Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 1997
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Cherrell mrst Chainnan Board or Trustees
- with an opportunity to enjoy and Mother recent celebration was the value in defining of our coals and again celebrate the remarkable quiet and reflective Board dinner to aspirations for the future. activities of the girls in this School. mark the 21 years of leadership by
A number of celebratory events have The breadth, depth and height of the Principal, Mrs Hancock. it was On a more routine basis, the Board taken place within the School in these activities should challenge an evening highlighted by nostalgia, has continued to meet and to Ian for recent months in which the Board each of us in our own lives. reality and optimism. Looking back the future of the School. in the last has been pleased to be involved. One on the achievements or the past is of few months this planning has is the 11nveiling of the magnificent involved physical facilities at finbil. stained glass window in Ih library further expansion of computer foyer. in dedicating this "thing of hardware and software, negotiations beauty" to "the Senior Class of 96" with the City Council and other Mrs Hancock has built into the bodies about the physical physical infrastrucrore of the School environment around the School, and the vision we have toI every involvement in the wider educational Graminar girl - optimal personal organisations and policy-making development to achieve a satisfying bodies within the state. The Board and fulfilling life. in this window, has committed itself to continued individualism is celebrated along support of the sporting, creative and with greatness. They are symbolised cultural aspects of the studentagenda by the contrast of the images of in addition to the more strictly based eagles with butterflies. The Board academic cumculum.
thanks an congratulates Iennifer Andrews for her creative genius, Warwick Blair for his expert craftsmanship. and Iudith Hancock for her vision.
As 1997 draws to a close. the Board looks forward to Speech Day and the end of year social events. We anticipate apositive1998, continuing the process of combining innovation and excitement within our broad based liberal environment.
The Board of mrsrees S, @,, di, ,81ro, " left: Professor Li, ,dn Rose, ,"re, ,. Mr Ricl, "rd Ben, "ys. Dr Joh, , Woollett. Dr Jan Brow, ,. Mr loft, I Pieta, er (Seerei", y to lite Board). hadg Margaret MCM, ,,. do Seare fro, ,, 1<17: Ms Eliz"belli Jameson, Mrs Indrih Hd, ICOck (Pri, 161pnl). r Cherre!I Hi, $1 Photog, uph: I@ck Dale
Open Day provided the school community - past, present and future
Frie"ds of Girls Grc, mintzr Mentoring Breakfast - Health & Medical Sciences
Professor John Pearn Deputy Head (Student Affairs) The Graduate School of Medicine and Department of Prediattics and Child Health Royal Children's Hospital
MORE than two thousand years ago, the Father of Medicine, MPPocrates of Kos spoke of the bond that exists between students of medicine and their teachers' This Hippyratic tradition is very much alive today; and was very much in evidence at the Networking Breadast held at the School on 30 July 1997. Medical practitioners, pharmacists, maxillo-facial surgeons and health therapists
in embryo form.
All are totally realistic and this outlook continues one of the great traditions of Girls Grainmar - that spint that all is possible with hard work. Over the years we have had many visits from groups from Girls Grainmar and it has always been a point of pride to see the blue and white unifoinis in the corridors of the Hospital where I work. Nothing magic happens at the moment of graduation in Grade 12. nor at the moment of graduation as a doctor or therapist or veterinary surgeon. Life continues as a continuum; and senior members of the profession regard the most junior of student who would aspire to enter it, already as a coneaoue.
to discuss in detail contemporary issues which face senior students at Girls Grammar who are making decisions about their future.
life. in medicine career options after graduation range from all aspects of clinical medicine, from benchtop medical research to the philosophical aspects of medical ethics or the field studies of medical sociology.
came to talk with senior students So many of the health professions - (Year 12) and tertiary students medicine. nursing. pharmacy, who are Inaking decisions about a dentistry and the the rapies - offer a future career possibly in passport to the world medicin or one of the other health sciences. From the point of view of the visiting professionals who came it was a most gratifying experience The wondrous thing about Ih
The Networkino Breakfast at the School brought home to many of us
as visitors the wonderful ambitious health professions is that they are in plans that most senior students no way narrowing as a pathway for have. professional life. Careers in surgery, in medico-legal Rather, after graduation they offer disciplines, in medical research and almost limittless OPPorturtities for a in specialist neonatolooy (the care fulfilled and rewarding professional of newborn babies) were all there
One always enjoys one's own memories of high school days and it is also very helpful indeed
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