Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2022
Moving with the Times Founded over 110 years ago, QGSSSA is a pioneer of women’s sports
Ms Jo Duffy Director of Sport
Weekend television is now filled with viewing options for all types of elite women’s sport—from Super Netball and Big Bash Cricket, to every type of ‘football’ imaginable. The profile of, and interest in women’s professional sports in Australia, has exploded in recent years. A survey conducted by the Commonwealth Bank in 2018 revealed a 48 per cent increase in interest in women's sport—with 53 per cent of Australians now watching broadcasts or attending live women’s sporting events (Mitchell 2019). ▶
above left BGGS students at the QGSSSA march in 1936 above right The 2022 BGGS Open Cricket team with coach, Mr Christian Moffat
Brisbane Girls Grammar School
Issue 1, 2022
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