1971 School Magazine

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,SuonJ*rr' 'f,*rc' 1971 has seen the achievement of the formation of a boarders' house-something we have been striving for a long time. After only one meeting, the house activities ire in full swing and it is pleasing to see the boarders at last united in name as well as in spirit. Our social activities thls year have been many and varied. We enjoyed a dance with C.E.G.S., for which we raised funds by an enthusiastic car wash, and attended another at B.G.S. Tennis parties (for the sixth formers) were held with De La Salle College and B.G.S., and we also furthered our acquaintance with the boarders of St. Margaret's by inviting them over for a Saturday barbecue and games. Within the boarding-school we followed the tradition of holding a New Girls' Concert at the beginning of the year which proved very ent_ertaining wiltr some extremely original efforts from all concerned. The town of Dingo was well represented in this year's Miss Boarding House Quest with Ann Acton crowned Queen and her sister Jayne Princess. Besides these major events, we also had many barbecues at which each form had a chance to show their culinary talents. Our social Life is not yet over, however, as Mrs. Needham has volunteered to take some of the boarders to Binnaburra in the near future, to say nothing of unforseeable events. Away from social life-to that of material benefits! We are deeply grateful to the Parents and Friends Association for their generosity in supplying us with seventy-seven "Brown-built" lockers which give us the advantage of spaciousness combined with compact storage. Our thanks are due to many people-especially our boarding mistress, Miss Whittaker, for her generosity and endurance in coping with our many problems through the year, and to Miss Cousin who took charge during Miss Whittakers absence and to Mrs. McDonald who came in during Miss Cousin's free week-ends. To all other mistresses who help keep the Boarding School running smoothly we extend our gratitude. And last, but not least, thanks to the girls for their co-operation. We, the Sixth Form, hope that all following years prove to be as rewarding and successful as l97l has been.

This year has, once more, been a successful one for the Drama Club. Many new members have joined and the new ideas for skits and poetry reading will help to make the meetings even more interestlng in the future. The two main highlights of the year were "1890's Night" and the combined B.G.S. and B.G.G.S. drama clubs' play. At "1890's Night" in June the club put on two items, both of which were very popular. "Make your Play", a typical Americatr Western, provided a lot of fun for the audience and the actresses. Several members also recited an American baseball peom, "Casey at the Bat", which proved good entertainment for the audience. In September, the combined play "Thieves' Carnival" was a great success. Inta Gertners, the disillusioned Lady Hurf, and Carolynne Burton and Peta Siaughter, her two nieces, gave excellent performances. We would like to thank all those members who acted and helped behind the scenes in the plays; and we would also like to thank Mrs. Knight and Mrs. Kings for their help and encouragement, and Inta Geriners, our president, who led the Drama Club through another interesting and fruitful year. Conntrinel B"G"S.& E.g-G.'9. Pt"a "The Thieves Carnival" by Jean Anouith, a French play translated into English (of course) was this year's iombined play and was certainly no easy- task' especially in capturing the necessary French flavour. The play was presented on 23rd, 24th and 25Ih September. The representatives from our school displaying their acting talent were Carolynqe Burton, Inta Gerlners, Peta Slaughter, Geraldine Little and Vicki Cossins. Apart from the actors and actresses, many were involved in back stage work, lighting, prompting, props, costuming and scenery-Kirsti Rudd, Helen Hambling, Christine Parnell, Janet Logan, Margaret Lamont, Dianne Nicholson and Susan Thompson. It is not hard to visualize, however, that such tasks are not without enjoyment. We are all extremely grateful to our patient producer, Mr. Cannon, for his expert guidan_ce- Also we thank Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. Howell for their co-operation and splendid work in costuming. Sue Gynther, Secretary

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