Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 1994


' from page 5 Tli. killiii. * rumyed in Ihe film

Another Friendship Bridge to Laos?

''riiaClin Laos. us!, bl. I d . P Or . C even gel\est" a better lift: titsnn\^up to

' ~* lion and sh"is expected to de\'CIO

*\ '. I. t *f ' I ', *; .* * r ThemCSSigcforB. C. G. S. 51u.

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""*;"" ' $331 " '.::\ Granliliur rind Australia hilte


\'11/1el depicied. When Ihe Jew\ are nappyn to Ih*in. h, ing helded uru of Ihe giieii0. o11. file Subsequeni sceiie, 111he show

hymn, ,mm, .*, mm, ,, mm hymnal",*"."**,""",*,"*." e h a riott d ' This *cene illu*Iruje* Ihe CUI-e racks. 011e 511arcs tile SLliindler worn q UC\lion "\k, d \vh. 11 Iryjjjg to under_ *n '* ICrrOr. and 111eii 111eir ribsoluic re. . hymn, ,,,,,, hymnam, ., am hymn, *"*,*,",",,,",, pp u n I y o r e reativit -ry 111.1 ga\ c Ihe world Mumrj. \VliellierO*k"rScl:illdler"cijinijv Beellin\en. Girlli". uninld number\ I'med Un at Au. cliwiiz 10 g, I 111e ~""'^ 11 ;er\. ,lmji\ u cu Iujt. c, uju I Incn ,u o I * canip I* , Ji"blc. , t, ! .d I *, , I .. . . information booklets about the

bCen cuntbined to pre\ cni tnnfu\ion. It"CC as"In \ce Ih* road buili willI Ihe Girl\' Or;jininar Sciiooi. Bri*b, , .. ' it, ' "'

SLhii 11"rbr k ' ' ' ''' """ ^,,,, u, ,,,,, ,, ,,* ,, ' ' ' . ." 0. lopiC ideas Thcy Fould cullipare Ihc Lynd, ,y Basinrd. Air\ Kri. lineC, ,;:c. please send your

gold inclh was quit iru, ''' I\vu o1h, r Minilar wriier* e

1569e6: GRAMMAR:GAZETTE. -refill4', egg

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