Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2018
/ 07
Girls Grammar students with students from French Affiliate School, Lycée St Paul, Angoulême.
DIVERSE EXPERIENCES: OUR AFFILIATE SCHOOLS Putting language skills to work in the ‘real world’ makes the language a living, and not simply an academic, entity. This is why our involvement with international Affiliate Schools is so important. The complexity of people’s lived realities, their stories in their countries, schools and homes on the other side of the world, can ‘inspire reflection and action’, and ensure the academic pursuit of learning a language becomes a cyclical process of ‘learnings and social interventions’ that can benefit students as individuals and also influence their community (Suzuki & Mayorga, 2014, p. 19). The International Studies Faculty offers students in Years 10, 11 and 12 the opportunity to visit and study at one of our international Affiliate Schools, located across four countries. By interacting with similar-age native speakers in France, Germany, Japan and China, students enter the melting pot of language and cultural immersion in a realistic context, extending language learning beyond the borders of the School, and communicating in new and sophisticated ways. The inherent diversity of our languages program is enhanced when we welcome overseas students into our school community.
‘Hosting a French billet was one of the most enjoyable experiences I have had while at Girls Grammar. We had lots of fun going to the beach and showing her around the city. It was interesting to talk about the differences in our cultures and where we lived. We were constantly comparing our daily routines and school life.’ Tomris Ercan (11H) Overseas students visit Girls Grammar, and seek to align their linguistic and cultural knowledge of Australian English. These experiences are profoundly challenging, but benefit the determined learner incalculably. Recently, students from Girls Grammar hosted visiting students from our French Affiliate School, Lycée St Paul, Angoulême. Staff and students had a wonderful time learning about each other and another corner of the world.
REFERENCES Suzuki, D., Mayorga, E. (2014). Scholar-activism: A twice told tale. Multicultural Perspectives, 16( 1), 16–20.
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