1971 School Magazine
DELETIAN FR.AMROI.L 15. Members whose subscriptions are unpaid at tlrc end of the financial year shall be notified of the fact by the Treasurer. Those members who have paid no subscription for two consecutive years ihall have their names deleted from the ro11. dny member whose name has been so deleted may rejoin the Association on the payment of the sum of two dollars ($2.001 in addition to her annual subscription. A member wishing to resign from the Association shall give notice in writing to the Secretary, and such member may rejoin the Association at a later date without penalty provided her subscription has been paid to the date ofher resignation. BRANCH CLUBS 16. Branch Clubs may be formed for mutual improvement and amusement or for the benefit of-the Association and in the interest of the School. Each club shall have a sub-committee to be elected annually. It shall lodge with the Association Committee a copy of its rules and procedure, and appoint a representative to attend Committee meetings without power to vote. AMENDMENT OFRULES 17. No alteration or arnendment shall be made to these rules except by a vote of two-third of the members present at a General or Special Meeting called for the purpose. The notice convening the meeting must embody the proposed amendment. DISSOLWION 18. The Association shall be dissolved in the event of the membership being less than three (3) or upon the vote of a three-fourths majority of the members present at a Special General Meeting convened to consider such question. Upon dissolution, assets and funds on hand shall, after payment of all expenses and liabilities, be handed over the Trustees of the Brisbane Girls' Grammar School. In conclusion, the Old Girls' Association wishes to thank Miss Shaw, Trustees, Members of the staff, Miss Whittaker, Parents and Friends' Association, for their help and co-operation during the year.
SUESARXPTION 5. The Anrural subscription shall be two dollars ($Z.OO; due in February each year. This does not include an optional magaztne fee which may vary from year to year. ANNUALMEETING 6. The annual meeting shall be held. not later than 28th February, when the Annual Report and Financial Accounts shall be presented. ASSOCIATION MEETINGS 7. Meetings of the Association shall be held at the discretion of the Committee or within one (i) month after a request of at least ten (10) members of the Association. g-8u .oRUM At any General Meeting a quorum shall be twenty (20) members personally present. At Committee meetings six (6) members shall form a quorum. NOTICE OFMEENNGS 9. In order that a General or Special Meeting may be properly convened, the Secretary shall give to all members at least fourteen (14) days' clear notice of the intention to convene a meeting. FINANCIAL YEAR 10. The financial year shall commence on lst January and conclude on 31st December each year. FUNDS 11. The funds of the Association shall be banked in the name of The Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Old Girls' Association, with any two of the President, Secretary and Treasurer authorised to operate thereon. ACCOUNTS 12. Accounts shall be presented ancl passed for payment at Committee meetings. AUDIT 13. The auditor shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. All accounts, vouchers, receipts, books of account, etc., shall be examined and a report thereon furnished at the Annual Meeting. Audits shall be conducted at regular intervali of not more than twelve (12) months. UFE MEMBERSHIP 14. It shall be open to any financial member to become a Life Member on payment of a lump sum of forty dollars ($40) which sball not include the magazine fee.
Barbara Lansbury, Hon. Secretary
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