Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2019

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Brisbane Girls Grammar School’s new Board of Trustees was appointed by the Queensland Minister for Education and Minister for Industrial Relations in February 2019.

Ms Julie McKay, Mr Andrew King, Ms Kerryn Newton, Dr James Nicklin, Professor Adam Shoemaker and Mr Tony Young were reappointed to the Board of Trustees; Ms Sophie Moore was newly appointed and Ms Diana Lohrisch returned to the Board of Trustees, having previously served from 2013 to 2016. Under the provisions of the Grammar Schools Act 2016 , the Board members will serve in their roles for a four-year term. Ms Julie McKay was elected Chair of the Board of Trustees, Ms Kerryn Newton is Deputy Chair and Ms Sophie Moore is Chair of the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee, while Mr Tony Young retains the role of Chair of the Capital Assets Committee. The School is confident that the strong governance and stewardship of the School will continue during the next four-year term, building on the significant work of the previous Board of Trustees.

MS JULIE McKAY (2000) BA, BBusMan, Fellow in Ethical Leadership, EMBA, MPP Chair of the Board of Trustees; Chair of the Development and Philanthropy Committee Trustee since 2017 Ms McKay is a Partner and Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer at PwC and serves as Gender Advisor to the Chief of the Australian Defence Force. Ms McKay was Executive Director of the Australian National Committee for UN Women for nearly a decade and was named Young Australian of the Year in 2013. MS KERRYN NEWTON LLM, MBA, MA, Grad Dip (Applied Finance and Investment), FAICD, FGIA, FIML Deputy Chair of the Board of Trustees Trustee since 2018 Ms Newton is currently Managing Director at Directors Australia, a national board consulting and non-executive director recruitment firm. Ms Newton has served on the boards of private, public and not-for-profit companies across aged care, education, childcare, energy, property and housing. She is currently a Non-executive Director of Energy Queensland Ltd.

MS SOPHIE MOORE (1991) BBus, CA, FFin Chair of the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee Trustee since 2019

Ms Moore is Chief Financial Officer and Executive Director at A. P. Eagers Limited. Ms Moore has previously held the positions of General Manager (Global Corporate Finance) at Flight Centre and Associate Director (Advisory/Transaction Services) at PwC.


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