Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 1997


Brave Hearts Beaten

Watch out for the Juntors

Alexandria Grainger, Jayde Timey & Alexa"dra Downs

Freyr Patterson

Alexandra Downs, Alexandria Grainger and Jayde Tilney represented Queensland in the U16 National Schools Girls' Volleyball Competition in Canberra in July After eight gruelling games, sore niuscles, injuries and tongue the Queenslanders ought bravely in the medal play off only to be beaten by South Australia into fourth place During the Presentation o1 Trophies and Closing Ceremony Jayde Tilney was named in the Honorary Team Australian Congratulations Jayde!

First, first and first again were the amazing results the Brisbane Girls Grailunar Volleyballers achieved this season in becoming the overall School Volleyball Champions. Gaining an impressive fifth place. the A Grade team displayed relentless commitment and dedication Along with four other schools, the B Grade achieved an am azino first place, once again displaying the expertise of Grammar Volleyball, WITilst the C Gind team achieved first place overall. The uniorTeani. .. what more can you say! They may be the youngsters of the School but they are by no means insignificant. The Junior team had an "unreal" season placing first overall. If this team is indicative of the talent waiting to mature at Grammar, then State High, SI Margaret's, SI eters, Somerville House, Morelon Bay and St Aidan's, watch out!



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Hockey hits a High

B Grade players, but also the team spint continues on its ever successful path in and sportswomanship of the team. both giving every girl who wants to play an opportunity as well as forever

Freyr Patterson

After a season of hard hits, perfectly C Grade was courageous, calm, pursuing precise passes, tremendous traps, calculating, and clever - all this and Premierships. sensational saves. great goals and niore, achieving an overall mouth-watering morning teas the equal second place with St QGSSSA Hockey season has drawn to a Margarets. C Grade showed close. And what a season it was! All the other QOSSSA schools teams played exceptionally well and not to mess with Grainmar displayed dedicated leani spirit and Hockey! support not only within their reams but 10 the whole of Grammar Hockey

those ever-elusive

And what can we say about the Juniors, the "little"

The amazing, aggressive, awesome. champions trial put in a astonishingIy astounding A Grade Team mammoth e ort to achieve finished the season in second place with an overall placing o third, ipswich, close behind State High. The only three points behind season was one that cusplayed the depth State High and ipswich of talent and support within the team The brave, bold, bulliant B Grade, in an and lays daring the season exceptionally closecompetition achieved resulting in someexceedingly fourth place. rusts an amazing feat and close matches an indication of not only the skills of the AM in all Grammar Hockey Grammar. The Junior ream displayed outstanding skills

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after First time in thirteen years, Liney House ran away with both the Athletics Challenge Cup for Aggegate House Points and the individual Events Cup for the Overall Winners of the Annual interhouse Athletics Carnival. Close second was Gibson 13

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years forgotten. These girls achieved athletic excellence and in the case of the School Champion, in both Truck and Field events.


Freyr Patterson

The Age Champions for 1997 are:

Morgan Grainger (13 Years), Saran House with Woolcock Hou finishing Kenda11 (14 Years), Gcorgie ewing a commendable third. in the relays, Woolcock House showed and Nartarshia So0 (17 Years). exceptional team spirit and took out Although five of the seven girls the England Cup whilst Gibson House achieved 24 points, the overall School won the Medley Bonhmam Cup. and Human Mumy (15 Years , Ahaon O'Dwyer 16 Years), Sharon Wouda

Champions are Morgan Grainger and Sata Kendall, as they competed in both Track and Field Events. This day showed evidence of the talent that Brisbane Girls Granunar has in store for the annual QGSSSA Athletics

Once again the carnival was bel at Churchie and proved to be a spectacular day. Although the day presented unbelievable amounts of team spirit and dedication, the achievements of the Age Champion

and is also evidence of the tremendous and School Champions should not be team spirit possessed by the sindenis GRMIMAR GAZETTE OCTOBER 1997 - Page 15

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