Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2011


OUT ACCOUNTING IN HIGH SCHOOLS Over one-hundred Gram mar girls have successf ul participated in QUT's Accounting in High Schools pragram since lts inceptron in 2001. The pragram provides the opportunrty for students to start their business degree while still in Year 72. Head of Accou nting at B risba ne G irls G ra m mar, M rs Ph illipa Greig said the program had helped many students gain a deeper u ndersta nd ing of the su bject a nd the profession. "Students study a first year accounting subject which is a core unit in the Bachelor of Business course if they pass they not on ly ga in cred it towa rds a u n iversity degree but a n add itiona I "rank point"when their OP is considered and the completion of the QUT course is acknowledged on their Qld Certificate of Ed ucation, " M rs G reig sa id. KPMG private enterprise assistant manager, An na Castrissios was in the program's first class of 2OO1 as a Year 12 student at B risba ne G irls G rammar. 'Studyi ng a u n iversity accou nta ncy su bject wh ilst in h igh school strengthened my intention to pursue an accounting career, " said Ms Castrissios, who went on to graduate from QUT with a Bachelor of B usiness (Accou nting).

Brisbane Girls Gram mar Year 12 student Elizabeth Colbran, who received the top mark in the first semester subject in 2010, participated because she has her sights set on completing a d ua I degree in com merce a nd law, The program is styled so that the students can complete their Year 12 school work and QUT work at the same time without having to go to every lecture. Students do attend some lectures and this gives them a feel for university life.

Source: Early start to accounts for smooth high school to uni transition, QUT media release 17 Sept. 2010.


the donor is recognised and the item is catalogued for access and use. The book, a bout the h istory of physica I activity at th is School a nd to be la u nched on 1 October, was a product of the 2010 Staff Fellowship. lt will contain many a rch iva I images, som e rarely seen by eyes other tha n those of the donor or the archivist, One of the appendices is the resu lts h istory of every G ra m mar sport with each yea r's ca pta in or ca pta ins a nd co-ordinators listed, Many past students' persona I experiences have been sha red and detailed in the chapters which have en ha nced the book's potentia I to be a valued and valuable resource for the School, Presales are extended to the Grarnrnar cornmunity via the order form enclosed with this Gazette, or visit the School's website www, bggs,q ld.ed u.a u or telephone 61 7 3332 1300, PAULINE HARVEY.SHORT Assistant Dean and 2010 StaffFellow

The young women are, from the left, Joan Crosier, Dulcie Levy and Gladys Gray. Gladys Gray was the Sports Brooch holder in 1935 and the inaugural winner of the Trustees Cup, an elite athlete. Dulcie Levy, a Year 11 student, in the sack, has no dou bt enjoyed the novelty sack race a nd sta nds proud ly beside the School's most talented athlete, Joan Crosier, also a Year 1 1 student, holds a tu n nel ba ll in an elegant pose of competence, self- assu ra nce a nd good h u mou r. There is an air of joie de vivre in this photograph but, more than this, the continuum of physical activity is displayed from the basic practitioner to the elite athlete, all experiencing the delight of competition and physical activity and happy to be together. The School archive always receives, with gratitude, such special gifts into our collection. What might, on the surface, a p pea r as an u n im porta nt image or epheme ra in you r gra nd mother's collection, could be a gem for our history. These gifts, if on ly loa ned, a re sca n ned or photographed and then returned to the owner. lf the item is gifted to the School,

During the intensive research undertaken for my book To become fine sportswomen - A history of Health, Physrcal Education and Sport at Brrsbane Girls Grammar School 1875 - 2010, I discovered a tiny photograph of three G rammar girls. Once scanned and enlarged, it became obvious what a treasure had been uncovered. The photograph lpictured above] was taken on the Brisbane Gram mar School's Norma n by Ova I in 1935 at the lnterform Sports Day.These young women epitomise the G rammar Physical Education and spectrum of sport within the School,

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