1971 School Magazine
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History Conference at Bowral, N.S'W', while Inta Gertners attended the U.N.O.'s Hammerskjold Con- ference in Sydney. Other Seniors headed for Frazer Island for wtrat proved to be a very memorable Biology and GeographY studY camP. Second term, always the busiest in the school year, found us burdened with dress rehearsals for the two School Concerts, and practices for the Inter-house singing, as well as for-Inter-house and Inter-school sporting fixtures. June was the month of congratulations. Sandra Hogan won the Junior Section of the Dickens Reading Competition. We were glven an address by Mrs. M6ore (Guide Commissioner for Queenslarl9) at one morning .Assembly, when she presented Helen Gehrmann with a prize for her Pledge of Loyalty to- the Queen. Perhapi the rnost important Assembly of the year was the one at which Mr. Fletcher (the Miniiter for Education) presented Amanda Greaves with the Byrnes Medal for gaining the highest Junior passes in Queensland, and Mrs. French and Miss ^French (the mother and sister of Corporal Jack French V.C.) piesented Elizabeth Woods with the prize in his memory for Beth's top English mark in the Junior' There were others too, who won distinctions in the course of the year. Celia Fearnley was highly commended for 'her entry "Fraser Island" in the Geography Teachers' Association Contest. Alison loiitieA-for lst prize in the Goethe Society Verse Speaking Competition. In the Science Teachers' ,Aisociat]on Contest, B.G-G.S. shone this year with Christine Grigg gaining a second prize for "Separation and Indentification in Purification of Amino ,Acids in Fruit and Vegetable Juice", Idarelle Selvage and Lynn Phillips a first prize for "The D.evelopment of Chickens and the effect of Hormones", and Jo-Anne
197 1 has been a typical Grammar year filled with work and extra curricular activities, all of which have made it rewarding and satisfYing. In January we welcomed back Miss Neil, who rejoined the staff after two y9ar9 ab191d, 11d welcomed new members of staff Miss Blake, Mr' Brazier (for Term I), Mrs. Dowd, Mrs. Fairlie, Mrs. Hays, Mis. Oliver, Mrs. Saunders, Mrs. Tankey, Mrs. Twiss, and our new laboratory assistant, Miss Wendy Crawford. At end of Term I we said good-bye to Miss Dobbinson and Mrs. Hill and at the end of Term II to Mrs. Timmins. Miss Deane, and Mr. Branch (the Co-ordination of Audio-Visual Aids) joined us in Term II, and Mrs. Wilson in Term III. From America, we have been joined by Field Scholars, Jan Macejkovic, who we hope has enjoyed her year rvith us, and Gayle Meredith who came to school here for her Summer holidays! In March we received Road Safety Lectures and the Seniors especially were given helpful information about driving and traffic laws. April was a month of excursions with all sections of the school taking part in Geography and Science field trips to the Brisbane Valley, Mt. Glorious and Mt. Tamborine. These and later excursions were both profitable and enjoyabie, and we extend our thanks io all those staff who made such outings possible. April was also the beginning of our INSPECT (lnouirv into the State of Pollution and Environ- metital'Conservation by Thoughtful people) pro- sramme. Our two student representatives were baroline Richards and Christine Farnell, who worked in close co-operation with Mrs' Middleton' ln Mav holidavs Megan Eurfein',Margaret McVie, Caroline'Richardi and Gavle Smith took part in a
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