Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2013

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Friends of Girls Grammar Bursary for Outstanding Performance in the Arts


INITIATED BY THEN PRINCIPAL Dr Judith Hancock in 1993, the Friends of Girls Grammar committee was first headed by the late Lady Schubert with the intent of raising funds for the School. In 1994 Lady Schubert suggested the Friends could provide a scholarship to the value of between $500 and $700 to an outstanding arts student in Year 11 to give her the opportunity to attend an extension summer course of her choosing, related to her future study in the arts. The first recipient of the Friends Bursary for outstanding performance in theatre arts was Victoria Muller in 1995. Many Bursary recipients have gone on to study and to forge careers in the arts world, playing in symphony orchestras, working in theatre, and more. The 2009 winner of the Bursary was Amber Evans (alumna 2010), who has made her career in music as

a singer and composer. Amber, currently studying for a Bachelor of Music degree at the Queensland Conservatorium, performed at the February 2013 Brisbane Writers Festival event featuring acclaimed writer Margaret Atwood, singing pieces from her book The Year of the Flood. While the Friends group disbanded several years ago, the Bursary endures. In 2012 student Georgia Horsley received the award based on her application to spend time conferencing with Sydney-based singer, guitarist and songwriter Holly Throsby, the daughter of ABC radio broadcaster Margaret Throsby. Georgia has already written, recorded and performed a number of songs in the public sphere. Her initiative in contacting professional musician Holly Throsby with a clear plan to discuss and critique her lyric and music composition made Georgia a worthy recipient of the Friends Bursary.


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