1971 School Magazine

OtJ G,r{" *4"sociqtism JTorcu

The Old Girls' Association was founded in 1g99. Annual s]rbsc-ription is $2.00, due in February each year; Life Membership $40. The magazine 'fee is optional and may varyTrom year to yeai. Badges cost 75 cents. The 72nd Annual Meeting was held on 22nd !'eb1ugy-, 1971, but as there-was not a quorum, a Special General Meeting was called for 23id March, 1971, tn conjunction with the Welcome to New Members. The following office bearers were elected.: President: Mrs. K. Schwar.ten Senior Vice President: Mrs. T. Vallis Immediate Past President: Mrs. T. Fancutt Junior Vice President: Miss B. Webber Secretary: Miss B. Lansbury Assistant Secretary: Miss R. Henzell Treasurer: Miss J. Richards Assistant Treasurer: Mrs. K. McKellar Committee: Miss K. Byth, Miss B. Turner. Miss J. Manning, Miss A. Moores, Miss J. Vallis, Miss B. Harris The Constitution was amended to read: Rule 5: The annual subscription shall be two dollars ($2.00) due in Fibruary each year. This does not include an optional malazine fee which may vary from year to year.- Rule 14:It shall be open to any financial member to become a Life Member on payment of a lump sum of forty dollars ($+0.00) wfricfr shall not include the magazine fee. Rule 8: At any General Meeting a quorum shall be twenty, (20) members personallv present. At Committee meetings six 1e; mimbers shall form a quorum. Honorary Life Membership Miss M. Elliott: ln recognition of her long association with the Old Girls, Miss Elliott was honoured by being made an Honorary Life Member of the Association. " ACTIVITIES Farewell Dinner to Mrs. McDonald: It was very pleasingao see- so many Old Girls come along to wish Mrs. McDonald well in her retirement at a diriner held at Tower Mill Motel on 30th November, 1970. On behalf of the Association, the president, Mrs. Fancutt, presented an upholstered recliner-iocker- chair to Mrs. McDonald. _

llelcome to New Members: The president, Mrs. K. Schwarten, was hostess at the Wefcome to l{ew Members at the ZebraMotel on Zgrd.Marii, tg7 t. - ^I. !op. to see all this year's school leavers at the 1972 Welcome as New Members of the Association. Display of Indian Handmade Lace: Mrs. T. Vallis very generously lent her home for an afternoon tea and display of Indian homemade lace on 22ndMay. This was a most enjoyable afternoon ,itf, td. e.xquisite lace and homemade afternoon tea. We thank Mrs. Vallis for allowing us to use t u t o*r. B!.1: .This. yea{! -Grammar Champagne Ball, combined with the Old tsoy^s, Association, #as a great success. The new venue, 29 Muvay Street, Wi6ton, proved to be a popular choice with the :OO wtro attended. Our thanks to the Ball Committee who worked,so lard to make sure it would be an enjoyible evening for everyone. A-afy-Moryting: On.2€th July a ..Craft Morning" was held in the School Gymnasium. Bark pictures oiy Agnes,..Wale, Po_ttery - by Diana Cooke, Copper enamelling by Gwenda Ayre and a Arpt"y ^oi embroidery by the Embroiderer's Guild provided a most interesting morning for those who attinded. It was unfortunate that there were not more Old Girls and their friends to enjoy it. ^ School Day: School Day was held on llth September. This year the Cbmmittee conducted a fruit salad and ice cream stall, drinks and a nlglry-go-round and a bring and buy stall. These were all financially very^successful and we wish to sincerely thank those Old Girls who contributed to the Brin"g a.nd puy stall either in cash, in goods or b5l helping of; the day. This was a trial ventuie for School liay-and 1119 llqt p-roved eminently successful, enabling more Old Girls than usual to pariicipate. Dr. Marianne Ganderton paid a flyine visit to the School recently. -Bet_te1 knowi as Tony dtesinler, she was a pupil at the School from l94j to 1945 when she left for Perth. After graduatins at Adelaide University she went to England'and *i.?irA. ft ".. ,t, has been specialising in illergies and w"i inuited to come out here to speak at the Australian Medical Congress held in Brisbane in August. The Old Girls' Association congratulates her on this distinction. 9Jr"V-. Jury, who is teaching English in Greece, and has been painting all the tiite, r:ecently ,t orrd her water colours of Greek life and landscape in an exhibition in Athens.

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