Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 1997
Ms Andrews was excited by the challenge and embarked upon a design process that involved concerted research in which ideas and symbols suggested themse ves and were explored. The two images that be caine Ihe focal points or the window were the eagl and the butterfly. The sirength and freedom o the eagle are central features. n addition. a myriad o butterflies depict the unique nature o each person. No two sets o butterfly wings are ever alike and thus om the more Images - realistic 10 the an 11y abstract - are suggested throughout the panels
symbolically depict the untolding of the creativity ithin u all, the of enthusiasm and the capacity to achieve our goals - what ever they might be. " it is important to leave a legacy of conrempory art for fill generations. Hancock drews, a discusse with Ienntfe past studen and curien Art sinff member. the "feasibility of PCvetoping a shined glas window which would specifically depict the vitality o youth and the way in which young people continually in c 10 b*." With the belief
On School Day. Saturday 11 October I . the school environment was manently enhanced b the unveiling o a vibren coriumemomtive windo at the at of the Beanland ibracy mm infonna 'on Centre by e Principal, Mrs udith Hancock The five glorious. stained glass panels were dedicated to Grammar girls past. present and future. bucin particular, the Seniors of 1996 who proved themselves such an outsruiding year grou - especially in Ih marine in which they accepted the responsibility of being role In odels as independent and dedicated young women Mrs Hancock believes "the windows
Stained glass artist, Warwick Blair, front the Stain Glass Centre, Brisbane. I k months or meticulous work to make the design a reality The 1996 Mothers' Group and President Mrs Jan Dayies were as always responsive to such an initiative and very generous in roviding the funds which The school coriumunity has responded so enthusiastically to the window that e O d iris avc decided 10 continue vision o this project with new an coinplemenatty windows ori___ other side o the doors to the library
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