A history of stained glass art at Brisbane Girls Grammar Sch
In some ways it is surprising that an art form with a long history and tradition has been created for
the School in a contemporary era. Even in the short contemporary history of the windows here at
Brisbane Girls Grammar School, a mere ten years from the late 1980s into the 19902, there has been
an evolution from traditional design to an explosion of colour, design and ideas in the final windows,
particularly those that frame the entry foyer to the former Kathleen Lilley Building.
Principal Dr Judith Hancock was not only invested in the School’s reputation for academic rigour and
scholarship but was intent on creating a environment for students and staff to appreciate the
The beginning of a series of stained-glass windows incorporated into Brisbane Girls Grammar School
began in 1988 with a window featuring the school badge above the front door of the Main Building,
gifted by the 1988 Year 12 cohort.
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