Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2011



5 Year Reunion - Class of 2006 Date: Thursday 19 May ZOLL Venue: Brisbane Girls Grammar School Time: 6.00 pm - 8.00 pm Contact: Ms Mary Bishop Email: mbishop@bggs.q 10 Year Reunion * Class of 200L Date: Saturday 28 May TOIL Venue 1: Brisbane Girls Grammar School Time: 3.30 pm - 4.30pm Ven ue 2: Fox Hotel, Southbank Time: 6.00 pm Contact: Mrs Rachael Challen (Hamilton) Email: 40 Year Reunion - Class of L97I Date: Saturday 1 October 7OIL Venue: Brisbane Girls Grammar School Time: 2.30 pm Contact: Ms Trisha Webber Mrs Meryl Bridger (Burfein) Ms Megan Burfein Email: d mgbridger@b .a u dave. batt@b igpond . com 20 Year Reunion - Class of 1991 Date: Saturday 8 October 2011 Venue 1: Brisbane Girls Grammar School Time: 10.00 am - 12.00 pm Ven ue 2: Lunch Venue TBA Contact: Mrs Natalie Codling (Mayes) Mrs Dahna Howes Email: natalie.cod dah na@poweru

The Old Girls Associatioris gtft to the School to celebrate its I35th anniversary was a stunning stainless steel sculpture. Designed by Sydney based jeweller and sculptor, Robert Clerc, the sculpture has been installed on the poolLawn. The sculptu re was unveile d at a spectal function held in October Women of Grammar - Champagne on the Lawn.This event provided an opporfunity to recognise the contribution of the many women connected to the School who continue to invest so much of themselves for the welfare of Girls Grammar. It was a chance for old girls, mothers past and present, and friends of the School to come together linking the past, present and future of Girls Grammar.Inclement weather forced the function indoors to the Barbara Fielding Room, instead of the planned pool Iawn, however this did nothing to dampen the enthusiasm of those present. Our guests included Ms ElizabethJameson, Chair of the Board, Dr Amanda 8e11, Principal, Mrs Barbara Fielding, old girl and namesake of the venue, Robert Clerc, members of the Board and of the OGA, Ms Margaret Ridley, President of the P&E, staff and a broad range of old girls andwomen of GrammaL Robert Clerc spoke of the development of the design and the creation of the work approprtateLy entitled Refection.We thank Robert and the School for their respective contributions to the task of installation. 'The aesthetic of the swimming pool area is powerful and a wonderful compliment to Robert's sculpture'said Michele Clerc. We are hopeful that RefectionwllI give pleasure to many future generations of our Grammar Community" OId Girls Association Recollections Afternoon Tea Date: Saturday 13 August 2011 Venue: Bnsbane Girls Grammar School Time: 2.00 pm - 4.30 pm Contact: Mrs Christine Purvis, President OGA ( E) ch risti ne. pu Saturday B October 2OLI Venue: Brisbane Girls Grammar School Pool Lawn Trme: 2.30 pm Contact: M rs Ch ristine Pu rvis Email: OGA Women of Grarnrnar Date: MRS CHRISTINE PURVIS (STEINDL) President

lf you are planning a reunion and would like some assistance please contact Ms M ary Bishop, Communications and Community Relations M anager (T) 61 7 3332 I44B ( E)reu n ions@bggs.q ld .ed u.a u ALUMNI E.NEWSLETTER The Alu m n i News is d istributed q ua rterly to past students of the School and provides the latest Gram mar news and information. lf yo u are not receiving the e-newsletter a nd would like to please email your details to alumni@bggs.qld or register on our secure Alumni Online page on the School's website at www.bggs qld

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