1971 School Magazine
ARightDecision When you leave school what are you going to do? Get a job? Enter Teachers' College or University? Go to Tech.? No matter what path you choose you will be called upon to assume new responsibilities and make decisions, The right decision now is to open a Commonwealth Savings Bank account, if you have not already done so. This account will be most valuable to you when you enter your chosen field and even more valuable should you later wish to start a business or acquire a home. For further information contact the nearest office of- GO MM O ffiAEA ffH SAVI T E 8 BAIT K Auslralia's Eiggest Sarings ganft
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11"_?_a :." ;f;ri:,x',1';iil,':",x'.;'"?gitruliiu n*i; 'Chorge it, pleose'. She buys oll her new seoson geor ot one time. Poys with one cheque ot the end oithe month, or uses D.J's extended pcyment pto,., She g"ts odvonce informotion.ond specioi offer's too. Tolk to our Credit people ond shop eosy with o b.J,, cccount. of Brisbone,s. brightest young secretories.
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