Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 1997



of these dynaiiitc debaters came at the grand final, where they met the Dynamite


The Future's Problems Solved

developed some bizarre ideas borne from the panic attacks associated with working within a time lintt. The tomis agreed that the development of original

Katie Mendra

Laura Cameron & Cait"in Marley

Standing room only. An urinerving only other undefeated team in the situation for debaters, accustomed competition. Despite boasting two to the echoes symptomatic of Queensland State Team Salection supporter deprivation. Not a chair Finalists, anddespite posing was left empty at the Year I I considerable challenges, the Queensland Debating Union Final arguments of the 'boys next door' between BGGS and Brisbane were toppled by the cohesiv Granunar School. Held at All strength of the Girls Graniinar Hallows School at the end of term team.

The continually improving technology and often humorous solutions made the of space exploration may eventually exercise more enjoyable anow humans to communicate with extraterresinalbeings. If this eventuales Throughout theyear three very different what is the appropriate way to respond topics, all interesting and challengin@. to the situation and what are the explored. imagining the were implications? possibilities of "Homes of the Future" was a creative experience and was BOGS Future Tobie Solvers followed by th phenomena of responded to a problem similar to this as "Extraterresttial Life". The U. F. 0. that their second topic o Ih year and was hovering above Brisbane during investigated other futonsiic scenarios to this period, (later discredited as a improve a wide rang o skills, not coin any blimp encouraged girls that excluding a new preoccupation with the subjectof this unit might be closer to UFO. sightings in the Brisbane sky. home than expected As in previous years, girls worked in teams o four to investigate each of the The next unit questioned "What ar the three topics of Ih year and completed consequences of using one electronic competition booklets to solve the card to pay for everything?" Based on roblems presented by a fuiure scene or this idea of a "Cashless Society", the scenario. Although sinc adherence to final booklet of the year was judged to the Future Problem Solving method was decide which teams from Queensland necessary to successfully complete each would compete in the National Fina s in competition booklet, there was still Melbourne. The Year Nine ream room for creativity which encouraged consisting of KalaniDias, SophieFerris, girls 10 daring in their ideas Satah Hack and Eleanor O'Connan was chosen to travel to Melbourne in timeframewas dictated by rigid ctiteria. The improvements made by the girls F om a sup lied future scene or into ughout the year can be attributed to futuristic scenario relating to the current their enthusiasm and the support topic, the goups brainstonmed and provided and invaluable instruction by developed problems and ideas. A the FFS co- ordinator Mrs Stubbing ton coinple competition booklet was to and those teachers who provided include twenty problems and the basic different angles on the issues at hand: underlying roblemthat had arisen from Mrs Wain, Mr Amnson and Mrs Fairlie. them. With time advancing, twenty Whilst developing theories on human solutions to the underlying problem interaction with extraterrestrial life were devised and five criteria to forms it was necessary to have the evaluate the best solution developed. factual input of the science teachers to Finally, upon evaluating the solutions, bring the students back down to corth! the has solution was explored in more The five new teams also greatly detail appreciated the advice from the Year Twdve FFS veterans: Elizabeth Ahem, As Mrs Stubbington warned the girls, Elm Charles-Edwards, Fiona Lazar and deviation from careful phrasing and Syndia Lazams fomng to include essential elements in the proposals can hav disastrous With guidance from teachers and more results wing the coin letion of the experienced roblem solvers, girls new competition booklets most groups to the program were able to adjust to the The process in completing the October. Congratulations! competition booklets within a two-hour


n, e $1, ccesqii, ! QDU ofebaii, ,g tear" s", row, Ided by el@, ed 51, pporrers

three, the debate showcased the talent of over one hundred competing tomns. The Girls Grailunar team argued its way to victory during the strategic battle titled, "th@! we havejbi!ed our indige, IONS people ". The boys were confidently outspoken but The path to victory for Suzi Black, Saran Hoyes, Alla Urbancic-Kenny, Charlotte Price and Binzabeth Veincovic began at the end of term one' Six months, and innumerable lunchtime meetings later, the undefeated team would qualify for the tension of a 'short-prep' semi

Throughout the year, the girls have laboured vimally uriai ed, over themes, case structures and rebuttals to participat in eleven debates. For their tireless coinimtinent, the team was rewarded with a coveted QDU

premiership. in recognition of their were outsmarted and outslassed by achievements, the girls received the impressive pertonnance of the individual trophies, a team trophy Girls Grammar team and $200 for the School.

Our thanks go to our 10y supporters Emma Prior, Lean Scholes, Bunna Carlisle and HeIen Ma as well as to the Year I I girls who attended the finals series'

Next y the team advances to the final round. A powerful demonstration that "SOCi@ try'"stice Senior A competition where "points of information" or j"stifles pol^ticolviole, Ice' left overwhelmed Terracians clutching interruptions. to individual remnants of a case'. speeches win challenge the skills of The opportunity to test the prowess our champion debaters ............................................. . . . . . . Old Girls Association News .The Annual General Meeting will Boarding House and the secondis . . be held in the School Staff Centre for the foyer of the Library to aug- ' : on Monday 23 Febraury 1998, merit the recent treasure of stained ' .preceded by a fork dinner at glass donated by the others ' .6.30pm. AllOld Girls are welcome Group. We ^equest any input to be . . to attend. communicated to the Association . . We are working towards the pro- by POS c/ th School phone or fax : ' duction of two stained glass win- to the President. . dows for the School. .The first is the semi-circular one The Association celebrates its . above the western passage to the Centenary in 1999. . . . . . . . . ..................................... ....... . .

process. The process is helpful for refining analytical and cornmunicative skills and lateral thinking abilities. Although each girl may have improved each specific skin toadiffere I extent. Mrs Stubbington cites the overall reward that most students gain from the Future Prob em Solving experience as "an improved approach to all academic tasks because the girls d velop a better strategy with tackle which to problems"

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