Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2022
02 From the Principal Ms Jacinda Euler Unwavering optimism for the future
13 Generating Generosity Beddown is selected as the School Charity for 2022
28 Grammar Woman: Q&A Emeritus Professor Helene Marsh (Gould, 1962) ao
03 From the Head Girls Blooming with the Blue in 2022
14 Repertoire that Resonates Celebrating and championing women composers
30 A Life of Learning Using science to ensure a sustainable future for our planet
04 How Grammar Went Greener Student-led sustainable outcomes for today and tomorrow
18 An Ever-evolving Conversation
32 The Warmth of a Welcome Mothers Group is a valuable thread in the BGGS community
BGGS podcast, Illumine , is capturing and elevating more voices within our community
06 Looms and Weavers Teaching and the creation of knowledge and wisdom
25 Evolutionary Creativity Drama’s genetic makeup
33 Custodians of Our Future The enduring legacy of gifts in Will to BGGS
08 Moving with the Times QGSSSA as a pioneer of women’s sports
26 In Their Words The joy of seeing the ‘whole student’
Brisbane Girls Grammar School
Issue 1, 2022
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