Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 2004
Student Snapshots
What advice would You offer to Year 8 students starting in 2005? Make the most of every opportunity you get he How do you manage to balance your relaxation time, co- curricular activities and your studies? I've learnt to be organised and this helps a lot What do you see yourself doing after finishing School? Unsure at the moment. There ore so many choic of courses and careers. We hovelooked at coree areas and university courses this year andlfee! ready to tackle the subjects that I have chosen for Year 11
What do you like about Girls Grammar? Being able to try new things andportic^^atei'n Sport, Music andHouse activities Who has given you the best advice while attending Girls Grammar? Our Cross Country Coach, whois always tellih to "stop talking': but morel'inportontl% "keep persevering I' Greatest achievement? Being port of the best aGSSSA Cross Country Team everl If I were on Who Wants To Be A Millionair my phone-a=friend lifeline would be. . A1bert Finstein - if he wasstillo!lye! What is your favourite memory of Your fir year at the School? Meeting my Year 12 buddy having a big Hous Party and making new fn^rids Who has given you the best advice while attending Girls Grammar? MVPorents whosoid 'blwoyspockyourSchool bog the nightbefore:' Greatest achievement? Learning to combine many things in a day If I were on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, my phone-a-friend lifeline would be. .. I think my best choice would be Mum or Dad What is your favourite memory of your first Year at the School? Going to Miey House parties, having fun and eating green food. Open Day was also enjoyable welcoming the Year8s for the following year and being Involved Ih the Music Gala and the Christmas Concert Who has given You the best advice while attending Girls Grammar? Manypeople have, but I'd have to narrowit down to two people, my Head of House and my Year 12 buddy Both have been fantastic Greatest achievement? Winning three medals for the best score in Papua New Guinea in the New South Wales University If I were on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, my phone-a-friend lifeline would be. .. I'd collmygrondfother because he has a very good, detailed knowledge on a wide range of topics What is your favourite memory of your first Semester at the School? The second doy becauselgot to know my classmates and teochers without the first-day nerves!
Sarah, 10 Mackay When you got up this morning. what wer You looking forward to? PE, Music and lunch What book are you currently reading? 10 KillA Mocking bitd for English What does being a Grammar Girl mean to you? High achievement in o1/01eos of life and belonging to a highly regarded community Lucinda, 9 Lilley When you got up this morning, what were you looking forward to? The OPPortuniti^s and challenges ahead, some of which might be unexpected What book are you currently reading? Angelo by James Moloney What does being a Grammar Girl mean to You? Lost year weieamtoboutsome of the history of Girls Grammar and the education of girls in the early days, solom aware of that history andl enjoy being port of the modern values Gridspirit of Girls Grammar What do you like about Girls Grammar? There ore many things. The teachers heto to make the sub^^ctslomleaminginteresting and they ore supportive and he tofu1. I o150 really enjoy flatng mountain bikes and canoeing at camp, and being involved ^^ the Concert Bond and Choir 10150 have o10toffun with myfn^rids When You got up this morning, what were You looking forward to? Iwoslooking forward to fencing afterschool with my fri^rids What book are you currently reading? I am readihg the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Goloxy by DouglasAdoms for the second time What does being a Grammar Girl mean to you ? it means being port of a great Schoolwherel con get a really good education und hamvolved in manyexcitihg and challenging activities with other girls Samantha, 8 Woolcock
What advice would you offer to Year 8 students starting in 2005? My sister Annals starting nextyeor andsheis alreadylooking forward to it. There ore many things that you con do at Girls Grammar and there ore manyopportuniti^s to hamvolved within the School to learn and have fun How do you manage to balance Your relaxation time, co- curricular activities and your studies? if!hdiflplon and use my didrylcon set aside ti'me for a combihotion of study practices before and after School, and relaxation
What do you see yourself doing after finishing School? Tertiary study but I am riotsure of the course yet.
What advice would You offer to Year 8 students starting in 2005? The GrammarGitlsore veryhelpfulond they help you find your way around the School, so have fun and enjoy yourself How do you manage to balance Your relaxation time, co- curricular activities and your studies? IPIon my time and have a set amount of time for each subject. On the weekends, I catch up on study time that jini'ght have missed and relax My co- curricular activities ore port of my relaxation time What do You see Yourself doing after finishing School? I would like to practise medicine, most likely OS a General Practitioner
What do you like about Girls Grammar? Its so diverse and you get many opportunities that you probably wouldn't getelsewhere, like fencing
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