Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2018
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AUTHOR Mrs Julie Caton (Cleghorn, 1981) OGA President
ROLL CALL EVENT Perhaps it was the euphoria of reaching the end of Term 1, the company of Grammar women or the delicious array of food and drinks that drew a group of 40 enthusiastic Grammar women and current mothers of Grammar girls to the OGA’s first event of the year, held on 27 March at Clovelly Estate. Vice-President, Grainia King (Schmelzer, 1981), said in her introduction, ‘the rolls have been marked and detention slips issued’, setting the tone for an enjoyable evening of engagement and connection with other past students. Guest speaker, Mrs Karalyn Shaw (Orr, 1992), mother of Scarlett Shaw (8L), is very accomplished in a multitude of fields. Her honest anecdotes about juggling motherhood and career had guests nodding in agreement at the common challenges that many of us navigate. Thank you to all who were able to attend the event, including the mothers of Year 12 students who will all too soon become Grammar women as they approach the end of their time at the School.
Mrs Larissa Paton (Bourne, 1990) Miss Ellena Papas (1991); Dr Penny McBride (Rothwell, 1990); Mrs Cara Phillips (Tretheway, 1989)
1981 Graduates and current mothers: Mrs Sue Boulton (Kaesehagen, 1981); Mrs Grainia Schmelzer (King, 1981); Mrs Robin Wenck (Hay, 1981); Mrs Shona Di Clemente (Freeman, 1981); Mrs Fiona Smaha (Johnston, 1981); Mrs Julie Caton (Cleghorn, 1981); Dr Sue Wilson (1981); Dr Kim Morgan-Short (Skuce, 1981); Ms Andrea Connolly (Peake, 1981)
From left to right: Vice President, Mrs Grainia Schmelzer (King, 1981); Secretary, Dr Sue Wilson (1981); President, Mrs Julie Caton (Cleghorn, 1981); Principal, Ms Jacinda Euler; Treasurer, Mrs Leigh Fielding (Gow, 1984); Dr Kim Morgan-Short (Skuce, 1981); Mrs Michelle Tully (Oswin, 1981) Seated: Mrs Sue Jordan (Squire, 1967) and Mrs Ann Caston (Pressland, 1958) Committee members not pictured: Mrs Dorothy Bourguignon (Scotney, 1956), Mrs Jenny Gray (Vallis, 1969) and Mrs Sylvia Pegg (Gaulton, 1965)
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