July 1963 School Magazine


Brisbane GirlS: Grammar School Magazine

July, 1963

Advice To Parents-

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The occupation and future security of your daughter is a matter of great concern. Most parents desire their daughters to be happily and gainfully occupied after leaving school. The big question is-in what capacity ? Some girls have very definite ideas about what they want to do, but more often, they are undecided. When considering the problem, one of the most im- portant aspects is SECURITY. Nothing offers greater security, for all time, than a sound SECRETARIAL TRAINING. But, before undertaking such a training, a good general education, at least to Academic Junior Standard, is absolutely essential. Because of the increased number of teenage girls available, competition is keen, and naturally the fully trained, well educated girls obtain the best positions. STOTT'S Secretarial Course is planned to enable young wo~en of good education to qualify for the most desirable positions in the business and professional fields. For particulars telephone 31 7627 or call STOTT'S BUSINESS COLLEGE 290 ADELAIDE STREET,


The cry of the hunt echoes across the world, a world of unhearing ears and complacent hearts. It is not the hunting of beasts for sport or recreation, but the pitting of man against man, and dog against child, to drive the coloured races into subjection and subservience. What right have we, the Great White Race, to pass judgement on man of a different skin pigment, to hunt him down with hatred and cruelty, to declare that his child may not go to school with ours, and to relegate him to an abject position, lower than that of a cur ? We are a race with a future - a more wonderful future than man ever dreamed of - and we have the knowledge to ensure it, but what is the use of " knowledge, science, literature and learning if we do not have tolerance ? Our only hope of eventual survival is to put down our guns and weapons, to join hands across the gap which is widening sicken- ingly, and seemingly inevitably, and to march to- gether, all races, to that great universal freedom which could be ours if we but cared to grasp it.

- C.K.


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