Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1994




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V01 3 Issue NO I

Brisbane Girls Grammar School Newspaper :incoporatin the A I N

Term I 1994

The Prince A1bert Tr

phy re urns

to complete a Masters Degree with rinjors in Philosophy and interna

Kale Ellham

competition allhe University lastycor. Elsina described to Scholarship as "mannaningopportunity anvil'in Iho, oughly honoured to have won. " Present to help eelebmie her sue cess were Ms Wainwright's parents' and her sisters. Camilla. Head Girl in 1992 and Knsiin". a cureni prefeci. The PrinceAlber, Trophy was made in England in 1840. and has becomea symbolofexcellerxeand the source or prt for secondary schools in Queensland. The imphy was PIF chased for 700 pounds by Edamrd Farell and firsiawarded to a Queens land secondary school in 1965. The basecon, airsadrawerin whichabook is stored. into this book are recorded us badges oilhesecondary schools of tire winning Rhodes scholars. Brisbane Girls' Groinmar ap pears Iw, co on I of the linee women whohave received tollophy. in 1977. the first young woman to receive the arcolade in Queensland was past $1u dent. Elizabeth Woods.

TheninceAlbe, tTmyliy. awarded to tire secondary school or Ihe cureni

lional Relations

RHOD: 'X3 at .. an

Ms W"in wrt hi attended Queensland'sRhode*Scholar. husken Girls' Groinmar belween 1984 and presented to Girls' Grammnr for the 1988. and was Head Girl dunn her second lime. final year. During her lime at the second lime school un a special ceremony un the academic success. She was a leei i in isler 10r Education Mr Pal net or the Gennan and Modem His Coomben. 10 the Queensland Rl, ode.* lory subject prizes. and a successful Scholar for 1993, ERirn Wainunigh, . contestant in the Lions Yorith of the Ms Wai"wrighi then addressed Year Publi .' ' ' Year Public Speaking competition. sinn. year twelve students and the Upon leaving the school. Ms House Group Captoins of the other Wainunighi was ranked in the lop levels about 11re selection process for one percent of 11re stale and went on tire Rhodes Scholarship, a piness she to complete an Arumw Degree at described as"urinerving", ant"anighr tire University or Queensland. Cap mare umerves" fortheliveshorUisted lain o Debating at Grimmar. her coldida, es

sueressesin this field did not stop at Year 12. Elsina. ep, genned the Uni VCrsity of Qneensl"xi in the World Championship Debating Compeli tio" at Oxford in 1992 ami was a convenororaninviiationaldeb"ling

Speaking on a broad range of top its. Elsina also coinmen, ed on her ex penences at Oxford during the World Debating Championships. an, d Irer ex rectalons of attending the university

E!sinn Wormwrtgl, . wi, h Ithe Prince A1beri Trophy firhoi@graph .. John Rower!

All past students of Brisbane Girls' Grammar School are invited to attend the annual Reunion Dinner for 1994. Please phone Sasha Chemowe, h on 018725768 or more cmation

Warnw, ith, 8 . amia

Spo s complex progresses despite the weather Seven dayshave beenlostintlre us ave in onin Tiredreanchlforil. cool;whxhis becauseortlreconstantrai, LThesite '. -b. fungiitinq, ager, r o e, tills add: " Mingaren, ,a histnsk^,,"mush We have 10517 days oul of a lad ninedimailt. EUa, iruieiruck matsil However. coneofthattir, rehasheen torii"^v, gadsoacnu, ewm, Idl" pile driving airsad of coiledule. " in^ bake, ball court in lire new Timber pylons, the lonersi or gym, "sium will be constructed wiih a wfyich is over 5 metres. have been sus", Med waden floor. Mr ICnki"s driven into lire ground to stabilise said: "I'his floorwillbedi, relent from the cornerCICSlab. This openiionl", I anything that Civiland Civicl, as built uricom led to jIh C PO y-", ethane ricompac, ed nature or the soil Ihasiieofilienewgym, "sinmis The gymnasiics floor will also be a dimcul, one and nuny problems unique to multi-puspore sports coin must toovereome. Tire building has PIexes completed by Civil and Civic Iimiied umess from neo"tide. TM becauseit will beeovered by a special minimlly wonld am be a publem rubber coinpm, rid call ROTur, . because in hid, rise construction it re Tire next stage of us consulreiion machinery amid cork nom the in- will tithed, ulnage. Then the, onlines side bull tire floor of 11.5 strutsi, ". is will be poured am the floor slab laid. Paul Bennett mudesig, a to dyne neighiof such a cousinchm, ruler had. .

Wo, it starts on tire new Sports Coinptox iphotog, aph: John Rowelp

Page I GRAMMAR GAZETrE, Tenri I 1994



Foundation ay Cere

Head girls attend reception for Prince Charles On Hiday. ,^binary 4. Head Girls, irohalRoysim, "xiAngelaWilson. were Invited to a reception at Govern, rent Hor, re in hornur of Prince Charles Being lire only school students in vital. they were ajiitle conspicuousin Iheir unifonns. The Prince seemed to notice this and chatted with them with inletsi riboui school and university lire. Both siudents found the A1'rice very relaxed and "quite charming". He hasa mieni for pulling people at ease and showing a genuineiniereqiin Ihein and wh"I they have to say. MOSi o the other guests allhe recepiion also coin menied on this ribiliiy. corer gun, rein eager 10 ""k 10 lire Head Girls us well. ami hay were able 10 mmi vanorrs Qireensl", d persuading. juslading tile Hernia'. Wane Cos. Wad his wife. Robin;tileGover, it. A, inuren R, d: lire Britisti Cumul aid his wife an xi liredireaorortrieQ~islandl^fonimg Alls Trust. Angela, emutodlabsliel"d 'never Iddson"Iyjrec, bintlesj^coraritmur wint I want 10 be" Angela Wllson "It is aprivilegearidan hononr. .. am amazed at how the girls have developed tireir abilities. " said Ms Wilso, I. mother of one of tire 1994 Head Girls, Angela Wilson. The La Capella Singers. led by Mrs Brazier, inspired all present to LiftThi, re Eyes". singing it's reau liftil song of Mendelssolm's to tile assembly. ' The choir sang well. . .par ticularly beautifully. " said Mrs Carey. For some ramilies it was the second generation or girls 10 be in ducted. Mrs Potter was a pre rec when she attended Brisbane Girls' Groinmar School. as her daughier. Bridie. is now. ' The *induction ceremony' when I was at school was nor for mai and there were no parents present. .. This ceremony was lovely. " she said.


"IClrelb "uir, ^

On Tunany 15th Momh, Bris bare Girls' Grimmer School eel chin"d the start orris 1201h yearns lire oldest Girl school in Queers land? and the current holder or the Prince A1bert Trophy for 1994 Rules. ^r, BunaWain, ,fight. E. G. CS up holds many traditions rinm past days. From "re humble beginnings of 60 students in a twosiorey house in Gemrge Srieei. the school flourished under foame orMrs JanetO'Connor the first had, nis, less and aner whom the O'Connor house was named. Sev. erul months after it waq founded Ihe school o"Igrew the Georg Sireei House and was moved 10 larger quar tels on We thanI Tenure. Sin 1884 the sthcol has been in 15 present psi lion on Gregory Terr, ce. BCG. S. has always enemyaged and fostered academic excellence. From the stunthe school did outsiand ingly well, selling the sumidard for years to cone. The first lime BCG. S. SIu dents sat for university entrance ex orris. hay passed lop on the list of all students in N. S. W and Qld. Queens lad allhattine did nor have a univer si^, and thus the sumidaad was set o coinnemom lire s o tire 100th year o lire school, a fourthtion day ceremony waslreld in haorigi, "I assembly hall, new mule commonly reforred toasilreboa, der'sthningroom. Organized by Lady SchuberL PICSi- dentof lire Fria, ds of Girls' Cronimar cornmit^. the servicewaslreldor, tire 12th March and was to be anaternoon remembered by all wlro areladed. With guest sneaker, BIBi, Ia Wain- vigil. thecurrentR^ Seirolarand *^ ,

Mrs Hareock wdcomesi"uiledg"esis forhe Fo""dano" Service (phoiogr"ph:Tan @ Hirs, )

lessons that will be remembered in

years 10 come.

Prefects in ductsd in formal assembl

The focus or the cuntculm at BCG. S. is to teach lire students to be all-round "Itieverru, d to never give up trying. As tile old saying goes 'The sky'sit, eli, hit'withishasbeenproven Vim pus^ mmc by a kiwi die Innad uss sa fo. ' tile a^on Unite ale a"ire tire xiad hymn was cocaidC"^@^as per- hind*CESfimn, ^^.^,. A^"I rea aid an infoad d" ^, d a IUT^ ^ w^ was an ayed by all wl, o mm"ad. Multi-strand Science, English Stud res. Conversational Japanese. Physical Education. and Social and Legal Studies. These School and Board sub Jeets are complemented by access to a selection of courses offered through the T. A. F. E. Co-operative Program. This serves to broaden study experiences. gain additional certification, and provide valuable experience for placements aftersec ondary studies. The year eleven class of is. P. , 1994 recognises personal develop merit as one of the major gains. Many commented on the close friendships that have quickly de veloped. The entire class seems to know each other a 101 beller than a main stream class. " by B. G. CS.

Alexandra Neojg prefects in 1994 - more than ever

Bead Girls' at past studen"reunions. heI in new

Iub"to Recollections read by present schoolsti, dents, it waseasytoseewhat a mug, hiren, coholl this has bccoine. As Bisin said in Irer impinng speech. Girls' Grammar reacts in only to facts gad figures. but more importsnt

'r s. cotsl Roysion and Angela "Each yearisdiffe, e"I. The loneof tire preferts and tile andent body. build on 11re I inch '

ISP - a practical alternative

Justine Gameron

"11 wasjusiright. Everything that rormer acee tingiheir res onsibili

IThis article was undertaken in eona"nation with grade ele, e" r's. P. scuden, , ciaire Brockleba"k. l ThemlegaledStudies Progmm has become a well-respected and increasingly popularcourseof study for students in years eleven and Iwelve. it is a viable alternative to Ihe more traditional mainstream courses. Is. P. is particularly ad vantageous in Ihai it has a smaller class size and provides OPPortuni lies to participate in T. A. F. E. courses during and after school hours. The Innegm, ed Studies course is favoured by those students who wish to pursue a career that re quires T. A. F. E. certificaies and/or

attended there, emony. happy. .. ithinkitis oin I b enrolment of the school. there are 33 after her induction.






These students believe this Associaie Diplomas. On coinple- close and supportive relationshi lion of year twelve, these students also extends to the teachers "I qualify for an exit statement. have am more confident. es eciall completed many T. A. F. E. require- when s eakingin front or an au men's, sat for the Queensland Core dience. ' Skills Test. have gained invaluable The Is. P. s are currenily work experience looking Forward to their camp ar The course offers a multi-disci- Imbil - as the mainstream exam PIinary program incorpom, ing sub- block looms! jects from Ihe areas of language Thus, Ihis challenging pro developmenL science and technol- gram succeeds in diversifying ogy. social education. and personal the life experiences of its par development. helpants. They see themselves Drama and c, in, ,,,,,,, ,, , ''''ging at Ihe end. of grade Newprqfee, s Kale MeCFC@dy adoeorgto carq, wj, h pro, dialhers (pho, @era h: Annabe!Andg puter Studies, Maths in Society, destined for career success Page 2 GRAMMAR GAZE I I L, Term I I 994 ., . ,. . . ..,, . o . .

Gol Club Profile: Zenith

Soroban offered at Gra ar Eve Wiison ticn, multiplication and division, .,_,, the Soroban can be used for Brisbane Girls' Grammar square and cubed roots and School has always provided stu. "anzan", where sums are done in dents with a wealth of cultural the head, by picturing the abacus. experiences, both in school and as Soroban wasincorporatedinto e, tra-curricular activities. One CLUES in August last year, and less well known example or these now has seven students partici is Soroban. pati"g. Angela Wilson, who origi The Soroban is the Japanese nally thought or including abacus. in has been used for cen. Sorobanin the program, has been tunes in Japan (the Japanese still twice offered twice overseas trips prefer it to a calculator , and is to participate in international becoming increasingly popularin Soroban competitions. (A good other countries as well. reason to do it!) it consists ora frame with two Whether you e, Ijoy Maths or sections . four beads in one sec- do Japanese or not, Soroban is a lion and one in the other. worthwhile and enjoyable experi As well as addition, sub, rat. ence.

The business program focuses on incoming and outgoing correspond ence. upcoming publicspeakingcom petitions. and activities and projects wilhin the club. The speaking program is based uponap, e-selected topic. Several mein bets ar^, notified prior 10 the meeting that they will be required 10 speak to the topic. andneadvisedof thenypeof activity they have to prepare. Besides the main speaker, roles

MIChelle Harvey .^-^.^^ Ask many 51udents around the School about the Zenith Club and . chances are, many of them will not blow what you're talking about. But within the School there exists a 90np of about 25 comintiied students who are members or Zenith and who reap the benefits. Zenith is a public sneaking group which meets fortnightly on Tuesday aftemoo, us in room G3. I. Between 3.20pm and 420pm. Ihe members are presented with opportunities to improve their public sneaking skills and their confidence in communicating errec lively with an audience. The meeting consists or a business program and a speaking progmm.

leeted prior to the meeting to evaluate lire perlonnmice of the speaker in the areus of presentation and conient. This promss helps the speaker to improve Irerskillsthroughconstructivecriticism. Perhaps the most unusual task for a member is entitied Grunts. The task for this person is to count the number of "urns". "ans". and hesitations in the performances of the speakers. Once a speakers is aware o the number or these. it is often a simple task to elimi nate this problem altogether. Tire 11^85 are readsad by too staff mumbers Ms Jul Dafu mad 111rs Ladler Rigs. Tire activities of tilts club Foride an ideal OF^ty, Id at^nls of all ^r torelsioim"orettieirspdyig^wito prionfida"evilhilrelrelpofttieirj^s.

include aLexic01o8istwho defines the topic. Inspireiion who must inspire the members to contemplaie the topic. and Topic Chairperson who prepares a list of questions related to the topic priorio Ihe me elmg and rondomly chooses members 10 answer these questions. A fellow mumber will also be se First aid for life The year ten students at Bris- Ihe course even more "hands. on" brine Girls' Grammar School par. and relevant ticipatein the ERJohn's Ambulance One students'ated: "The course Ih ' H as in yworthwhileasl"ow progren, . assist in an emergency it it werenec Tnn course teaches the students .sanry:' Indeed, students who tom to use the skills they lean, such as pieted the course in previous years CPR and EAR, in real. lire situa. havehadtousetheirsk"Ism, instaid fluus. The students are raced with in genome emergencies scenarios which occur all 100 fro At the end or the course the shi. quern"y, for example car accidents dents are presented with the Senior or pico, .ing. FirstAid Centreate, which must be Once laced with the situation, updated every three years' The sri. - each sondent is required to apply dents are encouraged to do this. Rebecca Hannon looks like an emergency ward. but this concern wilh realism has made

whathasbeenleamedand ", rentthe casualty" appropriateIy. There are times when the grade ten classroom

Such an activity gives the mm dents skills that have genuine app"- cation for the rest or their in VB.

Casualty ward at Brisbane Gifts' Grammar School

a. . <: .v. ^ ",.


SINGLEACCOU"TABILITY Master Plans Needs Studies Design


Management Construction MASTER PLANNING



. Land Use Environmental Aspects . Authority Requirements Car Parking . Pedestrian/Traffic Flow Staged Development Development Options . Planning for the Future NEEDS STUDIES . Market Growth Education, Curriculum Trends . Authority Restraints Close Liaison with Staff . Funding Limitations Space Analysis Functional Needs Equipment Needs . Budget Cost Estimates DESIGN . Form follows Function Cost Control from Conception Alternative Solutions Economical Construction Long Life, Low Maintenance Design Value Added Studies Management of the best Local Architects and Consultants input from the Construction Team Formal Monthly Reviews CONSTRUCTION ~ Coinpetitiy^ITe. riders Guaranteed MaximumiRrice Early Completion Date Set Quality Control Throughout "Fast Track" Options with Design Service after Completion Minimal Disruption to Existing Operations



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, , ,::.^s^, ^;-, ,- '>-- ^ I ' ~ <*,.- \ ^, V. L a. . .. V, . SINGLE ACCOUNTABILITY IN EDUCATION PROJECTS I ,~

Editorial' Comment

Brave New World of Genetics WirenAldousHuxley wrote Brute When the issues are Ii lionandas ' Ijr I I pmclicaiiy. With health

Building Site Blues

Our new gym when finally finished Will cap all our previousjoys And see our pride all undiminished - Bulliieanwhile. Ihere is the noise! The decibel nilch of abuilding site Is a wonder v. .e faced unprepared; And now we lick Ihai our hearti"ini"h: Sun. ived un*calhed. unimpaired. To crimp, nsaie. Ihe teachers speak FORTE And nothing tile strain can sunnass Of struming to calclialliheiin"ri-eli?- \Vlien lily friend whispers to me in class. The Lone Hamiigu"r!

her. as9 cor Id e me ICa sysiem. And for a c I . coieniisis announced "inI ii ing will occur in the future. we hav


Don 't be left out; read the Grammar Gazette

engineering will be more un;ingin, mans, ;,,;;d, '!';I::::'1:114'j' "~ Letter to the ' \p o^ nins, genocide inni Hiller eniharked ^'d'ItOr

SOCiel asawljnje. B r . ... - n yell eBnsni"11coii- ILOuldlikeioeApressmypleasure








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e positive about the future ren 00 'ingint"themlure, we sudden desire to be nc"at' . ' ri, visi", us will onlysucc"d\, lien But worsenian that, wellus' I I lackadaisical fence-sillers could come realities in rec"nt years, and re"lise their dreams. To dan we inuci0 111isisduetotheSchool's are raced nilliilie f '"I ' ' and Buildjjj r d P PLC S " higli uiientployiiieni. Ihai many In embers or tilt School rift. NOM. more ith an " *. ei. before. and ill" wider coinm"nilv Icyould us" must be prep"r"d 10 take our want to become part or 111" dcvel. rut"re in nand and run. \VC niusi up menl or Girls' Grammar. This learn to lie responsible for nur positivity hclp"d make Ih, An- own sueccss. and not rel. ' I - eal a success. .: .. I. "rs to provide inspiration. \VC Sadly. hn, ,"ver. this sens" or musl darelo turn our tireanisinlo purpose Is not always ripparenl. realil, Our I, orld seems dominated bv ina order to accomplish this. rushion mr n"grinvi, y. People who us'e cannot armrd cynicism and have an essentially positive uut- incgntivity. Only enth usi'sm look are often secn as an oddity, POSili*'ity and faith in our own something to be wondered at hut never takenser'o I. .I - . ' " Provi Cinspir"lion considered Ircndy 10 bE cynical. at 11ieve. we cannot remove neg"- uricnlhusiaslic and negative. Some- Iivity from vogue overni"hl. but rgo "n e power we can realis"Inatit is Ihe unthu 51nstic, POSilive PLOPIC who refuse The, "ry word, "enthusiasm". to be slaves to fashion tubo have stems from the antienlCreek, and "gods willIin them" Amy 111ey means "God within me". in our inspire us all. Page 4 GRAMMAR GAZETrE. Term I 1994 always"\"niplifiultltisw"yoriliink- higlily. competitive norld Ing Gone are the days I'llen e, en itfany briglit \isinns linte h"-

Letters to the Editor and other eontributions

file*e \!10.11d be subiiiii!, d to Kri\line COOLc CL 3.01 R, \nurce Te;ich, r\' Runm Ph 331 1300 Deal^ C"111cr, I re. 14' "rl\\"rk siloLild It submill*d 1.1 P, ul Benneii CL. nS C, ,innui, r 51"11'Rumii *33 2.31

Aruc1** .111d 1.11e, on coinpuicr di\L Ph"i. e. !pii\ \\iihii"inc und con!". I

Editorial Coiniiiitlee

Full, ,n Sub-EUiinr*/ Sport Sub^Nilur\/ Arts Sub-EdiiorVFeTiure\ Sub-EUiinr, /School Net\.*

K"IC Eijii"in alld All"el, \Vil\on

Iill Urge and All*rin Liille

Sriphie Eruckleb. 111. alld Bullnd, \V, I. "n G". IFi" Pelrohiln\ and Franki Rich"rd\, 11 Er, nic H*lien and Einin, \\'. Ikin*

SIafi Consulianis

P"ul BCnneii and Krisiine COOL.

ris ane iris' Groinni, r School tBGGS! exiends its Ihanks to adtentsers forth '. an on I e un ers"riding Ihai the contents are Ie"mina!e and lawful. BCGS d

Features Creativity Action Service contin es in I9

Faste , igher, stronger: the Olympics in Australia Kym Smith be overlooked. Certainly, the spy. ---.^.^ citiesportsalreadyincluded in the SE tombe ,1993, ,h P ' ' n Wi e highlighted WO "A, xi un ,I ' . q SPC! ing activity in general ney , Juan Anionio Samaranch, ety. With iru"Iutio, us like the A1rs. President of the International 01- troll. n lustitute or Sport and other pie Coinn, i"", sharpened Aus- sporting organisationus and groups as S d h . years . congly poti"led to promCIG Sport year 2000 Olympic Games. strengthen their impacL As celebrations began for thou- Despite the strong support ror, Iralia and r Ih s , " Us' an eveneuphorbsurrnundjng, ,he e centin in Monte Carlo, the sen- have already been raised. Even a cos business or preparing Australia snells"rveyorGirls' Groinmars, un for the Comes, already being pro- dents and staff revealed the I man mold as 11ne Athletes' Games, to are PC^Mir about the impact or t's a un, to ' 'C given the Games both beforeand altorthe Sydney to Whilea. stage the proximateI Games. it is barofthose bahto I surveyed the best" I ' 'he 01. What e, . have POSi. Games hareon <7 : Australia not nunily, and ... I'^,:,;::; SYDNEY20n> ip"'!"" also in regard others ex to unemploy- pressed merit, the quite differ economy, the repub"can debate, ent views On Austini' ,-d , . , Peepewas e earthat, he the Games haveontl, eyo", h orAus- than an annomk windl, ". Most or The ' d bt P . ,in manualrig pie deda'on will have. area, impart whether, ,rere was any re^n to be on Austinlb CS^y fine^. lieve the Sydney Games wadd be online lion the actual event, Alls and projectionrs need to be made. or extra money SPC by the toree any with unrealistic hopes or the Tit' 'adj r r Worry exp, CSSed was ton industry on have a positive of- theretsalwaysthethrentcr"rinris, could, PCfups, be a factor in a up nattonal event Certainty, this ts a The 2000 decision could help security measures musi be a cause Australia cone together as a coin. for concern. Indeed, by allocating the 2000 cult task or reconciliation with CanalOSydney, ", errn, emu"cad theirdigencusinhabitan. s. What. Olympic Committee has surely ever the case, the staging or the made a dertsion that the Olympics Games in Sydney could insti, ina- should be focused on the athletes, lional pride, patriotism con, i. rather than on political marineu denc. and optimism - qualities vring or economic gain. The cum which our nation, and every rin- mittee chose a bid rrom a country ,ion, needs. whose presentation emphasised its Perhaps the most important superb c"mate, open and friendly efreet or the Games will be their peopleam"1.1cul, "relsocietythat impact on the young cople or aims for freedom or choice and Australia. Not only are these Ihe democratic rights, and a proud one' most likely to be competing sporting history. at the Olympics, but also they Australia must not sit back could be the ones, ho will benefit and wait for the year 2000 to an the most rron the hoped for eco- five; the people or this count nomicoppor, "nines, "pedalIyin must, ork towards a Games that the hospitality, tourism, and fosters the Olympic ideal and a sporting fields. positive view Gritselr. " will be a While the accompanying hen- long 44 years between Olympic e",, ,hat could come with the Games in ribe so", hem hemi. Games are constantly promoted, sphere. Le, 's all make it worth the erects on sport itself cannot the waiting. nuni, y while it strives ror excel- I'mce under the scrutiny or the rest of the world. in may become another rac, or in the Australian republican debate and the dim- In Ib wake or the excitement that followed the 2000 decision it is dime"11 not to concentrate on ,he positive responses generated.

focus or the 51udcnts

The ideals rochallenge d extend the individual student by developing a spin, or discovery and self-reliance and 10 encourage the developmeni of Ihe student',; individual skills and in ICrC\Is The program offers 111e studenis a wide variety o course< which range from introductory Aviai, on and scuba diving to yoga and self defynce. The students nominate tin order of preference three activi lies in which they wish to partici pale. and Ihey are allocaied one or Ihcse Each activity lusts for awholeicmi at the end or which new nominations are called for and new courses chosen

Hands-on self defonce fobotograph: Anna Gaddes)

C. A's. Creativity Actionservice) C. As. aims to create service op huge success. Situdenis . h is offered on Thursday afternoons to portuniii, in Ihe school and the local with the wide ch ' f ' ' ' .. ' lire year I I and 12 girls as part o Iheir community. complimenting the aca- gives them Ihe chance to experience curriculum for the year. The C. A. S. demic disciplines or the curriculum and develop skills in many different progmm provides individual students and counterbalancing the academic and unusual Rebecca Hannon Challenges withinihc threeareasorthc for the following reini The C. As. propni has been a Program

Diving int CAS

Rebecca Hannon On Thursday af ternoons during C. As. the year eleven and twelve students have the op portunity to learn scuba diving. h is definitely a popular activity b" the maximum number of students able to take Ihis course is eight The course costs $265 for one term and involves se*. sions at Girls' Gram Spring Hill mar Bath . and dives on Ih weekends Frod Mackenzie (NAUDl) from The Morelon Academy o Diving conducts this certificate course. 11 include

theory lessons. practical diving sessions. and excursions to F1inders Ree and the Tweed River. Allequipmen, is supplied, and a diving medical i required

OAS ching 9100p at re E*,, ing ERI Bats into1691aph: Ogre 01to I) before a SLuden, i allowed to un- course is a valuable learning ex denake Ih activity penence in the skills and Ihe con Those who par, icipa, e reel the tidence developed

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Page 5 GRAMMAR GAZEFrE, Term I 1994

The grade . . eights' turn We Survived grade eight camp to star Special feature: Grade 8

Roann, re Barell

Be quiet backstage! Stand over ars, ager1", 11 Thesewe, ,11.50"ads duction' was performed in the Novanber. reproved to be a pad"c


This year under the watchful eye of Speech and nom, a teacher gade dght ac, ,,"" perlonned Hi- ' , intr My, ,,,,, a clean play in mulchr, ,, ithaphnehjjad, by aimt trying to infect all the red world' with, .^tsVerysoo", Rin acon Menia untiring), and King Dr Spick, up, (Caromne For Meanle 2 Lauren Murray), and derr"11y good at being terribly bad their dashrdly plane it not for the heroes of the story= Duster (Anna Howard). The VIM"swerecnptured Them"in cost renalsown"der fully support by a twenty-one their parts in soaps 'Love in a It'^!'g::^1.1"d 'G. hanght"tth. NIOrthis entertainment dim', corneabo", man'sh. ThreesESEi", us a week for ten weelrs the cast re hearsed. The support and encour patient"xi, alenu, ty. arte". Tera Tweed dale and Emma Rias stage reus provided my rid, nthting back. wise crew and makeup artists worked hard and pertonned very A" in valved round the e, "ri core tiring but enjoyable and re wading fuel993crewand cost wish this needles were captured.

F, eyr Partsrson

metres past Inbil, near Campi

'r, i'st Cronunarschod cornP at bel you understand wh eve .

really cute but the sine" is ruther unpleasanL But Ihere are also the The baby 8051ings were gorgeous hatched ham looked a lit"e eon rused! Canoeing was granl fun. We played canoe '*ian" and had roces across Ih dam. My nams were a limesorebutweallhada wonderful lime The Centre is situated ten kilo.

^^^;^^^:; Jose the Madeod an Sarah Spanswick

year 8 Woolcock 1994

lion. Make the or these OPPr unifies. rid ~ BREAK A LEG!


Specialist to The Print industry

Page 6 GRAMMAR GAZEi IL, Term I 1994

"And we thought primary school was busy!" Things the handbook didn't tell you The boar ing life

Do try to point 001 the good re rumks beforeyour parenis cm, rearross the bad ones

Advice from grade 8,993

acthi"g: You will find you will start to for pyrole jeans. red am mehies ", d

The first day =

If there are 00 good remarks. say multicolorired skit^ anything alla

Do sund outside waiting until you how hard you haveined ifyou have). dun blue are called in and Ihaiyou will honestly and whole- Don'L under any cineumsmnces. heartedIy try evenl"ader nexitime

Baste rece", ties=

Tire mm ill^ ding to tone

go up 10 Mrs. Honeock and say. " Hi How are you? My name is ........" radio go. Therefore. bilkid yori, self in10 funking. '1'11 be an richi until lire aid of today'. I^nomitdc"it work Don'I have a cougliing fit whil

Do lake pity on Mrs. Honeock tonG"mumi, hachi, *mrsT^"e becauserememberihaishe has toadte chit lays wlwi me ,a^ mad

Do ask whale lire toilets are 11 yin, nine hundred or so

line are or. s that am mm or^ War fuels a drinktap whichis warnitis

The end or the year :

Don't express yinirjoy animishing neon^Ithl a^ with die tits be tow

until you are well clear of the gales. 11

at xi chore die batsne area Thae me

isn't examy cheerful for the teachers layerodors nuts*top. E ^I

1131eningtoMrs Hancock's welcoming 10 see their students yelling withiny admin"G12 admin" speech because they have fitshed with you Verge""e Year 8 caring Do try 10 make friends. because

or the year. Thai, coolti, e best parts of year & Do give. Bileasiyour housegroup bearse it is allyble ul cl^^rig teacher, a PIESenL for putting up with Spedalpbaofadviceindi*:beltsio twentyme girlsforawhaleyea, .keep musanim;,, dram^, in^winy", ingin mindthaithey answered allyour really, "lunarpm, ", winatym, think

spending the whole by yourself isn't

'it doesnt take long to looklike home. ' iphotog, aph: 700ha Ntoholts)

emuUy thrilling

School reports s

Dontbecomeangywhe" yinifiixi

Ihal yonr 1.00 is addressed 10 your questions. listened to your cornpbints.

my, ,,,,,,,,,, rots^ my

larger. Many adjust, rents, lead to be made. including sleeping awayfrom home and in10 a "cube". eating in a dining room with nearly one nun dred other people. eating different foodsometimes. andlearningtocope with the general hubbub of coinmu Tirechangelfomprimaryschool is a big step in itself. but being a harder makes this grep seem even One new boardersaid :"Ididn'I like hauling allirs, bull'VC gridu

and (lined Iy) bathed your wounds


Reb^ Hannon


imaginebeing"wayimm hone ton weeks at aji"re. forthe firsttime

in your life

You amive at a hug school; there are no familiar races. You are introduced to 11re misiresses. whose names you irisuniily forgeL and are shown 10 your cubicle. There. un-

other unknown and pale face looks nily living up at you and says. "Hi! I'm your

room-mate. '

At first everything is exciting. ally grown to enjoy 11. i's good hillyalgaduallybegin, oreel!tome- because we are styling 10 beeonre siCl4wishingyo" wereannnngs, your independent. " funny and friends again. Tirerrew boa, de . . anus" RSI^e This is basically what it is like relurning. negivenaBco, ders' Huixi on your first nighi in Ihe boarding bookby MrsParsons. Head of Board house. ing. at tire slam or lire year. This in New harders have eniirelydif~ toms the students or the routines Teieni opinions and feeling riboni hay will encounter. the organiniion being boulers. bui 11re most coin- or tireim, dinglrouse. dales. timera mon response 15 bles. $1udy armngements. leave "Wiren I firsi cone here. the health. unifonns. leiephones. and a Seinelsee, redsohuge. ichdi, 'thinw lisiif tile mules of all Iha ^drrs. anyone. solwas, eatly. really stared The hauling house seine into a andllbltsol, elpl"sandalone. Iwa* IOUune very quickly and the older honesick and fungiron, e everyday. boarders "show the ropes" 10 the halllreoldergirlsl, elpalneandl'VC o rgir s near, VC new ones. The first year or hauling coined doom now and I'm finding should hamled with work. laughier. thin it s artually quire fun. " friendship. and fun.


, ,

,>, Four new boarders seem settled in. (photograph: Anna Geddes)


ra th


Join Friends of Girls' Grammar

Ihe Girls' Groinmar Lighining Crickei Coin tillon.

Kato Weneley

The game began dynnmically with confident opening butlers. fired with

Return the completed insert from this edition of the Grammar Gazette.

Ae the morning run rose over the Eastern Glandsi"rid ai CabbL a busload Dregseryoungaihleiawaiied

ThenImosphere wristsnseas nine- enthusiasm. scoring a number o sixer Icon budding young chckeier* qiepped and fours. The qpeciuio, s roared with onto the i. e. *hly mown Iurf of the irul- delighi a, xi warmly acclaimed each

Application forms also available from th School. Phone: 831,300

in anticipation at the PLC of this fa- lowed Cabba gin", xi achieve meni mous cricke, gound. During Ihelunch breakin the Aug- Both reamq it ed " Tlreyl"dcommongonls :loboldly adja versus New Zealand Test o but. in lire e, xi. 8B w b I - go where no one' BCG. S. 51udeni grideeigh, Girls' Groinm"rie"us look able in in. had gone before. to conquer the un- to the field in front of tire Cricketers' w 11 was a day 10 remember and one known. loachieveilre glory orwinning Club 10 stir the envy or many a biolher!



.Co"". RelAL gripEr a V, "it . RESIDE",, AL CARPET a V, "vL .C". To" RUG ","u, ,erun. rig .CARPET "A, "r. "A"c. a REFA, a. . 16, " car b "^",, e 00 in^ tier In" ,"at

. Ab jib ts too mm' or by . Fb" anat@ A of ' 844 44 O

, ,



CARP, , SOLu, ,ON, P" LTD 387 "0", ACU. Ro. WE. , E"O

Page 7 GRAMMAR GAZETTE, Term t ,994


he rts Theatre Dancers showcase their creative talents

The spirit of Chrisimas is peace The gladness of

Christmas is hope 'T"~ ones - r i mas is ope Be"I"eivjn nes", bib, "neor, beereni, s The heart Of ~~~~~~^ am " pre, i. w of ,h, .. "*., k, ,, rt o Th. ..__ r:,"co R:,^!:;;! ^: 'ig: :;::.^I:'". ":" 8"" 'in ". re, Chrisimas is love mummy^,!:: 9:11::::" Th. ::: I:., ch, hey h. dim, ". dp, .d what. d carol Service - 1993 ant conga to more classical ballet next review to be held in Arts Week and from lap to rap, ensuring some- in August. P to BrOCldebank Withoathurr , .,, ., during the term, the girls worked was an innovative ballet choreo. nunlCarol Service at SLJoh ' C itI - coneistenUy to create a successrul grephed by Meryl Papaslbr the ad. dinl show which was encoumged and vaneed dancers using a multi

A Woolcock gin"p in an easily ,ecog"ised ',"", ieal"pose iphoiogr@ph: Jin Dakini interho se drama

Hare Krishna group deserve a men lion for their clearly defined act

Comments from

the adjudicator, Sue ing skills.

Benner The Sound of Musicals by ___,,_, Belinda Watson Woolcock was y=Eximpressed by oilhe The play had exceptional I entrants this year, and by the fact clever dialogueand plot. with some I at all of Ihe scripts were origi- cunningIy satirical lyrics. Th 101 rin . I know how much work goes allowed for some fine bits of theat into devising a scrip, or this kind. rical 'business' that the audience so I am awed by Ihe time and thoroughly enjoyed. trouble Ihai students have Intern. The useof human trees was ino , ecause the scripis were so effective. The crew mama ed the h g cene transitions very well. Thecho ina analysisle"dedupwiih, hree placed within the plot. There was plays that. for very different rea- evidence of real reamwork in Ih's sons. were worthy or first rize: piece. Woolcock's The So""of of Mr, si- The voice work dese VCs men ialOgue; O ConnOr's Cinderell@ salire depends greatl on Ii ' Gibson s The E, eru@, Flame for performance. its content and concep, . Special mention should be My concluding criteria, how- made or the work of Belinda ever. was to add the marks ror Watson, who wrote, directed. cho acks, age standards. This meant reographed and 'starred' in I' that O'Connor has first place. event. Da co E ' , 8 un .e tel:nalFiam. (by Emma onnor I was impressed with this to he play was an exception- becauseit was, opical, eleven de ting much onhe play in the Bris- potential as a script. h carries an satirical and pertinent ideas Ihar cialism that is wonh develo in . were very well received by the Propswerecleverl devised and au ience. very pertinent to the plot. Costum also enjoyed much of ribe ing was also extremely errec, ive, singing that was unaccompanied and enhanced the performance. an revealed some very fine The slow motion celebration at The workofC 'I' H .8 e p ay was e Prince deserves special coin- lent directorial skills as well us menda, ion: it was focused, timed acting craft. Some panicula I and extremely comical. The char- clever physical is an on of the text acrer of Amie Godmother, as was forIhcoming from Miehelle played by Rachel Boldery. was Anderson. The energy level was alsoiho"ghtfully considered. The high and well maintained.

The special chaneler or this rerv. ice was d, ,e. in part, 10 ringe of pieces, from tiledrune"Idcelebmtion or massed voice carols 10 sixteen, h century lyrical performances or Miehael Praetorius' "Ere Bloom a Rose ', from tile 819 Chorale's exams sive "Baby, What Yin, Coin' to Be"by Najalie Sleeth to 11re tradition"I 'The Holly and 111e Ivy" The service also had an AUS"al ian elemenL HeICn Christirison read Thomas Shapeott's poem, "The Chris"mus Flower". Camerata sang Australian Christmas Bell^' music by Colin Brumby and words again by Shapeoii. The nine lessons were read by mumbersoflhe schoolcommunity: tile nineipal. tire Chairman or tire Boaad of Tinglees, a parent. a sufi mumber, mm students. This representstion em hasised tire sense or family that char alertsts this service. Every Canalrel has its resident chaneler"xi, in many ways, he man who was both filled with and by lire spinlof tile cocosion lot, dly added his own pin'se.

^... , I I CLEANAWAY ^..., 11 in. c-.. b. ..,..~.. ".*. FOR Bring BANE . ^^ I a' by . e"". .".."",.,,. .-,". Un~" .^.",^

* ~" AC *. ^" * FREE CALL coo ". ," 2666066 .^.^ ^

M@"dy De V, lyo and Jin^^" Large pedo, in as canisre, s w, , personality for Grant, h house. iph0, o8r@ph. I'll Dakini

Page 8 GRAMMAR GAZETTE, Term a 1993

S-eh. 0,01^. -. News

Doing something different


Grammar girls work towards Biology Olympiad OvertheChrislmashnUdays, three Brisbane Girls' Grammar Schoolsludentsspe"I two w"e, ,s from 15 to 29 January in Can harmstudylngbinlogy. I, ilhthir teenotherstudentstt"niaUslat"s or Austinlia DenaDill, n. Amywomen. and Margaret Robin were tiree o111ve 51udenis chosen to represent Queensland in the 1994 Biology Olympiad Squad. The girls were seiecied aneriaking an Au, inliar wide examinaiion for binh school 51udeni*. \\'hile sinyinga, Can hem Uni versiiy. Dena. Amy. and Maruarei 51udiediertiarylevelbiology. filey aliended eleven 110urs of leeiures each day and were expecled 10 51udy CUIside of this lecture lime. This may sound miller "fuelling. burDena nitiniained. "Despiieilie long hours. I found the I"ruins Interesiing and Ihe people \v, re a 101 or fun. " Despite the 11igh 51.11daad or learning andilreiiinespentworking. Margaret Robin still believes 'tile had work was Nomiitin lire end. " On 14 Mareli. Dena. Amy. Marearei and the other 51udenis in tile Olympiad squad 1001, one final. very difficult e\aminaiion Froin the resul!q in this. four sin. dents will be relecied to repre sent Ausiraliaiii Bulgaria for 111e 19941"I'm ajinnal Biolo"y 01 yinpind Lagi year. AUSimlin finished Georgia Petrohilos


Ienging physically. One group worked to develop their skills in abseilin" and rock climbing. SIudents wereseen EUs rended over the Brisbane Grammar tennis courts. This group also experi e"ced Ihc challenge or the climbin" wall at Martsi Brothers Asli"rove. Students also provided enterjam merit for o1hers. A group or "Musi- * School oval and the Girls' Groinmar





. .





* t\ **


Sophie Brocklebank

.In oncen"relienrsedandgave I\lane. Louise Tin' I.


*,; " ' '~ ' - 11***.**,:\***,*

** **




,". "*.


I* *^

Combined 10 dev, 1, I ig . in a realistic and practical



Speech alld Drn d , rin is15 are always racerI with inc andRe\'enge". awork-ho .I -' h ' " ' 'ri''''on for ast"r}'. They








;lily bizarre Dinhis!I







', r ;; pieces innpplique. cross-5111. h. limes whenihe;eelh'

** , -*.{




.. *.





~ ~,.,.,

D. S. M. standsr"rDiscu, "rSomc lining 110reand thisiswhat!negrades elgh, and nine students and stair or innsh"n" Girls' Gramimnr School have donein then nanl week orsc1,001 for tile last 111ree years. in 1093 o11 Tuesday and wednes day 7"rid S December. Ihe usualcla

grind 10 get to know the SLudenis in " less formal way willI smaller numbers. " An o1her"dvaninge or 111is Dream salion is 111.1 111e 51udenis arc able to I^ochrelaiivelyindcpendenily. askin" Toriiclp wiltn needed. h is beneficial for reachers 10 realist now Iconiers belleni front Liking lime to develop ide"* and 5.1\e problems mr thenI Eelve*. inI*groupings, eniaincun

on" i'sks and nit cre"jinii or "real 'ry' " cou ware ed. neard. clarify 111" pros and cons or bel Calen. read. orjaken nom, ' y IC Pros an cons o ing a

second to ajin". Perhaps 111ispla* ing will be imprnLed UNn 111i, year. And Fernaps one or more Groinmar 51udenis will be Iherc

should beenc"umeedandprovided for withinihecnnline

GAZ E B O HOTEL BRISBANE ^.. ^I^. GranM, :tit SCHOOLS PrtCM GB $89.00 Per Room Per Alt^^'fit INCLUDES Two Full Buffet Breakfasts Two Return Coachtrans Airport Transfers AUSi'ajian Owned end Operated

tills. turn ,ciiviiv 15 proiiiuieJ and explained in D S. M. 93 I\\. eniv-one'cii\I^ lie< tvere one'ed Thcyraiigedironi 'Flu\, 10 11n*I a A1ur, CT Dinn, r Par!y". 111rnugli "mori 1.1r spun". Cre"!i\. COOK^ cry iruiii Earl nilU \VC*I". "Bin '11/1k Painiiiig" 10 "C"rutmn' Tire \!udeii!\ arc a\Ltd to \o1* Ibrilieiriiiqihre preference. Tli*y arc alloc"I'd a group bused 11.1 on I\ on line illdi cale, pref, runce*. bu! JIS. I, i!h Ih, aim or nii\ills up erodes *ishi and nine and keeping lite groups small willI low ICacli. r/ stud. n! ruling Indeed. one



















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stair ritember note d "11' s

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Page 9 GRAMMAR GAZEFrE. Term 3,993 .

S'(:^ hoo I' ^ N ews

E-teams return in 1994 The


andproducnve opportunity for students to panicipnie in work errsrience or a different kind. Alemhers ora" E-T"in

Kale Eltham


processes Involved un the receipt. sale and balancing orbus tickets. UsIntr the studen!s were asked to streamline Ihe merit. Ihe ETeam was able 10 suggesi viable solutinns currently beinnimple- menied by the Brisbane City Council. Mrs Chris Moore. E-Team co- animator at Camrior. said tile ETCru" wonld denni!ely conchire at Granriinm in 1991. Tire enthusiastic rumorl horn Year

The Brisbane Girls' Grammar E Team of 1993 reappeared for a brief

apply tile principle of TDIal Quality pinciples or Total Qualiiy Manage

reunion earlier Uiis vear when Ihey Alariagemeni 10 a real problem in a


Paul Bennett

attended the official launch of the E-


\Vilh an eye to Ih" future, Girls' Grammar Schoolhas inni"Iledlevel

earn progmm in Brisbane. experience and improving Ihe quailt The opening ceremony on Febru- of that bus:ness. ary 9 marked the Qincial beginning of TheE-TenriiofTenn4 oil:usI an ongoing prosmm that brings sec- Kale Eliham. Emma ROEs. Ajison Lii undary school 51uden!s and inc busi- Ile. fursiv Gill and Bona Woolcnck. ness cumniiiniiy logether. The mm or workcd in conju"ciion willI the Bris

The final stages of networking 5 cabling ithe higli"51 speed rating the classroomeomp"Iershave been to each computer. The advantage of crimpleled. The school now has two this is that thesehoolwi" be able 10 rooms o, 484 DX 33'5. one room or display video and high resolution 3860X's and one room or386SX's graphics"s wellasfulldigitolslereo linked to the main server. sound on ever y PC what are the advanlnges of net- Whatdoesall this mean luredu working the computers? People in cation in the 90's and beyond2000? the computing industry have for Students will be able to access full sometime known the advantages or multimedia capabilities. Imagine networking PCS ipersonal crimput- studying for a history exam on erslbut it has onlyin the last coupl" World warlland being able to see or years become practical in tile 11\e video "r the Battle or Brimin. school situation nearing Churchill'sspeechthro"gh Tl, e server computer has two the headphones and beinn able to one gigabyie hard drives whiel, Interact wiih any piece orinformn allot, Ihc scli"o110 store niluf 111eir lion individually. Tliis in""us 51u up PIicalions like wordperr"ct. dents call work at their own ace word. Excel. Page Amker. and eVPIore avenues tnnt interest FOILerpuint and ACL"ss mr \, in- incln willIOUl naving to be jin, iled dolls on one drive and the studenls to inc pace and interest or their can store 111"ir work on the other fellow students ri\'e. Students and 51nfT meinh"rs we arc looking alsome evilin 11n\ ellieir o1, in section in Ih, innin lintesi" education and Girls' Gram. crimput"r ,\hicli means Ih"y can marinasinv"sledl, ea, ilyinlheiecl, - relri"VC Ih. ir files frotii any cum- rinlogy to keep us alllie crest urine put"r in any classroom in the wave

1151w"ntshasensuiedtlL"intone"rig twill agementin the are r . y Cl an leir usjoiner operate in tire". garnin July and August industry in Qucensland

TITe launch or 111e E-Team pro groin. \I. hich is sponsored by Ihe Bhs brine Ci!yCouncil. was aliendcdbvili* Lord Mayor. Aidennan Jini SODrle\. 111e Direciur Geneml. Departnieni or Educaiion. Prol. Roger SCOii. proiiii neni m*in byrs urine bugiii*55 cuntniu nily. and Grilliiiiar's DLL n E-TCUni from 1993 SIudcn! particip;1111* or 111e pil, : program. BCiinda Pan*, IAIh"lit Creel Skii, His11 Srii. to I. "rid K"Ie Elilian, ironi Girls' Granini"r. addre*. ed inc audi*nc, ribn"1111, Irctirericiic, *illili* ,ingrain file E^Te"111 progmiii I* un in illa



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Ii\:, o1'1h*.\usImjinn Qiialii}. Council. L<:11 in I'ighi: 11',,,,,/\' 71, ni, It E-1, ,, 111 t',-"I'chi, ,, I . A E/ I is aini, ai providing " .hall. rising Un, 141, ,\ "11 Dr!^I'd" Pm'is in IP R


Grammar tries indoor hockey

B Grade softballers shine despite the rain

Hillinn. ,1150 played early in the season Barlow. An son \Vhghi. Sophi"Dauber David Agriew and Aslile^ Carey. hlelinda Slimh and past Eludeiii. Kim

Beth Agriew

1,111"Lesyuu wonder Milai. onom jilt people lead I\. lien their enjoyment comes ironi running up and down a

Seven! 11urtile* had to be over. \Lating rinL for forty iruiiule*. Indoor , rin or uny iruiiuie*. ridoor curve for the IC"niln hat'nie '01/1peii IOC ey. 111e suni, lier spun of lineke}. lire. F1altof Ihe leaniliad never layed eni u\i'sis. 15 illive and 111n\Ing a! heroie. \, Incliin:Ide 111" "nine* inter- Girls' Grami""I. " ' e, d tile .t'snii 1110nih\ h"lid*d ing"Ih, r to cni. r " I\ illi * ing"11, r to cni. r " alld 111c F1"VCr. ha\, probably I, "111 un jilt rin\hJn, Junkir indour gained ,realcr Iii",\*. hcii'r u h'^ H, "kcy, \*\uciniion conipei"!, n. A1'- ing \kill*. ,In jinpru\, d ribilii I ICrii, ,inrling 3,111e*. \\h, r, weinc, kc*p 111* b"11 un Ih, ground. "rid SIni* Higli. v. , \\cic placed in inc addc, 111u\tic, from glandin. our un er toriip*Ii!ion. ground to avoid be inn pii, hed till The Dolphin\. as I\, I\ err known. inc ball. collipri*d prim"Iil> or Gin\' Grim- The Iyle o1<0nie 111"I 111e Ie;1111 include "10k, 11" Inal*s. OPPn*1110n players' Pelhnpsilic enihu re Dnlplii"* were DC11i ,\ginew. sin

e IC * * lopped Ihe balling average* second \viih all avem, . 1.36 .

,, . , , ,..-.. ~.-,.

,^",^^-^ "'<, 1:14' 41^$*,'* %-- ., -- * * . -' '.~ ' "" I, * , , .,.~. . . ... - ,,* . . , *- -*' .'. 41 " I ""' ' I*^ I ' ~ . ., '. * I' :/ ^:, ! r**, * * I. I '- * *, . *. 11' *** ,,,.. .*** in***,- ! *- , ' . I '~

, ICJiii \uccc\*Iul. On it rin. nih. r \cli, ", I, 111.1. , I'm11 in 111, cumNli. ICn!its rcq"IN\ cullr. I, C :inU * rer\i\ICUi *finrii, d*\, I'D 11/11. , \1/1/'11iniiii"L.

Allna Humphreys

\\ illi1,11 it. 11n* 11"\, ,. initip"11n. 111 jilt B. ,.!. IBn *bJii* B. F1. cih. 111 111- Linttr. !it, 11 C, milt, 111iuii. 1111\ \I"Iri I. riniii"U1, I 11,111, .I \litc, *1111 ..,. Ir "


A\ ICJni\ IC. 1111 I, t c. 1.11"11\, ,tn

Gin\' 0,111im;Ir

in, I\ I" un \1,111\ " rid \\ ,rl. .I\ J null A Uni I_5 \Inticni*inni, J 111. I, ,r I, *in. ' h*., 111. \ I'\\ I ' ' . I - in* I. ,hri!. Ir} Iri"I\. 1111\ \\, in. I'm11 re- Jc*,. I"\I \ ,"r I\. , G, .!11 . ,. I \ \!V, n\C by IN, 11/11, * ,ind reliinii"" 1'1, \ ' FCJ. 11, J Ih. it r, \PC, 11\, Gr. I'd F1- ,r\ cr*. 11. '" I'Mii\ \\1111 J L'. 11/11. in. :11 rill 11.1\... litiniin, *I I, .Hid ;11, ,. 111. v ., I rin, 1111\lily PI. rich alit , ",, it ,LA'ri in 11thICr Ih Lii*," it. 14. ,!It. 11 it r~. T 111\ :... Ir. .,., 11,111Jr It. I\I *Ih. jilti\ 'Jl, UNjj. . . C ,, in, 1,111jpni1,111kii1:111' ,:", 11N* allV, ,r. 1111/11, **\\inn* "lid, 11L grunt LLC*1.1\ 111r jilt '11/1r* \,. 11 * * C* . I 11r I it '11/1r* },. 11. .11\,, to *\ rentilv, ;111 , \Cili" " \ ' . ~ '01/1", 1/1/'11 agriiii*I ,*!. full Litcd clui, WFP!n GrJiiiiiiJi' B"\1.1h"11.


. . ~., . -J~~~ The premiersh*; B grade team I'llh Ihe coaches , ~,


PageiO GRAMMAR GAZEFrE. Term 31993


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