Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2001



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^ ^,^' ^, by ^^! ^ ^'^^^/ Spring HillGymnastics, based atBGGS. is inns Ihird year of operation and IT'S iruly made lis mark as one of the niost competitive Artistic Gymnastics clubs not only in Queensland. but also Nationally 2000. Tiffany. aYear 9 studeniat Somerville House. bastrained willl Jim formany years andjoi!led Spring Hill when we opened

Louise Hogarth & Barry Greatorex

Wlule rimst Grammar girls were enjoying 111eir placing 10 dalel, as been a IOUrllt in Hacking \. Jini final week or suniiiier 1101idays. twenty-two Ihird placings in Snow Jumpin". Dressa"e and members of the BCGS Equesiri:un Club were Cuntbi"ed Tntiiting events. Our be siresuli was a nom, in Iheir cquine skills '11/1e Pandis* SIud near first platinn rillhe One Day Eveniheld '11/1e Fig Samford. Over 1111*e days. 111e intensive Iruinin" Tree Pocket Equesirl"icenire on the weekend of colicenlraied on Ihree of Ihe five equesirinn 14 and 15 April. nils eventis held overt\vo days disciplines namel\. Show Julnpi"g. Dressage alld and riders cumj*Iein Dressage and Show Jumping Cross Counlry. Under 111. tuition of our firsi on tile firsi day and Cross Couniry on the final rippoinied Coach. Rilllt Jetfeiy. along willjutsula Unv. Riders truthe elmiinaied aiaiiy singe during Lainge. Ihe early minin" 11ns pitid dividends willI 11n* e\. eni. inIC winning Cuntinarieam consisted proiitising results already achieved 111is year. A o11, ,Ie Kenny. A1yss" Gnui!lint. Eli"belhJelley runner Iwo-day cantp was held at Broomeld and Imjin, n Bait

firmny 11as had back-to-back Nanonal alumpionships and was nanied Qilest Papers Junior SPOTispersoii for tile montliof September 2000. She is loinlly dedicaied 10 her sport and is a wonderfill role niodel for allour un and coming chainpions innie Club. Tiffanyis arock solid compeiiior and conipeies well whether it be for hersellor for Ihe Club She IT'S been in legral in all successes of 111e Level7-10 program

During 2000. gynui"515 from allover Brisbane and surrounding areas rentesenledllie Club anallmaJorlocal. Stale and National events. WillI over 1601nembersiaiigin" from ane 2, * to 17 years, Spring Hill Gymnasticslooks to nave a strong future in coming years Tile hi, hli"his of 2000 were winning

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Spring iru Gymnastics

congratulates both Jim andTilTany on their awards and \\, ish Ihenl bulli well fitfulIv. along with five other gyiimasis. were seiecied for 111is year's Niliional Titles to be lield in Ma\, in Melbourne. Jane Mason - Level 10. Tiff"ny Mitchell and Michaela WringIT - Level9. Sophie Mason - Level S. AnnaHill, Kale Maccolland Calmn Wauglt - Level7 Congratiilations to all girls and best of luck for Ihe cliampionships. Inn kickert and Nicki Robbins were again selected to travel with the Queensland team as officials



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Pony Club during 111e Easier break conc. nit"jilts on SiloIV Julnpiiig and Dressage



S. cond and Tliird Tennis will he us Inlensive willI aIunher el*ven events including a Hackin" even,

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The Equestrian Club has compeled in sevcn incln" hosied by Orris Grinu"ar o11 A. luriday 11 evenis 11ns year. winch nave inclLided all five June allhe BrooltieldPuiiy Club. Tire cunttin"lion disciplines. D, liereiii schools jinai are members * or the year 15 Ihe Queensland Stale Equesirla" or the Queensland independent Sthools Bluesman Chantpionslups. \vhicli will b* lield at 111e cnd of Association 11.51 the muoniy or these evenis ill Sepieniber. These Slate Cli"Innionships include various localions around Brisbane. Soulli Co"51 all five disciplines and Girls Clanunar snOuld I, e and Sunshine Consr. Girls Grainmar's lowest well repiesenied allhese events Cricketers bow, opposition over

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A special mention

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Tearii Challenge. placing second at muslbe niade of NinaHUl. Yr 10 BonS Queensland Clubs and third at National student. Anna was placed sixtli in the Clubs heldin Melbourne. Our club was Slate in Level7 andis the first Stale the only Queensland representative. Six represeniaiive in Mistic Gymnastics from BCGS since Rebecca SIathamin of our gyninasts were chosen to 1992. The entire BGGS cornnturitry represent the Slate at the Senior National Levels Titles in Adelaide. Jim compele ill the QGSSSA Artistic result of the Club's success in 111e year Gymnastics compelition o11 May 17 and 2000. JimRickert was nanied Coach of tile Vein at 111e recent Queensland Gymnasiics AwardslieldinApril. He formation of Spring}1111Gyrnnustics was selected from a fine pool of Club. the tealn has even more depth noritinees for his coniinual support and This year's team is the hi, ,, est ever and dedicaiion 10 Women's Gymnastics. He many niemhers only began gymnastics arsptin" hill Gyilmasiics. A coniinually not onlyleads our team of wonderful Spring Hill coaches but also acts as mentor for many young conclies from nitoughoui Queensland. We are very evening and Ihere are classes for all ages proud of Jim's achievements and alllie and skilllevels every afternoon and has done to develop the Club and assist Salurday. For anyinformaiion orif you allour gymnasts realisetlieir dreams wisli to come andltave a free trial please contact the manager. NICL, Robbins on 18. BGGS always fields a very siron" leanl in this competition and since the growing begimiers group of BGGS students trims every Wednesday wishes Anna tile best of luck in May at Ihe Naiionals. Annais alliember of Ihe A Ginde BCGS QOSSSAteam who win Rickeris and Nicki Robbins were selected as officials in the capaciiy of coach andjudge respectively. As a


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new players, kuru Kiddinnd Gemldine Wright "s wellas Claire Olive Iruinihe second division


This year. Grainniar Crickei concluded i's Fur the firsi linte in a decade the BCGS won Ihe undoubtedly greaies: season on record. Tlier* Rogcr women Cup for Metropolitan Nonh and were ulnazing perfonn"ices, cliievedintoughoui 111e very millme everwirmin" the Gay Brunt!ey all the 11v* open teams clearly demonstrating 111e SIIield for being the Brisbane Preiiuer side sirensih, devotion and delenntnaiion of Onmunar girls Sincere thanksinusibeexpressedio oar Principal. I*Irs Hallcock and Cricket Co- ordinalor Mr Towards Ihe end of 2000 EGGS celebrated 111e Tlionns. \vlio Ihnrounlily enjoyed his firsi year 125* mintversary nilxed leanimnich coniprising as Co- ordinalDr. niank you also to Bhsbane of Dor I" xi and Toowoomba Onmuniar. played Gnuruiur Schooland Mr Coriumie fruitiBGS for at 111e beautiful grounds or ToS. This occasion Ihe use urineir ouisinndin" facililies. To all the was greatly eitioyed. niarking new In slury and coaches. managers and players - thank you for creating a stronger mendship between 111e two your contribution towards a most rcwarding and sc!tools enjoyable Cricket season. A very bin thank you 10 Ms Price from tile National Terni, and Captain in Terni Four of 2000. Ihe season commenced of Kunica Queensland Fire Women's Cticket for wiih higli spirits. The I" xi gained two sirong coaching and supportin" us this season GinnnL4R GAZETTEJLWE 2001 - Page 27


Tiffany Mitchell. agymnast in our Team I was named Gymnast of the Year for

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