are willing to learn. Making the study of Latin pleasurable and relevant includes devising activities that motivate and challenge students. His most significant initiative so far has been developing a game for Year 8 students, impelium Romanum, an interactive framework making students responsible for governing provinces in the Roman Empire and using language activities to mark their success. Using electronic resources in a clever combination of modern technology with ancient language is testament to the fact that Latin, often considered a 'dead' language, is not without life

Mr Megan James, BEd. DipT( ec rtj. AssDipArchTech. AsDA Mrs Megan James received the first Brisbane Girls GrammarschoolStoffFellowship. This is a bienni award for conducting research aimed at improving teaching practice and enhancing the quality of learning. As the previous Head of Art, Mrs James has worked at the School for 12 Years and has a daughter in Year 9. Before her appointment at Brisbane Girls Grammar School, Mrsiames was an education officer at the Queensland Art Gallery and an education consultant to the museum sector After beginning a Master's degree in Education, Mrs James was awarded a scholarship and invited i the doctoral programme at Queensland University of Technology Mrs James's research explores some of the broad issues affecting education and schooling around the world and their implications for developing this School. Of particular interest is entrepreneurship in education in the context of the enterprise education programmes for schools currently being promoted by the federal government Piloting vacation workshops to complement the School's existing academic and co- curricular offerings aligns with these studies. BY offering extra products and services, the School hopes to realise some of the positive outcomes reported In summer schooling research

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