Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2001

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With over six hundred urns participating in included music and reflections of the Easter season. The Service featured the bands. orchestra and choirs. there is a innvin" Per, o1esi Stabat Mater and coilsiani buzz cowing from the Music Deparinientfrom7. onom unitit 5. ODPm each concluded withine triumphant Hallelujah Chorus. Studying and perloTnting music of day. The program continues 10 grow in number and quality willI2 new ensembles this depthis a wonderful experience for all involved added this year to acconunodate the demand at the intermediate level Wiih the May Concert and Godspell behind us, Tenri Two closes willI the senior First term began with Choir and musicians fully focussed on the irisirumenialcamps. whichlaidihe instrumental and Vocal Competition and foundations for a productive year. we the leifries BUTSarv The Concert Band members are looking forvrard to their combined project with SI Perlomtance weekprovidedtlIe opportunity for 380 girls to play for visiting Josephs. Gregory Terrace. and Wind specialist adjudicaiors and 10 receive Ensemble and JuniorPereussion Ensemble are preparing for the Year 8 Showcase individual feedbackoniheir work. The Chamber Orcliestra was part of thenve 1111as been an eventful semester with all entertainment allhe opeiting of the Roma goups engaged in a healthy prograin of pertonnances. Second semester has some StreetParkiands, and Granunar Singers were a"animvolvedin the Commencement combined activities with Brisbane Cramnar School and of course. the major Gala Service at the Untversity of Queensland Concert at City Hallon 19 August. Planifuig is weU undenvay for another SI Johns Cathedral provided the perfect Groinmar Extravaganza. Don't forgetto seijin" for the Easter Celebration, which mark your diaries for this special event nave Ihe Year S parents and daughters a rollsing welcome and everyone perlornied at their best at the Autumn Concert




...................,........................ . . . Combined Sellools M"siC Festiv"12001 . . . . . . 7/11rty-o11egir!s nave heeli aceep!edtoporiic, p"re 1111/1e 81eii, ,101 CoinbJ, ,edSc/, o01s . ' ,\hisIC Fes"\, n! to be Ile/d at liesn, !ills!er .9,1100!, .{demide in, ,, g"sf ' Tile girls',, 11/01/11,11/11",, siCi0"$101, IAIelbo, ,me. $1d, Iey. ,delo^de. Co, ,berm inId ' . Brisbane. 1111derilJe direcfio, I qiledding colldi, ctors ropedor"I a coneerlo, I &,!",'day . : 44,191st ' Tile Far!Ivnlprov, des agedi endl!e, ,gelbr allpariicjpo, ,is to ex!endilieiri""steal . . expene, ,ce by 1111e, ticii, ,gi"11/1 sonie of the be$131, ,de, ,1,111, stela, ,sin 11/@ coll, ,try . . Cor, traininno, Is to o11 girls o11 11/@ ip selection . . . . ............................................ . . . . . .




Thank You




To all those families who supported the Music fundraising drive by purchasing Entertainment Books or direct donation we are sincerely grateful Over $1,500 was raised to help purchase additional instruments that are needed for the expanding program. Remember to keep the book in a handy place to get the best value from your purchase


^ ^..\ I \ I Grammar ',


I Music \ I Music , I on Air \ I It was a great hill to hear I I our first CD, Expressi0,7s '98 I I being featured on 41, ms in I March, with great public response I CD in 1998 and has sold out I I Fortunately there are san I ' copies of our second release, I ' Ce/@61unon 2000 avatlable. I ' These can be obtained from I the Music Departtnent for I , $22.00, I \ I \ I \ I ^ -- This release won a 8111/1/1e I Ara, 'djb, ' Be $1 H, g/I School I







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^j'ALA. CONC:Z'R. .T' 2001


417 exti'avqgon3a o111/1{81'C inId song


Bitsbdi7e City Hull 19,42!gust. 3.00pi"



Featuring: All Senior pelfonnino Ensembles Grainmar Comnlunity Choir Massed Choir


GIU^R GAZETTEJCNE 2001 - Page 17

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